New Brain scans shed light on social comformity

CNN NEWS -"Why we go with the flow"
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A new study in the journal Neuron shows when people hold an opinion differing from others in a group, their brains produce an error signal. A zone of the brain popularly called the "oops area" becomes extra active, while the "reward area" slows down, making us think we are too different.
Participants looked at projections of three-dimensional objects, and had to identify which shapes were similar. As with the new study in Neuron, participants tended to shift their opinion to the majority view, although in this case the problems had objectively correct answers. The effect was also more potent in this experiment because actors were in the room to simulate a group with a shared opinion, he said.
But brain images revealed participants were not lying just to fit in. Changes in the activation of the visual part of the brain suggest the group opinion actually changed participants' perceptions of what they saw.
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That's wicked cool! (Hah! I said "wicked cool." I pulled my vocabulary out of a time vault.)
This sheds light on something my speech professor said: "Don't worry about those with whom you disagree. It's the ones with whom you agree that are dangerous." Her point being, when you agree with someone, you are less likely to be critical of other things they say. Now we know why, and it's not simply a matter of trust.
"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers
Nigel your comment reminds me of a quote from the scandel plagued Harding administration.
"I know what my enamies are about, it's my damn friends that are makeing me walk the halls at night." Warren G. Harding. Several of his aides went to prison (teaPot dome) at least two committed suicide. Harding avoided prosicution by haveing a heart attack and dieing.
I have noticed myself going with the flow on small things, ---apple pie is better then pumpkin--- but I am not afraid to go one against majority on major items --gay rights--god--guilt/innocence--. I'm larger then most people and I own an operatic baritone voice; that is my advantage; I'd like to think I would act the same if I were short-skinny with a squeeky voice; but I AM JUST NOT SURE!!!!
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
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