Win copies of the new Sam Harris book! Get the show for free!

Sam Harris, author of "The End of Faith" released a new book yesterday, September 19th. The book is called "Letter to a Christian Nation." It was written as a response to the thousands of letters that Sam has received from Christians. This book is a short and easy read, and is directed at Christians who want to understand more about why others would not believe in their god. It covers as many bases as possible in as succint a manner as possible, all while showing the reader that there simply isn't a rational justification for believing in a god.
- Make sure the following two profiles are in your top myspace friends: "Letter to a Christian Nation", and the The Rational Response Squad.
- Post a link to your myspace profile in this thread, or if you're a teen, post it in this thread.
- At least one signed copy of "The End of Faith" will be awarded.
- Several unsigned copies of "Letter to a Christian Nation" will be awarded.
- Everyone who participates will receive a free copy of Sams appearance on The Rational Response Squad via the private message system of our message boards. (show available now!)
- Based on participation, we may award more prizes!
- You will be helping to expose Christians to this important book that they all should read!
Listen in this Friday (Sep 22) at 9pm est as Sam Harris joins The Rational Response Squad. (show was recorded last weekend)
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