The Unforgivable Sin!

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The Unforgivable Sin!

Q. What is the unforgivable sin?

Luke 12:10 (see also Matthew 12:32 and Mark 3:29) says:


"And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven." (NIV)

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is to reject His grace. Not allowing the Holy Spirit to work in our lives is blasphemy: It is saying "I know more than God does about what is right for me" which takes away the principle which makes it possible to ask for forgiveness. This manifests itself in four ways: 1) despair concerning the possibility of salvation; 2) presumption of God's mercy and forgiveness; 3) denial of the truths of faith; and 4) final impenitence and refusal to turn to God. Sins against the Holy Spirit are the most grave because they reject the dignity of the One sent by the Father to sanctify us and restore us to full union with Him. Belief that if anyone fails to be open to the workings of the Holy Spirit in their lives, even once, automatically condemns them to Hell forever is not the teaching of this passage in Holy Scripture. This passage addresses the condition of the soul at the moment of death; prior to that moment, every person has the opportunity to turn to God, have their sins forgiven, and be welcomed home like the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32)


---Sorry folks, your unforgivable sin is forgivable! If at the last moment before you die, you change your mind, you will be forgiven. Never lose hope!

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(No subject)

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sierra wrote:---Sorry folks,

sierra wrote:

---Sorry folks, your unforgivable sin is forgivable! If at the last moment before you die, you change your mind, you will be forgiven. Never lose hope!

Thanks for those words of hope, Sierra. I now know that I can live my life like a fucking selfish bastard, tell the Holy Spirit to crawl into the darkest parts of Jesus Christ like a Divine Felching, rape, kill, and otherwise go against the word of God.

And then I shall repent on my deathbed, and I shall be forgiven.

I have a working plan.

"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers

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In the words of the

In the words of the Oh-So-Hot kellym78:

kellym78 wrote:

You may want to read the rules before you continue your proselytizing. You are not permitted to start two threads with identical subject matter, no what the virgin Mary tells you. This thread is locked, and if you do this again you will be suspended or banned.


This is an official warning!

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Dray wrote:

In the words of the Oh-So-Hot kellym78:

kellym78 wrote:

You may want to read the rules before you continue your proselytizing. You are not permitted to start two threads with identical subject matter, no what the virgin Mary tells you. This thread is locked, and if you do this again you will be suspended or banned.


This is an official warning


---This is a totally different

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Nigel wrote:

"I have a working plan."

Dangerous plan, may not work in the case of sudden death or a hardened heart at the time of death.

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nigelTheBold wrote:sierra

nigelTheBold wrote:

sierra wrote:

---Sorry folks, your unforgivable sin is forgivable! If at the last moment before you die, you change your mind, you will be forgiven. Never lose hope!

Thanks for those words of hope, Sierra. I now know that I can live my life like a fucking selfish bastard, tell the Holy Spirit to crawl into the darkest parts of Jesus Christ like a Divine Felching, rape, kill, and otherwise go against the word of God.

And then I shall repent on my deathbed, and I shall be forgiven.

I have a working plan.

God f*cking damn it! Sierra, I don't want to spend eternity with Yahweh and his followers that only "love" him because Hell has scared the f*ck out of them. I want a working plan to know I'm going to Hell. Please help me. I've asked Satan into my heart.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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EXC wrote:nigelTheBold

EXC wrote:

nigelTheBold wrote:

sierra wrote:

---Sorry folks, your unforgivable sin is forgivable! If at the last moment before you die, you change your mind, you will be forgiven. Never lose hope!

Thanks for those words of hope, Sierra. I now know that I can live my life like a fucking selfish bastard, tell the Holy Spirit to crawl into the darkest parts of Jesus Christ like a Divine Felching, rape, kill, and otherwise go against the word of God.

And then I shall repent on my deathbed, and I shall be forgiven.

I have a working plan.

God f*cking damn it! Sierra, I don't want to spend eternity with Yahweh and his followers that only "love" him because Hell has scared the f*ck out of them. I want a working plan to know I'm going to Hell. Please help me. I've asked Satan into my heart.

---Okay Nigel, you can stay at my place in heaven then...I will be there out of love, not fear.

