Make the right choice... believe in god

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Vanity of vanities
Date: Aug 28, 2006 4:03 AM
It is very sad and irrational that you don't believe in your creator.
What a shock you will come to when you stand before him one day.
Answer me this, what if, by "chance" (no direct relation to evolution) I am right, well I know I'm right because I have met the almighty but lets say I am right and one day you have to stand before him.. WHAT ever will you say to him? That you were without excuse? That you were not aware that he has written his laws upon your heart and therefore all you have been "taught" about lying, stealing was not right after all?
Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to attact you or anyone for that matter but I just don't understand how you can call knowing God irrational when you have never known him? It is almost like saying that your ancestors were not alive because you have not known them. I just don't understand how people can write God off because science can not seem to explain him, even though if you know your science you know that there can be no life without a creator and that random chance is impossible to the degree that science and evolution TRY and explain it. God is so above science even though it is clear, even nature that he is the one that made it all. I just would hate to see anyone have to stand before my Father when I know what he will say to you because you chose to not know him and because you chose to listen to fallible man and not infallible God.
Please make the right choice and jsut ask him, seriously, ask him to reveal himself to you..
You might just be suprised who you will find seeking you.
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What will you do when you stand before the Flying Spaghetti Monster and he asks you to explain why you still believed in the Christian God, even though he put out all the evidence that the Christian God does not and could not possibly exist?
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Vanity of Vanities,
Yesterday the followers of Islam invited all westerners to accept Allah. Based on your above response I see that you have not accepted the invitation. How will you answer him after you die and stand before him?
Do you see how absurd the above idea is?
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. - Seneca
Why would an all knowing god ask me to say anything? He already knows everything I could possibly respond with, and exactly what I will say anyway.
That's odd though, because I have free will. If I'm free to make a choice, god couldn't possibly know what will happen till I decide.
If he does, it's not really a choice then.
The paper read yesterday, the earth exploded, nobody noticed the passing of this hapless planet.
I hate coming in late to these things.
Everyone thus far has given great responses to this rehashing of Pascal's Wager.
I just have to add that the all-knowing God already knows what he needs to do to reveal himself to me.
The fact that he hasn't yet means one of these things:
1) He doesn't exist.
2) He's happy with my being an atheist.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
"well I know I'm right because I have met the almighty"
Will someone PLEASE make the effort of seeking that biblical passage where it states that nobody has ever, does ever or will ever see God's face, or hear God's direct word without perishing from this world ... ? Please ... ? Then perhaps these "I've seen God" claimers will FINALLY understand they've been "deceived by Satan" (where Satan equals limit of stupidity(x) where x goes to infinite, if there ever is such a limit). Perhaps you'll post that passage as an automatic responder, stating like:
"Thank you for the message.
However, if you're a person in one of the following situations, don't bother waiting, you shall not be answered:
1. Seen God (check ____ in the Bible)
2. Had revelations (check ____ in the Bible)
Thank you.
Inquisition - "The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on..."
If I ever meet this fictional deity called Yahweh, I will recite the lyrics to Morbid Angel's "Fall from Grace" in a death metal growl shortly before spitting in his face.
On second thought, I think I'd vocalize the solo as well.
An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.
I don't think that'll be appreciated. lol. In fact, that might be a tad irrational.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Actually my creators are my parents, so I do do believe in my creator.
Well what if when you die you don't come to stand before., None of us can say what's goning to happen when we die.
So because you believe that makes you right? Ok sure whatever you say.
Actually I used to believe in him when I was little. But right or wrong is something your parents teach you. Lots of criminals are christians, so what happened to them?
If this is not attacking then I don't know what is...
I never met them but I know they existed., How else am I here?
I just don't understand how people can believe in god, with the shit that goes on this world. And of course there can be no life without a creator, what do you think sex is for?
If that ever happens, then I'll ask him, 'WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?"
I have made the right choice, I have decided to believe in myself. Because I know that I can do whatever I want. I don't have to wait for me to do something. I stopped believing because I realized that praying wasn't getting me anywhere. So, I believe I made the right choice. And I asked him, begged him to help the world our family, that got me nowhere.
I'm wondering if beating this dead horse somehow violates biblical injunctions against witchcraft since the obvious desired result is some form of necromancy.
Please, this wasn't convincing the first three thousand times I heard it and it isn't convincing now. You guys really need some new material. Oh, wait, dogma. Sorry, I forgot for a minute there.
And I shall endeavor to afford myself the small comfort of forgetting once again.
I asked him. He said you're a tool and he hates you.
You are a sheep and a book is your shepard. Kinda like you're a puppet and you do what you're told.
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." - Pascal
'Revealing yourself' is a felony in most states.
That he is a dispicable, evil, and malevolent being. That I want nothing to do with him, his son, or his heaven. Considering the types of people he lets into heaven and those he sends to hell.
I hope they cannot see

the limitless potential
living inside of me
to murder everything.
I hope they cannot see
I am the great destroyer.
