Vatican to excommunicate female priests
Vatican: excommunication for female priests
May 30, 2008 - 7:35amVATICAN CITY (AP) - The Vatican is slamming the door on attempts by women to become priests in the Roman Catholic Church. It has strongly reiterated in a decree that anyone involved in ordination ceremonies is automatically excommunicated.
A top Vatican official said in a statement Friday that the church acted following what it called "so-called ordinations" in various parts of the world.
Monsignor Angelo Amato of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith says the Vatican also wants to provide bishops with a clear response on the issue.
The church has always banned the ordination of women, stating that the priesthood is reserved for males. The new decree is explicit in its reference to women.
(Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)
Seriously, when is the asshat Catholic church going to move out of the dark ages? Obviously not while the current pope is around. Maybe that hat he wears should officially be called an "asshat" - no, wait it probably already has an official name and that one's better for the person wearing it. They always say that "Jesus only picked men for his disciples." Of course, assuming you believe the idiotic Jesus story, he also only picked white Jews from the mideast - so no more Irish, Italian, Polish, German (ahem), black or hispanic priests by that logic. They can only be priests if they are jews who convert. Of course that would pretty much end the religion so they won't do that. Fucking hypocrites pick and choose from the Buybull.
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This is no more absurd than the truckloads of other nonsense they espouse.
Well of couse, you need a penis to be able to form a close bond with alter boys.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Why, BrainFromArous, don't tell me that you don't think it perfectly sensible to believe:
1. That the teaching of the Catholic Church has been absolutely constant down through the ages (*cough* slavery, *cough* *cough* earning interest on investments, *cough* salvation of non-Catholics, *cough* treating Jews like human beings instead of trash...need I go on?)
2. That papal infallibility was declared at a legitimate Ecumenical Council, under the guidance of God Himself (...uh...never mind that several bishops departed from said council, and started a separate Church, precisely because they didn't believe this idea...never mind that the Pope had a library of materials which he *closed* *and* *locked* against the bishops, for the express purpose of keeping them from studying the issue...never mind that American Catholic catechisms which expressly said that papal infallibility is "no doctrine of the Church" had to be rounded up and burned after the Council, even though they were practically new...if you want to read a scandal, pick an Ecumenical Council...any one will do...and read what went on behind the scenes.)
3. That all of the above, and more, is a certain guide to not only faith, but also morality. (Oh...except for the Crusades. Oh, and the Inquisitions, too. And the burning of the library at Alexandria,*anybody* at the stake, threats of Church-instigated foreign invasions against nations "gone heretical," and which would not convert back...the crime of deception and murder carried out against Jan Hus...the fact that Martin Luther was accused by the Pope of his day of holding to some 40 or so heresies, most of which the Holy (sic) Father never bothered to specify in his bull...the various crimes perpetrated against Native Americans by Father Junipero Serra and those who followed him...the insane organization Opus Dei, founded by a control freak...wait a minute...*this* is a guide to *morality*? We would be better off following the "Eight I'd Really Rather You Didn't" statements of the FSM. And I didn't even have to raise the topic of priests and altar boys, which definitely goes back at least a full millennium, and for which there is at least some indication that it may go all the way back to the second century C.E. They say the Church moves slowly, but this is beyond ridiculous, to say the least.)
I trust you now see just how perfectly logical all of this is.
It's certainly better than, say... science! Lord knows, if we let scientists have their way, we'd all be hopping around like horny bonobos with no morality whatsoever. It's good that we have the church to keep us straight on things like women. Barefoot and pregnant. That's all they deserve, and God likes it that way.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I'm sure a statue of the virgin mary could be converted to a strap on
So the fuck what?
Religion, at least in America is not copy written. The worst the Vatican can do is cut off funding from the Vatican to that individual church. BUT, if the individual church supporters want a woman in as priest and the "flock" is funding it, it is called, "Freedom of religion".
They can separate and start their own new church and still call themselves Catholic. Fuck the Pope. He has no rights over the minds of individuals. I may find all of religion silly, but when it comes to freedom, fuck anyone telling someone they can't be a priest.
This is your dictator Catholics, not my president. If you value sexism, support him. If you value freedom, tell him to fuck off.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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The problem is they have been brainwashed to believe he really represents God here. Some of them even think they'll go to hell if they're excommunicated. Maybe they need an "antipope" again - one that will get rid of the sexism, homphobia, and pro-life nonsense. Wonder how many Catholics would convert to that version? There are already excommunicated offshoots that are MORE conservative than the regualr Catholic church - like the one Mel Gibson's dad belongs to and the one that wouldn't let a female refree run a game a few months ago. There are a lot of American catholics that disagree with the Church position on thesse things - still, I wonder how that would be handled - would they lose their church and have to build a new one? I think the Vatican may actually officially own the buildings.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Well, perhaps the Catholics who support the ordination of female priests could resort to a tactic never before tried in the faith community.........that is, simply break away from the old denomination and start a new denomination. Gee, that's never been done before, has it ?