Judge says UC can deny religious course credit

A federal judge says the University of California can deny course credit to applicants from Christian high schools whose textbooks declare the Bible infallible and reject evolution.
Rejecting claims of religious discrimination and stifling of free expression, U.S. District Judge James Otero of Los Angeles said UC's review committees cited legitimate reasons for rejecting the texts - not because they contained religious viewpoints, but because they omitted important topics in science and history and failed to teach critical thinking.
this sounds like good news to me. I for one don't want to run the risk of getting a doctor who fails to understand the concepts behind evolution because he/she was taught creationism instead of established fact. Nor do I want to end up in a building designed by an engineer that doesn't comprehend physics because he/she was taught bible based "science" instead of the real thing.
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Finally a story about a judge with a clue.
Definetly did not see this coming
if you read the whole article, you'll notice the religionists are trying to have the ruling overturned. Personally, I find the claim of stifling free expression more than a bit disingenuous since it's in reference to teaching only one point of view in preference to others.
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There are bound to be the people that will want their religious upbringing, lifestyle, background to be the dominating force in every corner of their little life. It does sound to good to be true, to hear of a judge that will take reason over religion.
I think we should enjoy this while we can.
Interesting. As I am such a high school graduate, I find it a little concerning that many would be denied university access for the actions of their parents. I'm sure many didn't choose to be taught purely creationism. I didn't, but since I never knew anything else I ate it up.
I also saw this link posted in Facebook christian school group I'm in. The poster was also glad the next generation of christian school victims might not get as brainwashed.
I can just imagine the stories in christian schools.." These evilutionists are trying to push their false science on us! Persecution complex, on!"
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
No one is blaming it on the actions of parents, though it could be indirectly linked.
Colleges and universities have enough trouble with public school system graduates needing remedial math and English classes just to get them up to speed to be able to take college courses. I think they are perfectly in their rights to disqualify those poorly educated in science, or make them pay for remedial classes to go along with math and English.
Child should sue the parents for child abuse, would love to see someone to bring it not just in education but over religion in general
that's precisely the problem. It isn't a lack of respect for particular viewpoints that made the judge decide what he decided; it's the simple fact universities have to teach certain concepts for the students to have a grounding in their future professions.
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But they shouldn't have to, which is my point.
Any school or school system that consistently cranks out "gradates" from the 12th grade that immediately have to be placed in remedial courses just to keep up in college needs to have its doors chained shut, its teachers slapped, and its board fired.
They do need to crack down on these private schools. Religion should not be an exception - do you think they should be allowed to teach that 2 + 2 = 5 or that the world is flat? Should an Islamic private school be able to teach that Israel doesn't exist? Should a Scientologist one be able to teach that Psychiatry is a fraud? This is more proof that religion is a cancer on society.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Not an American but fundamentally that ruling is saying 'religious teaching in science is fundamentally inferior to doing proper rational science.
While that is obviously true isnt that basically an all our declaration of war on religion which is far less subtle than the creationist crap you normally hear.
Hope it doesnt get overturned but there sounds like there will be a lot of blood on the courts over that
I'm not unsympathetic to the inherent unfairness to kids who had no choice but to receive religious indoctrination and be taught non-scientific versions of reality. Unfortunately, the goal of the university system is not to be fair to absolutely everyone. The goal is to teach real science to people who are qualified to learn it. If (FSM help us) this ruling stands, it will hopefully be a precedent for many similar rulings. There needs to be a clear delineation between religious teaching and science, and if it takes kids from religious schools being rejected for that to happen, then I'm afraid the greater good will be served by rejecting unfit applicants.
By the way, to those who are worried about getting rejected from universities because of religious schooling, that's what junior colleges are for. You can take two years and get the background you need to get accepted in a four year school. Send the bill to your pastor.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
There have been some great ideas here, sue their parents, send the bill to the pastor, but what about just give in and go to BYU. There are plenty of private colleges available to serve the needs of these people. These students don't need to waste any more time and money trying to change the curriculum to suit their taste.
ummm... Liberty University and Regent's University mean anything to you? Those are two of the religionist universities who have had law graduates working in 'berto Gonzo's Justice compartment during the lawyer firing debacle.
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Nope, not a thing !! So we all have to bend over and kiss their ass. What just happened to my post ?? Yikes it's the FSM, help !!
simply put, having no standards for education and allowing unfounded beliefs to be taught instead of solid theories affects us all. those two religious universities, and BYU send people out with degrees who have no knowledge of what they're supposed to know. high schools and community colleges and universities all have an obligation to teach what is proven so that people don't get killed by quack doctors or structurally unsound bridge collapses, or become incarcerated because of incompetent lawyers with an agenda other than upholding the law.
His Honor, Mr. Otero realized that, and so he made the decision to not allow religious based studies be accepted by UC instead of solid scientific principles.
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Fundie announcement:
Attention all supernaturalists!
Due to the latest ruling in favor of the University of California
we are raising the Godland Security Advisory System from its
usual position of orange up to RED. We realize this is only one
step up but who really pays attention to all those other colors
below orange anyway.
RED is our highest alert as it symbolizes not only
Satan and his evil minions, the Atheists; but also be advised
the risk of rational attacks are real, imminent and severe.
Duct tape and plastic jesus people, c'mon, lets get with it!
Oh, and, remember...
the christ you save may be your own.