Hip Hop artist Agape wants you to believe in Jesus...

She sounds good... but....
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Agapé
Date: Sep 15, 2006 4:21 PM
Hi. How are you today wonderful? I hope you are great because life sometimes can be the opposite of that... I want to welcome you today to a fresh new start. Salvation. What is it? Salvation is belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Did you know that if you confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and believe that He is God that you can be saved? Saved means set aside or preserved. If you don't accept Him you are thus, without salvation. The only way to eternal life or Heaven is to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and to abide by His standards of living through the Holy Bible. I hope that this information was of use to you. Remember God gives us all a free will yet the end result won't be free if we don't give Him our will while we have a chance to speak. People die everyday and tomorrow or today isn't promised to no man or woman. I hope you will invite Jesus in your life. I did and my life is more than I can imagine because Christ Jesus is my Lord and Savior.
I wish you the Best,
Love You,
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Nothing we haven't all heard before. Maybe she needs to be introduced to Proclaim!
Now my twisted translation:
Shalom. How are you today, heathen? I hope you are proud of yourself because life sucks sometimes...I want to tell you something you've NEVER heard before. Damnation. What is it? Damnation is a belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Did you know that if you don't confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and believe that He is God that you will burn for eternity in the pits of a fiery hell? If you are not saved, you will be cast into the pit. If you don't accept Him you are thus, going to die, sucker, an everylasting painful death. The only way to live forever and ever and ever or in other words-Heaven, is to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and to abide by His standards of living such as killing people that work on the Sabbath (Exodus 31:12-15) as stated in the Holy Bible. I hope that this information was of use to you since you've never heard about it before. Remember God gives us all a free will, yet the end result won't be FREE if we don't give Him our WILL while we have a chance to speak (heehee, get it?) God kills people everyday and tomorrow or today isn't promised to no man or wo-man. I hope you will invite Jesus in your life and maybe over for a game of horseshoes. I did and my life is more make-believe than I can imagine because Christ Lord Henry Bob Jesus is my Lord and Savior.
You're gonna Fry,
Love You,
I know you mean well, but this isn't really anything we haven't heard before, over, and over, and over again. Yes, of course we know that you believe that if we believe in JC that we will have eternal salvation. And if we don't, well then, we will be eternally damned. We see life in a very different way from you though. We don't live our lives as good people because we want to get into heaven, we do good things because they are good. We don't believe in what you are saying because there is no good reason to. I don't take you any more seriously than I do a muslim extremist that promises me virgins aplenty if I blow myself up in the name of Allah.
Generic moron who makes generic shitty music.