Your senses lie to you everyday, you are rabid fundamentalists [YOU RESPOND]

From: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2008 2:54 AM
Subject: [General Question] Your senses lie to you every day
Reg Moore sent a message using the contact form at
This is a general comment:
You don't know if there is a Mind that brings the universe into existence
all the time or not. You have no idea. It sure as hell doesn't want to talk
to you. You aren't likely to prove anything one way or the other without
there being a point in the future that someone discovers that what you
discovered is not actually a discovery but instead another erroneously
interpreted observation that ended up producing another illusion that
humanity would eventually overcome.
People thought the earth was flat, that the universe was held together by
gravity alone, that Venus was around the same temp as earth, that Jupiter
and Saturn gave off no light of their own. In 1892 at the Chicago worlds
fair scientists announced that they had come to the end of their search for
knowledge then bang Madame Curie and others found radiation. Just for a
second pull your head out of your bum. That isn't where it belongs. You are
in the same boat as the flat earthers.
Now you have your own religion, it is as fundamentalist as any other
fundamentalist religion, just as prejudiced toward the truth, whatever it
may be and you are as stuck as all the others. Bokonon in Vonnegutts "Cats
Cradle" "Fish gotta sleep, Bird gotta land, man gotta tell himself that he
understand" Thats what you folks are up to. Thats all you are up for. If
you couldn't somehow tell yourself that you understand then you would have
a bunch of big questions that would tear you apart like the savage white
sharks that big questions are.
Smarten up kids. Your world is about to change dramatically in ways you
cannot imagine. Your teachers have lied to you. You can't think your way
out of a paper bag. Begin to think, not something everyone else already
thinks, but on your own. Question everything, go to the bottom of the
rabbit hole and don't come back up until you can say "i'm not sure this is
the answer but it might be and i need to think it over with the rest of you
who are actually thinking and not quoting Richard Dawkins or some other
papered expert.
Don't get me wrong. I admire you for taking the natural step of moving
away from fundamentalist religion but what did you do? You went all the way
the other direction. Now you are a rabid fundamentalist atheist though you
have no proof of anything. [HEY FOLKS, CHECK OUT HOW HIS SENSES LIED TO HIM!]
Now let the pendulum that you are swing to the moderate, questioning state and join the exploratory conversation. Okay?
Ahhhh doesn't that feel better? Now you are turning and burning.
Highest regards from your best friend,
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
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This is just laughably ridiculuous if it weren't for the fact that this person actually believes their own nonsensical anti-intellectual ponderings on the clearly misguided impression of the beliefs and worldviews of the people on this forum. I get so tired of idiocy sometimes, yet I still respond to it. Its like picking scabs.
I am firm believer that, if you start off on flawed premise, your argument is usually only going to become more flawed as the word count increases. This mailbag response seems to prove that rationale true in this instance. I will address the first paragraph in light of the previous statement.
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda
You know this guy is right, your senses do lie to you. You see, first I thought Reg Moore was a brilliant guy. Then I read his post and under the insight of fresh information I realized he is a douche.
"You don't know if there is a Mind that brings the universe into existence
all the time or not."
So why do you have a problem with me say exactly that then? Or is it, that I then say you aren't special for having faith in a deity that created the universe?
Hi Reg, fuck your disease, get help .... because I care for the sick .... tell us more, so we might find a cure .... you poor fella .... a clump of pain
So sorry ..... damn that must hurt , being you .... how that happen ????
Atheism Books.
Fundies bomb abortion clinics and slam planes into buildings. An atheist merely saying that you wont get 72 virgins and dead flesh doesn't survive rigor mortis hardly constitutes being "fundy". Saying that magical fictional beings don't exist is about as radical as saying that Superman is fiction.
Since when does pointing out reality make someone extreme? Go believing in Santa for adults all you want, but when someone questions your credibility don't bitch about your lack of evidence.
You have the same amount of evidence for your pet deity as the Ancient Egyptians had for claiming that the sun was a thinking god named Ra. There is nothing radical about pointing out the obvious. You simply are afraid of intellectually challenging yourself because the thought of not having a sky daddy frightens you.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Lemme see here...
Reg says the atheist's senses have lied to them. An atheist sees, hears, feels the natural universe, and seeks to discover the natural causes thereof, and believes that there is a natural explanation for everything, even if we haven't discerned the explanation yet.
Atheists note that there is historical precidence of god(s) not being responsible for natural things: no god hauling the sun across the sky; no goddess drawing the veil of night; no god governing the rain, or the ocean, or the harvest; no angry god with a taste for virgin flesh living in that volcano over there.
Atheists note that there is no empirical evidence for supernatural beasties such as tooth hoarding fairies, egg laying rabbits, fat guys delivering toys, or monsters under the bed.
And atheists question the logic of believing in a supernatural beastie who wished everything into existence in 6 days, drowned most of his creation, lead his "chosen" peeps to slaughter or enslave entire nations (despite being unable to conquer enemies who had chariots with iron wheels), inspired one man to nearly kill his son, actually allowed his own son to be killed, and will send us to hell if we don't kiss his ass.
Reg, on the other hand, chooses to believe in said supernatural beastie, while rejecting Zeus, Odin, Ra, Hera, The FSM, and a teapot orbiting Pluto, when the evidence for the existence for ALL of them is the same: none.
So, yeah, while some atheists may be considered rather fundamental, most can't find any reason to sit the fence of moderation.
Seek professional mental help, Reg.
Hi Reg,
Nice letter- only: I am not certain what kind of atheist you are presuming to adress.
I am glad you realize that the earth is round, and that the scientists who announced that "everything was known" were in for one big, big, big surprise. But you know what those same scientists did when they discovered how wrong they were about "knowing everything"? They simply embraced it! Scientists have this annoying habit of rolling with the evidence as it presents itself, and, if they are proven wrong, swallowing their ego's, and admitting that they are wrong.
And I think that this largely holds true for many atheists as well. Speaking purely for myself: two fundaments of "my" atheism are "compulsive open-mindedness" and "daring to doubt"... and if founding one's principles on strong basic principles is "fundamentalism", then, sure, I am a fundamentalist. Although, frankly, that word does not mean an awful lot to me.
As for the existance of God: indeed, there is no direct evidence for God's non-existance. Nor is there any direct evidence for the non-existance of Zeus, Anansi, Ahura Mazda, or any of the other thousands of gods that are being, or have ever, in the history of mankind, been worshipped. And of course, absence of evidence is not evidence of absense, but it does mean that any circumstantial "evidence" you could present for the Biblical God, would serve just as well as proof for almost any other "Mystical Entity".
So... "Turn or Burn"...? Sure, but apart from the above objections, to which religion? From where I stand, the odds of Islam having it right are as good or bad as those of Christianity having it right (and, by the way: which kínd of Christianity are we talking about?). And that is without bringing Hinduism, Shintoism, Zoroastriism etc into the equation.
And to make things worse: as it stands now, the more we learn about the universe, the more we find that even if there existed one or more gods, they would not be NEEDED for everything to work the way we find it does. Any hard, confirmed and conclusive evidence for the supernatural is welcome though
With kind regards,