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Belgian Children and Euthanasia |
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Terminally ill children can now exercise their right to die.
Belgian Senate votes to extend euthanasia to children
The Belgian Senate has voted in favour of extending its euthanasia law to terminally-ill children.
The Senate voted 50-17 in favour of the legislation, which is opposed by religious leaders in Belgium.
The bill seeks to allow children to ask for euthanasia if their illness is terminal, they are in great pain and there is no available treatment.
It will now go before the lower house of parliament, where correspondents say it is likely to be approved.
Belgium passed a law decriminalising euthanasia for terminally-ill people over the age of 18 in 2002.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno