Just In Case You Thought The Government Cares About Your Problems

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Just In Case You Thought The Government Cares About Your Problems

Senate GOP blocks windfall taxes on Big Oil


The Democratic energy package would have imposed a 25 percent tax on any "unreasonable" profits of the five largest U.S. oil companies, which together made $36 billion during the first three months of the year. It also would have given the government more power to address oil market speculation, opened the way for antitrust actions against countries belonging to the OPEC oil cartel, and made energy price gouging a federal crime.


"We are hurting as a country. We're hurting individually as Americans ... and the other side says, `Do nothing. Don't even debate the issue,'" complained Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.

"Average citizens are scratching their heads and saying, what's wrong with Washington," said Schumer.


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I'm waiting for the end of

I'm waiting for the end of politics just like the end of faith. Time for people accept that we'll never have a sugar daddy in heaven or Washington.


Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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 Holy shit, why don't they

 Holy shit, why don't they just stop SUBSIDIZING the oil companies when they're making ridiculous profits?

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Quote:Just In Case You


Just In Case You Thought The Government Cares About Your Problems



I didn't.


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just in case

i know better then to think government cares for anything other then more money and power!




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For those of us who do not know what corporate welfare is!!

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Hambydammit wrote:Senate GOP

Hambydammit wrote:

Senate GOP blocks windfall taxes on Big Oil


The Democratic energy package would have imposed a 25 percent tax on any "unreasonable" profits of the five largest U.S. oil companies, which together made $36 billion during the first three months of the year. It also would have given the government more power to address oil market speculation, opened the way for antitrust actions against countries belonging to the OPEC oil cartel, and made energy price gouging a federal crime.


"We are hurting as a country. We're hurting individually as Americans ... and the other side says, `Do nothing. Don't even debate the issue,'" complained Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.

"Average citizens are scratching their heads and saying, what's wrong with Washington," said Schumer.


While I'm certainly not happy with the outcome (and completely unsurprised) I'm not so sure this is for the worst in the long run.  Didn't the gov't try something like this in the 70's and it backfired? 


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I'm curious, how is every

I'm curious, how is every business that is making money right now not reaping "windfall" profits?

If you work in shipping, your profits are up.

If you work in grocery, your profits are up.

How is it that the oil companies gains are windfall profits and other companies are not?


And let's not pretend that out own government isn't a major source of skyrocketing inflation.

Our government has helped foster an inflationary, fractional reserve central banking system. Now tack on refusal to allow oil companies to dig for oil on US soil or build new refineries, all of which results in not only high oil and gasoline prices, but misallocations and frequent flights the commodity markets the dollar is partially tagged to.

Let's also not forget that oil is rising in price EVERYWHERE. It isn't JUST in the US or with US companies. Even in colletivized nations like Argentina, costs are skyrocketing.

The oil companies are not the problem here, though they are a very conveinient scape goat.

Pining for "windfall" taxes is a witchhunt and it ignores the fundamental causes - namely, that we use way more oil than we need to. And who is to blame for that? You are. All of us are.

I'm sorry, but the goal of a company is to make a profit. Exxon is not a charity. Unless it can be proven that oil companies did something illegal to raise their profits, I fail to see how taxing them more now fixes the problem or is in any way justified.

Now, one could bring up the fact that oil companies have received gov't handouts in the past, but so what? Airlines have gotten the same handouts, and we've gotten nothing back in return. Blame the government for that, because as a company you'd be a fucking fool to turn down that cash that has essentially no strings attached. And yes, the oil and air companies do lobby our Representatives, but our Reps are not forced to accept those bribes, and you are not forced to keep re-electing them either.

Personally, I am firmly against such things, but unless that government handout came with a promise of collectivization or price limits, we've little room to bitch about it now. Your leaders supposedly did that deal with your best interest at heart. And you either supported that, or did little to counter it at the time.

Let's also be clear that attacking the oil companies does NOTHING to mitigate the demand for oil - the main factor that influences price to you. YOU are the only one who can help mitigate demand by reducing your use. Take some personal responsibility rather than blaming a faceless corporation who is ultimately catering to your own lifestyle.

And even if you do tax the "windfall" profits of the oil companies, who do you think is going to pay for that? Not the oil companies. They will simply raise prices and pass along that tax burden to consumers - YOU will pay for that windfall, not them. The only entity that is going to make a dime is the government, and that won't do anything other than lead to more government.

You want somebody to blame, look in the mirror. That's the only way things will begin to change, and it starts with taking personal responsibility, not with picking a scape goat we all helped create.


I'll loathe myself for saying it, but the Republicans were right on this issue.

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4 bucks a gallon wipes out

4 bucks a gallon wipes out an hours worth of work for someone on minimum wage.

I don't care why the cost is going up, the price of everything is rediculous. If you are asking me to have sympathy for companies and CEOs who wipe there asses with 1,000 bills, cry me a river.

I am all for the free market, but once you get past a certian ratio it becomes counter productive to all the classes. The average CEO in America's megga corps make 400% more than the minimum wage worker. The next highest country to the US is only 40%.

You are not going to get any sympathy from me when ONE EXXON executive makes $500,000,000 per year.

Tell me where on the face of the planet ANYONE needs that kind of money? Capitalism is fine, greed helps us compete, but there is an absurdity to it all after a certain point.

AND BESIDES, we know oil products, from gas to plastic are poluting our planet, even if one wants to argue that it is not contributing to global warming, pollution does pile up. All the drilling, spills, strip mining, smog has an affect on the environment and our health.

We need to get off oil all together. And being the richest nation in the world, it is absurd that we would rather depend on others as a nation for our energy sources rather than put our heads together to come up with something that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

Blame the cost on whomever you want, we still need to get off oil and there is no reason at all gas has to cost as much as it does.


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george carlin nails it


                      "Eat the Rich"

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Yellow_Number_Five wrote:And

Yellow_Number_Five wrote:
And let's not pretend that out own government isn't a major source of skyrocketing inflation.

Inflation is worldwide.  Most gov'ts cook the books on their own inflation figures.  Here's a chart to show that global inflation is at double digits in a lot of countries:


Take a look at another chart:

If you had $1000 in the bank with no interest, your purchasing power would be reduced minus the inflation percentage.  Whatever you invest in your returns need to beat the inflation figures.

The US cooked its inflation figures.  The core inflation conviently excludes energy and food.  GDP is overstated which understates inflation.  Crude oil has doubled in price since last year.  Food has gone up 10-20% since last year.  And the gov't says inflation is at 6%??  Lie.

Our government has helped foster an inflationary, fractional reserve central banking system. Now tack on refusal to allow oil companies to dig for oil on US soil or build new refineries, all of which results in not only high oil and gasoline prices, but misallocations and frequent flights the commodity markets the dollar is partially tagged to.

Now the issue is what is the government going to do with all this inflation.  It's not the government (White House) but the Federal Reserve.  Interest rates are at 2% now.  In the late 70s Paul Volker raised rates to 20% to control inflation.  The question is what is Ben Bernanke going to do?  I believe he's going to keep the rates down and after the election he's gonna raise them.  If rates aren't going to be raised then the dollar will collapse and we'll have hyperinflation.

Let's also not forget that oil is rising in price EVERYWHERE. It isn't JUST in the US or with US companies. Even in colletivized nations like Argentina, costs are skyrocketing.

Argentina was my 2nd choice to emigrate to because it resembles Old Europe, and has the US standard of living of nice restaurants, nightlife, and shopping.  Now with the female president inflation has gotten worse, so I'm scratching it out.

The oil companies are not the problem here, though they are a very conveinient scape goat.

It's the Fed chiefs:  Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke

Pining for "windfall" taxes is a witchhunt and it ignores the fundamental causes - namely, that we use way more oil than we need to. And who is to blame for that? You are. All of us are.

Politicians play a game of charade to show that they are 'doing something'.  So under the Bush admin we gave oil companies lots of tax breaks and subsidies...now that they made some much money they are proposing a windfalls profits tax.  Clinton was the only politician I know proposing this.  Obama will probably do the same.

The one oil company I made a good return was a canadian company: ARC Energy Trust (It's up 40% since last year).  I took US dollars bought shares of stock and it pays quarterly dividends of 12%.  All of stock is in the canadian dollar which has appreciated relative to the USD.  A lot of candian companies are paying 12-20% dividend which beats the most you get here 6-7%

Compare that with any other oil company like Exxon Mobil.  I checked their stock and it's been down and up within the last year depending when you bought it investors could have lost or gained money.  Let's say you made money in the stock.  Now Congress imposes a windfalls profit tax - that punishes the investor but not as much as the company itself (reaping the gov't handouts)

Let's also be clear that attacking the oil companies does NOTHING to mitigate the demand for oil - the main factor that influences price to you. YOU are the only one who can help mitigate demand by reducing your use. Take some personal responsibility rather than blaming a faceless corporation who is ultimately catering to your own lifestyle.