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Definition of RRS for some here: "If I am unable to think of an intelligent response to a poster, then I may discredit him with insults and profanity, that way I will be perceived as a winner in the debate!" Bravo MattShizzle and Louis Cypher! I am so impressed.

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sierra wrote:EXC wrote:God

sierra wrote:

EXC wrote:

God f*cking damn it! Sierra, I don't want to spend eternity with Yahweh and his followers that only "love" him because Hell has scared the f*ck out of them. I want a working plan to know I'm going to Hell. Please help me. I've asked Satan into my heart.

---Okay Nigel, you can stay at my place in heaven then...I will be there out of love, not fear.


That was EXC, not me. I once asked Satan into my heart, and he left it a mess -- beer cans everywhere (cheap beer, too!), trash in the sink, used condoms in my bed, and then he stole all my good CDs. I see why God put him down (in the Biblical sense).

Never again.

I have a call in to Cthulu, though, just in case my plan for last-second redemption doesn't work out.

"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers

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EXC wrote:God f*cking damn

EXC wrote:

God f*cking damn it! Sierra, I don't want to spend eternity with Yahweh and his followers that only "love" him because Hell has scared the f*ck out of them. I want a working plan to know I'm going to Hell. Please help me. I've asked Satan into my heart.

Just think what you are giving up according to Revelation 7. You get to be a servant or is it slave 24/7 serving God in his temple. You won't hunger or thirst as the Lamb will feed you, no doubt leftover manna from the Exodus. There shall be no Sun fall on you so you will be pasty white and develop seasonal affective disorder. Sounds just peachy to me.

Where exactly is the tequila, nice juicy steaks, lap dances, and all the fun to be found? Not in heaven as described.

"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me

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sierra wrote:Definition of

sierra wrote:

Definition of RRS for some here: "If I am unable to think of an intelligent response to a poster, then I may discredit him with insults and profanity, that way I will be perceived as a winner in the debate!" Bravo MattShizzle and Louis Cypher! I am so impressed.

Just to be reflexively defensive, I wasn't trying to discredit anyone. And I wasn't trying to insult, either. My use of profanity was used for comic effect.

I'm just trying to be funny.

Nigel likes the funny.

"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers

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Dam it, I just can't sin

Dam it, I just can't sin enough to go to hell. All the cool guys and best parties are in the hell, I must get there.

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Fanas wrote:

Dam it, I just can't sin enough to go to hell. All the cool guys and best parties are in the hell, I must get there.


---False, the parties are in heaven dude! Wow, some really mixed up people here. Up is down, black is white...just how deep does this rabbit hole go?

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sierra wrote:--This is a

sierra wrote:

--This is a totally different

I supposed you're right, you aren't really a "hit and run" proselytizer.  From what I saw in your other post, you are a "Post Link and Don't provide arguements" proselytizer.  I guess I just cant skip a chance to quote kelly... im all googly eyed over her.

Anyways, back to you being here.  Why are you here, if I were to think like a Christian... I would say you were here because deep down you want to be an atheist.  Spot on right?

According to your OP, everyone who took the Blasphemer Challenge can still be "redeemed" right?  Well if I were also to think like a Christian, I would say that the atheists who blasphemed and can still be redeemed arent true atheists... because a true atheist cant be redeemed!

I can see why its so fun to generalize and make fallacious (sounds like fellatious... tee hee) arguments!

sierra wrote:

"And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven."

And here I was thinking they were the same thing.


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sierra wrote:It is saying "I

sierra wrote:

It is saying "I know more than God does about what is right for me" which takes away the principle which makes it possible to ask for forgiveness.

I know more than God does about what is right for me. That's what I'm saying. It's what I've always said.

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You have convinced me, let us pray.


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I always thought the only

I always thought the only unforgivable sin was the sin of disbelief in jesus christ, or just never having heard about him before you died.

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sierra wrote:Definition of

sierra wrote:

Definition of RRS for some here: "If I am unable to think of an intelligent response to a poster, then I may discredit him with insults and profanity, that way I will be perceived as a winner in the debate!" Bravo MattShizzle and Louis Cypher! I am so impressed.

