C B to the P

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C B to the P

Canadians Back to the Polls.

It's that time again.  Seems like it could be that time of the month, but Canadian elections aren't that frequent are they?

In a little over a month Canadians will be back at the polls and a new House will be elected.  New might not be the right word though, for we're bound to see the many of the same politicians in the exact same seats.  Does anyone think we'll have a different Prime Minister?  What notable changes might a Canadian notice?  A Green candidate elected?  A few of 'em?  A majority Tory House?  A Liberal minority (not likely in our wildest dreams this time 'round)?  The Bloc as opposition?

What do Canadians and interested foreigners think of this Canadian election?

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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     I've mentioned the Steve  vs. Steph rivalry recently in these threads, no one seemed to notice or didn't care.  It's about like sunbathing completely nude on your front lawn and all the neighbors complain about is the number of weeds you have.

     I' m voting  Conservetive again and hopeing Steve gets a majority. Jack and Gilles will be sucking votes from Steph, that means good riddence to the Liberals.

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I can't stand the

I can't stand the Conservatives, and will never vote for them. Even if the Liberals have nothing better to offer. The Conservatives seek to have Canada become a State. They seek to sell out our resources and join in wars we have no business in joining. To lower our taxes, and in order to pay for it, close hospitals and schools. To criminalize marijuana and legalize gun ownership. The only thing they are remotely competent at is a budget and forwarding a theist centred nation.


It's really too bad that Dion appears to be no more competent than Harper, and that there is no credible alternative. I'll not be voting this time around.

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Terrible option Vastet, but

Terrible option Vastet, but nevertheless yours.

I for one am voting Green.  In the absence of a real alternative to the two big Parties, I intend to help elect a candidate from an up and coming party in order to shake things up in the House.

It is unfortunate that Dion is a pussy and Harper is Tory.  I would consider voting Liberal for a competent leader, but I pay to be a Green member and there's not comptetent Liberal leader.

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."