It's impossible for you to be alive.

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It's impossible for you to be alive.

I have been following Dembski's idiotic top down appoach to probabilities and had a thought about the odds of anyone being alive.

A quick search gave me the number of sperm cells produced on each ejaculation at around 200 ~ 600 million. If I remember correctly each sperm is different i.e., each one will produce a different human being.  Someone correct me if this is not so.

 So what are the odds of anyone being alive if you factor in all the ejaculations, chance encounter, honey i got a headache tonight, etc?

I would bet if you punched in all the variables from the first homo sapiens, the odds are higher than all the atoms in the universe.


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True, but not helpful at

True, but not helpful at the same time. Consider this precise analogy.

You have a deck of cards containing 1 million different cards. You shuffle the deck and pick 5.

The odds of picking those 5 cards is incredibly miniscule. The deck must have been stacked for you to have picked such an unlikely hand. The problem is that every other 5 card combination is equally unlikely. When you draw 5 cards the odds are 100% that you will pick some hand, even though that hand and every other hand is staggreingly unlikely to be the one drawn.

When creationists try to baffle me with big numbers, I do the same back to them. Consider how large the universe is compared to the entire human race. For all practical purposes, relative to the universe as a whole, we do not exist. So much for being important...

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Ig wrote: I have been

Ig wrote:
I have been following Dembski's idiotic top down appoach to probabilities and had a thought about the odds of anyone being alive.
The probability is 1. We do exist.


Either his reputation as a mathematician is highly over rated or Dembski deliberately lied in formulating his demonstration of the improbability of evolution to support creation. If he understood the probability theory, he would realize that there is no probability to calculate in a thing's existence if it does, in fact exists.

People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.