Sierra, I do this because Theists can give me a strait answer. How can you "love" someone out of fear? If a man kidnapped you and threatened to torture you with most horrible pain unless you loved him, could you really love such a man? How can you "love" such a god? You can't love or believe out of fear or promise of reward. You love the reward of heaven you don't love God. You're like a prostitute that loves a man to get his cash. You're like a woman that goes along with rape so the rapist won't kill her. You don't really love god, you don't really believe.

When I get an honest answer to this from any Theist, I'll stop using insults, profanity and ridicule against you. Since you can't be honest about this, you deserve to be ridiculed.

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Quote:---False, the parties


---False, the parties are in heaven dude! Wow, some really mixed up people here. Up is down, black is white...just how deep does this rabbit hole go?

You may not have realized this (and may have continued to not realize had I not told just now told you) that people are mocking you. They are being sarcastic. We don't believe in heaven. We don't believe in hell. Or Satan. Or God. Or his offspring. The notion that one's mental faculties can somehow retain their properties after the destruction of their causal antecedants that occurs with organic death of the brain and its tissue, is a non sequitur. It violates the supervenience relationship, akin to violating the laws of physics.

"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.


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sierra wrote:Fanas wrote:Dam

sierra wrote:

Fanas wrote:

Dam it, I just can't sin enough to go to hell. All the cool guys and best parties are in the hell, I must get there.


---False, the parties are in heaven dude! Wow, some really mixed up people here. Up is down, black is white...just how deep does this rabbit hole go?


Well we have different understanding of the term "best parties".

1. All the best bands are in hell. Christian music sucks.

2. All the crazy girls are in hell.

3. All the stack of alcohol and drugs are in hell. (I am good boy and don't use drugs Laughing out loud )

4. And the best, the greatest dude of all - Lucipher is in hell. "Better reign in hell, than to serve in heaven". My type of guy.

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Meh. Sierra's just

Meh. Sierra's just concern-trolling now.

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EXC wrote:sierra

EXC wrote:

sierra wrote:

Definition of RRS for some here: "If I am unable to think of an intelligent response to a poster, then I may discredit him with insults and profanity, that way I will be perceived as a winner in the debate!" Bravo MattShizzle and Louis Cypher! I am so impressed.

Sierra, I do this because Theists can give me a strait answer. How can you "love" someone out of fear? If a man kidnapped you and threatened to torture you with most horrible pain unless you loved him, could you really love such a man? How can you "love" such a god? You can't love or believe out of fear or promise of reward. You love the reward of heaven you don't love God. You're like a prostitute that loves a man to get his cash. You're like a woman that goes along with rape so the rapist won't kill her. You don't really love god, you don't really believe.

When I get an honest answer to this from any Theist, I'll stop using insults, profanity and ridicule against you. Since you can't be honest about this, you deserve to be ridiculed.


---wow, not bad exc. Here is my response: I actually have thought about that one personally. I love my wife. I love my children. That love is unconditional, with no thought of reward, no need for anything in return. And nothing will ever change my love for my wife and children. Guess what, I have reached the same place in my relationship with God. Key point, it is a relationship, not a BF Skinner deal. My love in the relationship is not looking for a reward, it simply is a great love, like that love I have for my family.

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deludedgod wrote:


---False, the parties are in heaven dude! Wow, some really mixed up people here. Up is down, black is white...just how deep does this rabbit hole go?

You may not have realized this (and may have continued to not realize had I not told just now told you) that people are mocking you. They are being sarcastic. We don't believe in heaven. We don't believe in hell. Or Satan. Or God. Or his offspring. The notion that one's mental faculties can somehow retain their properties after the destruction of their causal antecedants that occurs with organic death of the brain and its tissue, is a non sequitur. It violates the supervenience relationship, akin to violating the laws of physics.


---Yes, I caught on after my very first post here, but thank you deluded for the concern. Regarding your comments, not believing in something does not change the reality. I can choose not to believe that 2+2=4. My belief or lack thereof does not change the facts.

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sierra wrote:deludedgod

sierra wrote:

deludedgod wrote:


---False, the parties are in heaven dude! Wow, some really mixed up people here. Up is down, black is white...just how deep does this rabbit hole go?

You may not have realized this (and may have continued to not realize had I not told just now told you) that people are mocking you. They are being sarcastic. We don't believe in heaven. We don't believe in hell. Or Satan. Or God. Or his offspring. The notion that one's mental faculties can somehow retain their properties after the destruction of their causal antecedants that occurs with organic death of the brain and its tissue, is a non sequitur. It violates the supervenience relationship, akin to violating the laws of physics.


---Yes, I caught on after my very first post here, but thank you deluded for the concern. Regarding your comments, not believing in something does not change the reality. I can choose not to believe that 2+2=4. My belief or lack thereof does not change the facts.


You can choose not to believe in evolution, but that doesn't change the fact. Smiling

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Regarding your comments, not believing in something does not change the reality. I can choose not to believe that 2+2=4. My belief or lack thereof does not change the facts.

Such a comment would apply precisely in the same fashion to you, and hence is not a critique of an argument. It does not constitute a response to the point I made, and is an argumentum ad nauseam fallacy, akin to responding to an argument with the single sentence "you are wrong". I recall something vague (sarcasm) about...premises...justification...conclusion. I guess formal logic is good for some things. Are you going to adress my point about why the notion of heaven/hell dichotomy or indeed any form of postmortem continuity is a non sequitur, or do you consider fallacious arguments to be adequate responses?

"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.


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sierra wrote:I can choose

sierra wrote:

I can choose not to believe that 2+2=4. My belief or lack thereof does not change the facts.

The problem is that you... and theists in general, are trying to say that 2 +1 = 4.  It is the atheists and skeptics who claim that it just doesnt add up and so refuse to believe.  Until there is proof that 2 + 1 = 4, or theists finally add that 1 piece of evidence, there is no reason to believe otherwise.

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sierra wrote:That love is

sierra wrote:

That love is unconditional, with no thought of reward, no need for anything in return. And nothing will ever change my love for my wife and children. Guess what, I have reached the same place in my relationship with God. Key point, it is a relationship, not a BF Skinner deal. My love in the relationship is not looking for a reward, it simply is a great love, like that love I have for my family.

You can't make that statement about unconditional unless you have been there. There are pleanty of people who make the never changing love promise, but then we have 50% + divorce rate. Are you superhuman?

So, if you found yourself and your family suffering the most horrible tortures of Hell for eternity, would you be there loving God? Didn't even Job's suffering end? If this is type of love a Christian is supposed to have, why do evangelists need to scare people with Hell and the reward of Heaven?

So, why can't you love Satan? He could allow you to suffer interminally as well.


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sierra wrote:Q. What is the

sierra wrote:

Q. What is the unforgivable sin?

Luke 12:10 (see also Matthew 12:32 and Mark 3:29) says:


"And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven." (NIV)

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is to reject His grace. Not allowing the Holy Spirit to work in our lives is blasphemy: It is saying "I know more than God does about what is right for me" which takes away the principle which makes it possible to ask for forgiveness. This manifests itself in four ways: 1) despair concerning the possibility of salvation; 2) presumption of God's mercy and forgiveness; 3) denial of the truths of faith; and 4) final impenitence and refusal to turn to God. Sins against the Holy Spirit are the most grave because they reject the dignity of the One sent by the Father to sanctify us and restore us to full union with Him. Belief that if anyone fails to be open to the workings of the Holy Spirit in their lives, even once, automatically condemns them to Hell forever is not the teaching of this passage in Holy Scripture. This passage addresses the condition of the soul at the moment of death; prior to that moment, every person has the opportunity to turn to God, have their sins forgiven, and be welcomed home like the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32)


---Sorry folks, your unforgivable sin is forgivable! If at the last moment before you die, you change your mind, you will be forgiven. Never lose hope!


I refuse the holy spirit to work in my life


I know more then god does about what is right for me.




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I post the picture of my cat

I post the picture of my cat when someone posts something that's already been answered on here many times. At one time all the "You're not really blaspheming the HS" threads were being merged into one big one. Anyway, why would Jesus specifically bother to mention this one as not being forgiven in this life or the next? From what the Buybull says, no sins are forgiven after you're dead. And why didn't he say "Oh, by the way by blaspheming the Holy Spirit I mean refucing to have it work in your life up until death and thinking you can run your life better than god?" Blasphemy always meant speaking of something religious in an insulting way, so when I said "fuck the holy spirit" that was blaspheming the HS unless you are trying to come up with mental gymnastics to keep it open that I can still join your cult.

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Sierra, let me ask you some questions in all seriousness, without mocking. Are you here to convert us to your religion, catholicism? Lead us to God, that is a belief in any God or just the Jesus based Abrahamic version of God? Would you ever seriously consider any of the points that people here bring up that logically and legitimately directly refute the claims you have made and continue to make? What is your motivation for this? Thanks in advance for your response.

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda

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Oh I am unforgiven YEAH BABY YEAH!!

Well if at my death bed, i don't accept jesus into my life and deny god and the holy spirit, I am unforgiven right, that is what you are stating? Now since I have died once already, in the hospital, after a nice car accident (again moronic driver rammed into me). Now I was going in an out of conciousness, a friend that was with me, kept on praying to god, in one of my few moments of conciousness, I basically told him that i never believed in god, and would not believe in god, even at this moment in time which maybe my last, i do not fear death....god doesn't exist....then passed out and from what I am told, a few minutes later died, clinically dead, they worked on me for 5 minutes, to which they were able to revive me, in all of this, no god, no light, no hell, no nothing, absolutely nothing, not a thing, I simply ceased to exist. Since I died now, and never accepted god and denied god, I am unforgiven YEAH BABY YEAH, an imaginary god will never forgive me. Lol.

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latincanuck wrote:Well if at

latincanuck wrote:

Well if at my death bed, i don't accept jesus into my life and deny god and the holy spirit, I am unforgiven right, that is what you are stating? Now since I have died once already, in the hospital, after a nice car accident (again moronic driver rammed into me). Now I was going in an out of conciousness, a friend that was with me, kept on praying to god, in one of my few moments of conciousness, I basically told him that i never believed in god, and would not believe in god, even at this moment in time which maybe my last, i do not fear death....god doesn't exist....then passed out and from what I am told, a few minutes later died, clinically dead, they worked on me for 5 minutes, to which they were able to revive me, in all of this, no god, no light, no hell, no nothing, absolutely nothing, not a thing, I simply ceased to exist. Since I died now, and never accepted god and denied god, I am unforgiven YEAH BABY YEAH, an imaginary god will never forgive me. Lol.


Good for you. But you never know what will be the next time Laughing out loud

You are not really dead yet. lol


I hope when i die someday i will be awake at the moment to blaspheme with my last breath. Laughing out loud

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HeyZeusCreaseToe wrote:

HAHAHAHAHA! love it!

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He's never going to

He's never going to seriously answer anything. All he has are stupid videos and tired old non-answer arguments.

he acts like he's proven his case but all he has proven is that he's an asshat.

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sierra wrote:Q. What is the

sierra wrote:

Q. What is the unforgivable sin?

Luke 12:10 (see also Matthew 12:32 and Mark 3:29) says:


"And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven." (NIV)

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is to reject His grace. Not allowing the Holy Spirit to work in our lives is blasphemy: It is saying "I know more than God does about what is right for me" which takes away the principle which makes it possible to ask for forgiveness. This manifests itself in four ways: 1) despair concerning the possibility of salvation; 2) presumption of God's mercy and forgiveness; 3) denial of the truths of faith; and 4) final impenitence and refusal to turn to God. Sins against the Holy Spirit are the most grave because they reject the dignity of the One sent by the Father to sanctify us and restore us to full union with Him. Belief that if anyone fails to be open to the workings of the Holy Spirit in their lives, even once, automatically condemns them to Hell forever is not the teaching of this passage in Holy Scripture. This passage addresses the condition of the soul at the moment of death; prior to that moment, every person has the opportunity to turn to God, have their sins forgiven, and be welcomed home like the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32)


---Sorry folks, your unforgivable sin is forgivable! If at the last moment before you die, you change your mind, you will be forgiven. Never lose hope!


OH FFS! Everyone has heard this one so many times before.

Now for something just a little different:

John 14:26 (New International Version)

26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

John 15:26

26"When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me. 27 And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.

John 16:13-16

13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. 15 All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you. 16 "In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me."

So there you go, you get your chance to deny the holy spirit "in person", when he having been sent 'from the Father' because Jesus left, shows you the truth, the definitive statement.

Shortly after the Holy Spirit makes his brilliant argument which is clearly truth and foolish to deny, Jesus comes- Yay!

So all those who claim to have heard the holy spirit's killer proof of all things true - where's Jesus? He should be here by now. 

Theist badge qualifier : Gnostic/Philosophical Panentheist

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latincanuck wrote:Well if at

latincanuck wrote:

Well if at my death bed, i don't accept jesus into my life and deny god and the holy spirit, I am unforgiven right, that is what you are stating? Now since I have died once already, in the hospital, after a nice car accident (again moronic driver rammed into me). Now I was going in an out of conciousness, a friend that was with me, kept on praying to god, in one of my few moments of conciousness, I basically told him that i never believed in god, and would not believe in god, even at this moment in time which maybe my last, i do not fear death....god doesn't exist....then passed out and from what I am told, a few minutes later died, clinically dead, they worked on me for 5 minutes, to which they were able to revive me, in all of this, no god, no light, no hell, no nothing, absolutely nothing, not a thing, I simply ceased to exist. Since I died now, and never accepted god and denied god, I am unforgiven YEAH BABY YEAH, an imaginary god will never forgive me. Lol.

OMG! You were in ceiling kitty PURGATORY!

You should write a book. "5 minutes in purgatory." You don't even have to write well. Just do it, and people will eat it up like it was the blue ribbon winner at a chilli cookoff. "Nom, nom, nom. This is the best! What's the secret ingredient?"

You: "Bullshit."

Them: "You're kidding! It tastes SO GOOD! nom, nom, nom."

"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers

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sierra wrote:Fanas wrote:Dam

sierra wrote:

Fanas wrote:

Dam it, I just can't sin enough to go to hell. All the cool guys and best parties are in the hell, I must get there.


---False, the parties are in heaven dude! Wow, some really mixed up people here. Up is down, black is white...just how deep does this rabbit hole go?

Sierra, your God is the biggest butcher and liar. Even to the point of trying to tell everyone he is the good guy (or so the salesmen of your religion tell us).

The fact that you claim there is only Heaven or Hell makes it extortion on YOUR part.


Do you realize that you haven't even shown that your God exists, but you are willing to scare people (you and all other Religionists that do this same thing) into believing YOUR belief.


YOU are trying to scare people. YOU are perpetuating the insane idea that other people have scared you with. YOU are trying to make people believe something you can't even show an iota of evidence for.


Take responsibility and accept that you are selling a fraudulant product.



Note: This what pisses me off. I know we should be kinder to these people to get them to open up - so we can show them how irrational and stupid they are, but come on, these people are caught up in their own feelings of what SHOULD be right in the world (and have so little creativity that they just latch on to a religious dogma).  And then they try the "aw, but peace and love, man, God wants this and God wants that because God is love and I feel it so strongly in my emotions - and you can't prove a negative - and to not believe is evil because thats what my religion says..."
Blah, blah, blah.

Fuckheads. each and every one. They are emotional infants with hightened senses of importance because they feel they have a "purpose".


Sure, these losers are important to God but the rest of humanity that have died horrible deaths - the woman raped and killed by some nutcase - is immaterial to their Gods plan and so can suffer those indignities because  this joker and others have a warm fuzzy feeling.

Did it ever occur to them that the warm fuzzy feeling is their lack of ability to deal with reality and a shut-off mechanism to excuse all the horrors in the world?


Rwanda? All part of God's plan - but thank God Bill and Mary of Bumfuck, MO quit drinkin' so they could get a job at the DMV and log onto the internet an preach the wonders of the gospel to us....


Fuck 'em. Do something. Stop claiming shit you can't prove.

Imagine the people who believe such things and who are not ashamed to ignore, totally, all the patient findings of thinking minds through all the centuries since the Bible was written. And it is these ignorant people, the most uneducated, the most unimaginative, the most unthinking among us, who would make themselves the guides and leaders of us all; who would force their feeble and childish beliefs on us; who would invade our schools and libraries and homes. I personally resent it bitterly.
Isaac Asimov

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Sierra: You have just been

Sierra: You have just been PWNED by Sapient. Care to respond?




My video by the way:

Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team

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Hey, by the way,

Hey, by the way, Sierra:


What's your God think of gays?

I don't have anything at stake, as I'm not gay myself. But my boyfriend is, and he's kinda worried.

"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers

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nigelTheBold wrote:I don't

nigelTheBold wrote:

I don't have anything at stake, as I'm not gay myself. But my boyfriend is, and he's kinda worried.

I'd like to extend a long-distance high five for that one.

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HisWillness wrote:

nigelTheBold wrote:

I don't have anything at stake, as I'm not gay myself. But my boyfriend is, and he's kinda worried.

I'd like to extend a long-distance high five for that one.

Remember, it's only gay if you're catching.

"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons." - The Waco Kid

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Gee, I checked this thread....

sierra wrote:

Definition of RRS for some here: "If I am unable to think of an intelligent response to a poster, then I may discredit him with insults and profanity, that way I will be perceived as a winner in the debate!" Bravo MattShizzle and Louis Cypher! I am so impressed.

Up until now, I haven't posted. But I guess he's still pissed because I called into question the 'saintliness' of that old sack of shit, teresa, or maybe it was when I pointed out his particular cult is a disgusting, bane of humanity, practicing as it does ritualized perversions such as pretend canibalism and vampirism. Maybe it's my breath?

But I still want to know, do you think Mary had an orgasm? Was she a moaner or a squealer??? Inquiring minds want to know.

LC >;-}>


Christianity: A disgusting middle eastern blood cult, based in human sacrifice, with sacraments of cannibalism and vampirism, whose highest icon is of a near naked man hanging in torment from a device of torture.

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Yeah Louis, I'll bet Mary

 Yeah Louis, I'll bet Mary was a real looker !

, and another thing sierra, and you other religious looney wacks , My atheist JESUS rightiously hates your stupid theist Jesus, as you theists killed him then, and keep killing my cool Jesus now .... geezzz , I HATE YOU MORE ! .... because I care and love you .....  Ever read the Bible all by yourself ????

Basics: OT /  Have no god before >ME< , the I AM, and have no Idols as well.

NT: / Cool atheist Jesus says,  I  (we)  are ONE with the Cosmos (father),  Ye are gods too, This is the kingdom/Heaven NOW.

Simple , but the ancient superstitious religious loons killed him, to later make J an idol  ...... that's the epic story. 

Religion is poison idol worship of separation, all is ONE, eternal.  Thanks atheists Jesus/Buddha !   


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SierraYou should think of


You should think of subscribing to the Gold package. Your support will show how much you care for all of our eternal souls.

May I also suggest you donate to keep our server up and running? That way you will be able to help us see and feel what you do regarding your god!

Thanks for caring AND thanks in advance for your support


Slowly building a blog at ~

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HisWillness wrote:

nigelTheBold wrote:

I don't have anything at stake, as I'm not gay myself. But my boyfriend is, and he's kinda worried.

I'd like to extend a long-distance high five for that one.

Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week. Remember to tip your server, and enjoy the buffet.

I wish I'd made it up. Unfortunately, I stole it from my wife's girlfriend. So I can't claim it as mine, though I do gladly accept (and return) the high five.

"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers

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God loves gays.

nigelTheBold wrote:

Hey, by the way, Sierra:


What's your God think of gays?

I don't have anything at stake, as I'm not gay myself. But my boyfriend is, and he's kinda worried.


----God loves all people. Nigel, you know there is nothing we can ever do to change or stop God's unconditional love for us.

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Renee Obsidianwords

Renee Obsidianwords wrote:


You should think of subscribing to the Gold package. Your support will show how much you care for all of our eternal souls.

May I also suggest you donate to keep our server up and running? That way you will be able to help us see and feel what you do regarding your god!

Thanks for caring AND thanks in advance for your support



---Renee, could not help but notice once again that you got it backwards. gold = g should be lower case

God=G should be upper case.

"Woe to those who call  evil good, and good evil;who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;" (Isa 5:20  NKJ)