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more science, cause I LOVE IT.218 years 13 weeks ago
by LeftofLarry
18 years 12 weeks ago
by LeftofLarry
this guy is my hero..hahaha.218 years 13 weeks ago
by LeftofLarry
18 years 13 weeks ago
by LeftofLarry
Please help with another debunking318 years 14 weeks ago
by StopEvangelists
18 years 14 weeks ago
by LeftofLarry
One more study I'm involved in..this time Herpetology218 years 14 weeks ago
by LeftofLarry
18 years 14 weeks ago
by LeftofLarry
My Path118 years 15 weeks ago
by Equilibrium
18 years 14 weeks ago
by LeftofLarry
I thought this was interesting especially the last paragraph018 years 20 weeks ago
by LeftofLarry
Check out the Darwin Video on the NY times218 years 22 weeks ago
by LeftofLarry
18 years 22 weeks ago
by LeftofLarry
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