Denial is not just a river in Egypt

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----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Gospel4YOUth
Date: Nov 4 2006 1:45 PMYeah imagine if there was no religion in the world, no law, no love!
The world would be much worse then it is today, don't blame 9/11 on religion, everyone is bound to have a relgion of some sort from secualrism to buddism, whatever! any group can cause terror even you atheist can! so dont blame it on religion, second, Christianity isn't a religion, it's a faith so wouldn't go stiking that in there bro and yeah even if you don't want a 15 year old telling you this and all the others trying to help you see the truth, God will show you at the end of time, you can't get away with this forever! I just pray that God will open your eyes to Him. Blessings and Love, Dave.
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1. What the fuck is stiking?
2. name one terrorist act caused by atheists
3. Secularism/atheism is not a religion it is the absence of religion
4. Faith is the same thing as religion and totally irrational.
Please get a clue.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
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Two statements with zero proof behind them. Also, the commandments that concern dealings between people came from laws that were old when your religion was young.
1) The actions takem om 9/11 were taken by crazy people who used their god belief as an excuse to push their personal agendas. Much like the Christian crazies today.
2) Secualrism and Buddhism aren't religions
3) Name an atheist terrorist. I dare you.
Christianity isn't a religion but a faith? You're kidding, right?
Faith is a component of religion. You have to have faith in your Christ in order to follow your religion of Christianity. All the trappings of your religion (your holy book, your clergy) say so.
Threatening me with what your imaginary friend will do to me long after I'm dead doesn't change anything.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Now, if you're going to credit religion with law and love, you'd have to also credit wrath, vengeance and murder to religion as well. Every scripture has has a good dose of all these things in it. Your statement is self-nullifying.
So, the terror attack of September 11th was executed by 19 devoutly religious people who belonged to a devoutly religious fundementalist group, but they did not factor in their religion into their reasoning for performing this unforgivable act? Well, I suppose they could have been having a bad day. That's pretty bad, though.
This is pretty laughable. The reason why religion is a cause for terrorism is because it works as a moral shield in the sense that it's the perfect way to forgive the unforgivable. Go ahead, kill thousands, millions even, you're getting into heaven anyways. Motivating an atheist to terrorism would be most difficult, since you'd have to sit down and rationalize the slaughter of thousands to him/her. It hardly seems worth it
Sorry "bro" but they're the same damn thing. Nice try though. Especially considering the fact that you just went so far out of your way to defend religion, when you apparently are not "religious" but "faithful".
Why not now? Why do we have to wait until the end of time? Seems like a pretty bum deal. I hate waiting. Religion is so much like the bank.
Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine