Famous Scientific Creationists
While the Bible is not written as a science textbook when it speaks on nature and science it is accurate. Only the creator could communicate this.
A good portion of our modern science was founded by creationists.
Francis and Roger Bacon.
Sir Issac Newton= Calculas and gravity, particle theory of light
Joseph Lister= Antiseptic surgery
Matthew Maury- Discovery of oceanography from Psalms 8:8
Louis Pastuer = sterilization, bacteriology he is one of the greatest biologists.
Johann Kepler =celestial mechanics astronomy
Robert Boyle= founder of chemistry ( a Christian ).
William Harvey= circulation of the blood.
Modern discoveries by Christians= Michael faraday -made the generator and electro magnetic induction
Samuel Morris made the telegraph and his first words Numbers 23:23 "what God has wrought."
James Simpson was the founder of ginecology founded chloroform on Adams deep sleep (he said his greatest discovery was that he had a savior.)
Charles Barage= Computer, speedometer, opthamaloscope ( a Christian)
Carolus Lineaus= Gave us the family of species the Genesis kind (believer in the Bible) Taxonomy.
Nicolas Steno= Father of the science of stratography
Science agrees with the Bible:
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Evfimy, your IPs, ISPs and logons have proven that this is not the first time you have been banned and created yet another account.
This is against forum rules and you are banned.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
I will also add, if you continue to create sock puppet accounts you will be reported to your ISP.
I don't if you have been banned but thought I'd answer anyway. First of all, the majority of the names you give formulated their ideas before Darwin proposed Natural Selection.
They were simply going with the current consensus on the creation of the world. Also I don't see how their religious convictions are relevant. What has theism got to do with computers and speedometers? Don't really understand what you are getting at. Are you trying to make an appeal to authority?
Also, how is the Bible accurate when it says
"It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth..." Isaiah 40:22
"...and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth" Isaiah 11:12
"That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?" Job 38:13
"Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble" Job 9:6
How can you possibly say the Bible is scientifically accurate?
"Francis and Roger Bacon. "
DIED in 1626, and is cited, becuse he had the gall to suggest empirical evidence should be considered. He still felt divine means were more "trustworthy".
"Galileo=Heliocentricity "
Was persecuted by the church for saying the earth was round and had (at least) three illegitamet children.
"Sir Issac Newton= Calculas and gravity, particle theory of light "
Was WRONG about how gravity and light actually work, he just came up with a decent approximation. He CONFIRMED the findings of that bastard fathering Gallileo.
"Joseph Lister= Antiseptic surgery"
Used Carbolic Acid to knock his patients out. A rather nasty compound that has been used in other circumstances for lethal injection and gas chamber executions. Never understood the irony of what he was doing as related to a loving omnipotent being.
"Matthew Maury- Discovery of oceanography from Psalms 8:8 "
Found a fucking old piece of paper, good for him.
"Louis Pastuer = sterilization, bacteriology he is one of the greatest biologists."
Was hardly a fundamentalist, ask his wife.
"Johann Kepler =celestial mechanics astronomy"
Again, who told you he believes in your God? He doesn't. And he CERTAINLY believes in a VERY anceint universe.
"Robert Boyle= founder of chemistry ( a Christian )."
lol, FOUNDER of chemisty? You're a twit. He died in 1691, and had some basic insights into how gases behaved.
"William Harvey= circulation of the blood."
DIED IN 1657! What the FUCK use is he as far as circulatory issues today? He put LEECHES on people for fucks sake.
"Modern discoveries by Christians= Michael faraday -made the generator and electro magnetic induction"
Modern? He DIED in 1867! Can you name a magic dude that supports you in THIS century?
"Samuel Morris made the telegraph and his first words Numbers 23:23 "what God has wrought.""
Yeah, typing a few dots before you DIE in 1872 after stealing the invention from Tesla certainly makes you Christian.
Fuck, I'm done with this. EVERY person mentioned so far died OVER 100 years ago. Their position in science while possibly esteemed THEN, means DICK now.
That's the whole point of science. What was accepted 140 years ago ISN'T now.
Except for one theory. Holding stong since the 1850s, and ONLY getting stonger.
So cry me a fucking river. It's hllarious. You name these obscure people who may or may not have been christian who livede and hundred years ago and then expect me to BELIEVE that they made these scientic discoveries BECAUSE they were Christian? How does THAT work? What evidence have you?
It's a fundamentally RETARDED thing to even bring up. I'm embarassed FOR you.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
The only thing this list of names proves to me is that smart people can believe in dumb things, just like the not-so smart people can. While I appreciate and admire many of the discoveries by these people, they displayed some illogical and bizzare beliefs in addition to their genius. For example, Isaac Newton believed in alchemey.
So just being famous and correct for one discovery in science does not exempt one from believing in something really weird like the dead coming back to life and floating into the sky.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. - Seneca