Bush gets mugged in Albania

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Bush gets mugged in Albania

The corporate media reported on how Bush was overwhelmed with a positive audience in Albania. However, the footage of the event shows a different story.

If you look closely at the beginning of the video Bush is wearing a watch on his left wrist. Later on his wrist is wearing nothing. The admiring mob was trying to treat Bush like he treats the American taxpayer.

Jacob Cordingley
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LOL   I hope they got any



I hope they got any rings and his wallet too.  Albanians rule. 

Master Jedi Dan
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Who the fuck cares?  This

Who the fuck cares?  This isn't earth-shattering.

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Secret Cirvice Slip-up

Hmm, you'd think that if someone could steal Bush's watch right under the noses of the Secret Cirvice, that someone would be able to prick him with a tack or something that had some sort of deadly substance on it. I don't know. Maybe they'll let him crowd-surf next time.

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Master Jedi Dan wrote: Who

Master Jedi Dan wrote:
Who the fuck cares? This isn't earth-shattering.

 Wow, someone needs to grow a sense of humor.