Gasoline still dirt cheap in the USA

  • France: $8.80
  • Germany: $8.93
  • Italy: $8.93
  • Netherlands: $9.89
  • United Kingdom: $8.74

How do they do it?


  1. They own one not two cars per household
  2. Their cars are smaller
  3. They don't drive as far or as often
  4. They use public transportation
  5. They walk and ride bikes

It's not rocket science.


And even if you do tax the "windfall" profits of the oil companies, who do you think is going to pay for that? Not the oil companies. They will simply raise prices and pass along that tax burden to consumers - YOU will pay for that windfall, not them. The only entity that is going to make a dime is the government, and that won't do anything other than lead to more government.

You want somebody to blame, look in the mirror. That's the only way things will begin to change, and it starts with taking personal responsibility, not with picking a scape goat we all helped create.

We need riots like the ones happening out in Europe.  The only protests we seem to have so far are truckers holding up roads and honking

European protests against high fuel prices turn violent


I'll loathe myself for saying it, but the Republicans were right on this issue.

The Republicans?  How about only one:  Ron Paul

He's the only republican that railed against the falling value of the dollar and rising commodity prices.  He's the only one that directly challenged Ben Bernanke in the hearings on those issues.



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I AM GOD AS YOU wrote:



george carlin nails it


                      "Eat the Rich"

One of my favorite George Carlin rants.  Ranting exposes the problem but offers no solutions.

Government doesn't give a shit about the common people.  I believe we are headed toward an elite totalitarian form of government.  We need to get other people to think more critically of what's really going on:  The New World Order, police state, the banking dynasty Rothchilds who have dominated the banking industry.

We've been fed a mountain of lies about economics, government, and history through our mainstream media.



Summary:  Take your money out of the banks, buy precious metals, talk to others about what is going on, name names of the power brokers.

These are solutions I advocate.

But first there must be education, here are the top 3 educational sources the average american needs to know:

What Has Government Done to Our Money? by Murray N. Rothbard

The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America - 215 min

Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve - 41 min

Any one of these will do.

"One basic truth can be used as a foundation for a mountain of lies, and if we dig down deep enough in the mountain of lies, and bring out that truth, to set it on top of the mountain of lies; the entire mountain of lies will crumble under the weight of that one truth. And there is nothing more devastating to a structure of lies than the revelation of the truth upon which the structure of lies was built, because the shock waves of the revelation of the truth reverberate, and continue to reverberate throughout the Earth for generations to follow, awakening even those people who had no desire to be awakened to the truth."



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Just wanted to pass this

Just wanted to pass this along since mainstream news here isn't reporting on this.  These scenarios can easily happen here.  My guess is that government here will interfere with the market and put price ceilings and subsidize to quell riots.  In the long run it will make it worse.


Crossposted from: http://peaknix.com/2008/06/14/spain-shock/

It is hard to miss what is happening in Spain these days.

With $10.00/gallon gas the following is happening right now:

  • More than 90,000 truckers have been striking and blockading Spanish routes for some three days now - gas pumps have gone dry and grocery store shelves are empty
  • On the streets of Madrid, people raided supermarkets in bouts of panic buying. Eva Villafafila, a 34-year-old workplace safety inspector, said she stocked up Monday. “There were unbelievably long lines, and the supermarket staff said that if the strike continued, they would run out of chicken and eggs right away.” SOURCE
  • Riots have been erupting
  • Police are suppressing riots
  • People are being beaten by those police
  • At least 2 protestors have died at the picket line in Spain and Portugal

Long lines of traffic formed at Spanish-French border crossings and television stations showed pictures of abandoned lorries with broken windscreens, lights ripped out and tyres punctured after they were attacked for attempting to defy the strike. SOURCE

By Thursday June 13, 2008:

Spain promised “zero tolerance” for violence by striking truckers after a string of incidents including an arson attack on a strike-breaking truck that left the driver with burns to 25 percent of his body.

The government said it had arrested 71 picketers for offences including intimidating non-striking drivers since the stoppage by 75,000 truckers began on Sunday night to call for government help to cope with high fuel prices. SOURCE

Is even harder to stem the small thread of panic that you might feel if you see their troubles as an early harbinger of what collapse looks like in the western world. It really mirrors the doomer projections in so many peak oil collapse scenarios.

Humans are so predictable aren’t we?

Some people will wonder if it will remain in the Spanish context, there are signs that this contagion is spreading with similar strikes across the globe:

  • UK Shell truckers (members of Unite, the union representing 641 tanker drivers) have threatened a 4 day walk-out – lines are forming at gas stations as people panic
  • These same drivers are in a panicky mood because Gazprom (Giant Russion Oil Company) made public statements that oil prices could hit $250/barrel in some “near” future
  • 50,000 Polish lorry drivers held one-hour protests across the country although without blocking roads
  • Dutch truckers announced plans to block roads at 18 points across the country for 30 minutes
  • In Thailand truck drivers voted to begin strikes next week and block roads to the capital with 400,000 lorries unless the government helps them pay for soaring fuel costs
  • While in Hong Kong about 500 minibuses, lorries, garbage trucks and coaches staged a go-slow protest, crippling traffic in a demonstration calling for fuel taxes to be scrapped
  • Communists burned tyres and blocked roads in parts of eastern India angered by fuel price rises but elsewhere in the country calls for strikes were largely ignored.
  • In South Korea truckers voted to strike on Monday, ignoring a $10.2 billion (£5 billion) government aid package designed to cushion the impact of soaring fuel prices.
  • American Truckers struck in small numbers several weeks ago with a convoy of some 500 truckers that ended up in DC where they blew their horns all at once and shook everyone for miles



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Thanks Rev and for spreading

Thanks Rev and for spreading these "educational" videos. World Education is the only way to a "better " world.

A good source of such imfo is public funded free speech world wide radio KPFK, which I listen too when working, while keeping notes. Google KPFK for details my peoples ..... you can also stream it, and download from their library. Sundays are mostly music ...... ( 3 times a yr are 2 weeks of fund raising, in progress now )

I keep a "Movie Folder" where I store all such movies to share ....

Anyone not familiar with the slogans "Eat the Rich" and "Give me Liberty, or give me Death!" , please google them.

Expand the internet and keep it free.

A much more peaceful world is absolutely possible .... "Wake up the Neighbors". Understand what the "enemy" is ...... ((( love (heal) your enemy a wise one said ....

thanks, mark - igod  - "ONE" - 



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Rev. Real wrote:More than

Rev. Real wrote:

  • More than 90,000 truckers have been striking and blockading Spanish routes for some three days now - gas pumps have gone dry and grocery store shelves are empty

By Thursday June 13, 2008:

Spain promised “zero tolerance” for violence by striking truckers after a string of incidents including an arson attack on a strike-breaking truck that left the driver with burns to 25 percent of his body.

The government said it had arrested 71 picketers for offences including intimidating non-striking drivers since the stoppage by 75,000 truckers began on Sunday night to call for government help to cope with high fuel prices. SOURCE

  • UK Shell truckers (members of Unite, the union representing 641 tanker drivers) have threatened a 4 day walk-out – lines are forming at gas stations as people panic
  • These same drivers are in a panicky mood because Gazprom (Giant Russion Oil Company) made public statements that oil prices could hit $250/barrel in some “near” future
  • 50,000 Polish lorry drivers held one-hour protests across the country although without blocking roads
  • Dutch truckers announced plans to block roads at 18 points across the country for 30 minutes
  • In Thailand truck drivers voted to begin strikes next week and block roads to the capital with 400,000 lorries unless the government helps them pay for soaring fuel costs
  • While in Hong Kong about 500 minibuses, lorries, garbage trucks and coaches staged a go-slow protest, crippling traffic in a demonstration calling for fuel taxes to be scrapped
  • Communists burned tyres and blocked roads in parts of eastern India angered by fuel price rises but elsewhere in the country calls for strikes were largely ignored.
  • In South Korea truckers voted to strike on Monday, ignoring a $10.2 billion (£5 billion) government aid package designed to cushion the impact of soaring fuel prices.
  • American Truckers struck in small numbers several weeks ago with a convoy of some 500 truckers that ended up in DC where they blew their horns all at once and shook everyone for miles




These truck drivers have families too.  I'm thinking they aren't going to do anything that would hurt their own family.

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Excellent points, Rev.Real,

Excellent points, Rev.Real, and thanks for the charts.

Rev. Real
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Marc Faber tells it like it

Marc Faber tells it like it is:


"I think there's a good chance that the Fed itself will fail one day if they say 'We're not going to let you fail,' and the government will have to bail out the entire system," Faber said.

"If I'm a bad businessman and I go out of business, who's gong to help me?" he said. "But Bear Stearns and the Wall Street elite, because they are tied into the Treasury and the Federal Reserve and they have lunch together, it's a club and so forth, they're bailed out. It's a joke!"








[edit: fixed embed tag]

Got a new food chart price increase: