Re: Blasphamy Challenge

My Blashphamy Challenge Response...

Hello. My name is Sarah. Most of my entire family is catholic, and so I was raised catholic. When I was 6 years old

I began developing free will of thought and a rational mind. I have always been a sponge that absorbs knowledge and
so at the age of 4 and ever since, I have an endless amount of questions for everyone about everything. I've always

wanted to know
How and why things work and exactly what they are. So at 6 years old I began questioning my mother and
Grandmother, not out of disbelief because my fragile mind believed everything they said, but rather out of

curiosity. By the time I was 7, I realized that almost all of my logical questions either couldn't be answered by
Them, or contradicted with the answers they gave me for other questions. Or, even better was the grand excuse that
"god knows everything, he always existed, god did it, how? because he's god..." And even at 7 I understood that
those weren't answers at all, they were just excuses. Bull faced lies. As for the bible and all other polytheistic

and monotheistic religions? They are nice stories, but to believe that it applies to REALity, is just as ignorant

watching "Queen of the Damned" And the believing in vampires. Or reading about unicorns and then spending years in

the boonies searching for them. Or maybe you watched Harry Potter, and decided to make it your life goal to fine
the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. There is a fine detailed line between fantasy and reality. It is an

appalling disgrace that some humans need hope and faith and lies to comfort them and remain sane. Psychiatrists
constantly seek out and drug the mentally unstable people? Well there are a load of them!! Believing in magical

that doesn't exist? Talking to someone when no one is there? Have you ever noticed that people say that talking to
god is praying, ghosts are real, angels exist, yet as soon as someone says, god talked to me! Or I saw a ghost! Or,

there's an angel in my kitchen come look!!! They are considered insane? That is because deep down subconsciously,
most everyone knows that such a thing isn't real, yet they live a lie anyway. It is an unnecessary, unfortunate,

burden that due to our broader and open minded understanding of the universe, humans no longer need.

I do wonder though, how many chirstians and religious people have studied and noted scientific documentaries? I

many people who were christians until their 7th or 8th grade science class where they learned of the truth, and saw

that it made ACTUAL COMMON SENSE!! Now those people are atheists.

People always ask the question "Are you a pessimist, or an optimist?", "Is the glass half full or half empty?" And

you know what I tell them? The glass glass is half full when you're filling it up, and half empty when you're

drinking it. I am not a narrowminded pessimist or optimist, I am a realist.

There is no god, if Jesus Christ existed he was only human, there are no ghosts, there are no spirits, there is no
"holy ghost" or multiple gods, and whether your tainted mind can comprehend it or not, I will tell you that I know

these things for an absolute fact.

I have written so many english papers, and I always get in trouble for writing god with a small "g". Now my ap

english teacher is making me read the bible for an assignment, and I took it proudly knowing that I'd rather learn

about the lies than be ignorant of them. For all the religious people out there, if you deny science and evolution

then you are just ignorant and incompetent. If not, then you at least have some understanding of the world.
I am constantly so disgusted that so many people are so gullible, and that no one else seems to see how obvious it
is that it is just a poor excuse thought up by fearful people long ago who were not only unintelligent, but also

completely unaware of their surroundings, and needed answers to implore sanity... It is either false faith, or
whipped up by the government.. I gained even more knowledge on the topic ESPECIALLY after I took ap world history.
I learned how all the different religions polytheistic, monotheistic, and other faiths and philosophies got

started.. it is so
obvious and apparent that people simply lacked intelligence and understanding of their environment...

I strongly believe that you should have to be at least 18 in order to go to church.. because young minds are so

vulnerable to corruption, they'll believe anything. That's why they are so many religious people.. either because
they are afraid of the truth, or were brought up that way, and that is simply just not fair to the children. Only

the lucky ones like myself break free from the lies and discover the truth.

The parents who have been burdened with the superstition of religion, should not be allowed to pass those lies on
to their children while their children are in such a vulnerable and fragile state of mind. Such a thing is shameful

and irrational, and it is ridiculous that humans actually truly believe in such a happy fairytale. We are not
immortal, after we die, we don't get to live forever in a magical land of happiness. That is such an obvious crock

of shit. Something that Science can do that "faith" will never ever be able to do (because it's not real) is
provide visible proof and evidence, a tangible substance of reality, not some foolish lie. For all you religious
people and christians out there, You are either afraid of the truth, pathetic, weak, or you have been influenced by

your environment to believe these terrible lies and your gullible mind somehow over powered your rational,
intelligent mind and so you fell subject to them. It that case, it's not entirely your fault, but understand that a

new intelligence has been born. Before, humans were too primitive to come up with such elaborate and fantasy-like

explanations. And now we have become so intelligent, that we are finding the real answers to the questions we could

Probably one of the most famous periods that revolutionized thought was the age of reason. If you don't know what

that is, then stop being ignorant a pick up on english history.

never explain other than to say "god did it" i.e. A silly but commonly heard of example would be, that didn't the
Egyptians say that gods pulled the sun across the sky? Now, when they said that, did they have proof? How about a
satellite, or maybe hi definition telescopes.. No, they didn't, it was just an imaginative explanation they

produced so that they could solve their own mysteries and move on with their lives. And that is exactly what the
christians do, and most all other religions. Someday when our children’s children’s children’s children read

through a
mythology textbook, I want them to see all forms of christianity in there, because that's where they belong. The

people truly qualified to lead society are the scientists and atheists. Not christian politicians, but rather

who actually make technological advances and move our society forward. Without them and their studies, we would

have been long dead.

If you are a christian or religeous person watching this, and you intend to save my soul by praying for me, instead

do yourself a favor. Rather than wasting your time praying, go read a book, or an encyclopedia, or even watch a

scientific documentary. You will see a world of truth and reality, reason and common sense, and then maybe you'll

finally stop wasting away the only life that you will ever live.

My name is Sarah, I am a proud Atheist and future scientist, devoted to saving humanity from the
lies of religion, and I deny the holy spirit.