Really? Could you convince the police of that? A judge? Is there any evidence outside of your belief that you've met him? There are people who are equally convinced that they've met aliens. Do you believe them? What if I told you I'm completely convinced that I met Beethoven? So I'm supposed to believe you because you say so. Well, slap me silly and call me Betsy, because I'm going to have to eventually do some thinking when two people tell me to believe something because they believe it, and the two things are contradictory.
See, here's the thing. Every social creature has morals. Every one. Ever read about the sociology of chimps? Did you know that bees have "police" to keep the law of the hive? These morals were instilled by gradual evolution. The species that learned to cooperate with each other for mutual survival were more successful than those that didn't. The ones that didn't cooperate died off, leaving those with "morals." Have you read enough history to know that before the nation of Israel was ever formed, there were civilizations who had never heard of Yahweh, and they had morals, too?
Simple. It's the same as knowing that believing in a hobbit is irrational. There's simply no proof of either, so I don't believe that either exists. The funny thing is, there are several books written about hobbits. There are lots of pictures of hobbits all over the world, and people go to events centered around the fantasy world that hobbits live in. Still, there is no such thing as a hobbit. Likewise, despite all the books about God, and the people going to clubs to talk about him, he doesn't exist either.
Science would give it a try if anyone would produce even the smallest smidgen of evidence.
I'm sorry. You don't understand evolution or science. I'm not trying to be mean. I'll be glad to point you in the direction of some good texts on evolution if you don't like the ones you can find on this site. Science says the opposite of what you claim. Scientists see overwhelming evidence that life did, in fact, evolve very gradually based on something that could be called chance.
You see, on the side of science, there is overwhelming evidence for evolution. So much so that there is the scientific FACT of evolution. Scientists are still trying to piece together a THEORY that explains all the mechanisms. It's like gravity. Gravity is a FACT even though for many years, we had no THEORY to explain it. We have been able to observe gravity even before we had a theory for it. Same with evolution.
God does not exist. I'm not completely sure what you mean in this sentence. I think you mean that even nature makes it clear that God made nature. I beg to differ. If a creator had created life as we know it, why would there be so much evidence that it had evolved? Why is there no evidence that we just came to exist suddenly? Why is our dna so closely matched to every other species that resembles us? Why can we find fossils of pre-human species?
I know you truly believe what you say. However, I am asking you to examine it as objectively as possible and try to answer the questions that have really scary answers. It's scary to think of what might happen if you leave religion. There are lots of questions that take a lifetime to try to answer, and maybe you won't ever answer them, but at least you'll have the satisfaction of trying.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Yeah, everyone has pretty much covered what I was going to say. I just want to add that it is extremely presumptious to say that your god is also our creator. I think the greatest disappointment in a christians life will be when they die. And by implying Evolution is random chance just proved to us you have no idea what you are argueing against. Sorry, but we don't need your veiled threats of judgement, and without actual arguements for your belief, why should we even take you seriously?
Dammit, kids, I'm noticing a pattern. It seems that when the call for evidence is made, the believers run and hide.
I'm compiling a list of people who have not responded to the call for basic evidence. It's already a long list.
Funny how there's lots of bluster until you throw down the gauntlet.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Keep in mind, everyone in the "You Respond" threads, RRS management doesn't contact the original author to inform them of this thread. Someone participating in these threads should contact the original poster so they come into the forum to participate.
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Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Do you always go through life with a hand up your back, or are you capable of formulating your own independant opinion?
Ok, lets assume you are right for one second.
Here is what I would do if I "met my maker".
My face to face response would be, "YOU ARE A F-ING JERK" putting me through all that making me guess and allowing innocent people, even if you dont think I am, but innocent people to be harmed by others"
In other words, what an immoral prick to sit back and allow a child to get raped and chopped up only to say, "I'll punish the guilty" AFTER THE FACT......Please do tell.....for an all powerfull being to say, "I can stop it" and then sit it out selectively is pretty horrible and immoral to me.
Now, I am not asking you what GOD SAYS....I am now going to ask you your own opinion about what YOU would do. NOT GOD, but YOU. Dont use that cop out, "I am not god".
I am asking you a simple yes or no question.
If YOU could 100% all the time without exception, stop child rape and murder.....wouldnt you do it?
Now, since we know that unfortunatly those things do happen, AND IF we are to assume your deity is real, my first statement to such being would be OUT OF ALL THE THINGS TO ALLOW....WTF?
Now....I have a better explination rather than "Superman vs Kriptonite". Things happen in life that we dont like and we dont want affecting us. But that doesnt mean magic made those bad things happen. War, crime and desease all affect us but there is no magic to it, it mearly means we dont like it happening.
In conclusion, my moral objection to the magical security guard who is selective about which bank gets robbed and which one doesnt, is enough for me to say, go fly a kite.
Banks get robbed because people want money. Children get rapped and murdered, unfortunatly because the perpitrator is lacking a sense of power and control and self esteem. No magic needed to explain it.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Belief isn't a choice.
I am interested in hearing all about the time when this person claims to have met the all Mighty.
Humanity has always farted into the wind, you just claim to have the biggist stink. One smell amoungst many, thats all.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
If the god of the christian bible were true and I had to face it, I would demand an apology for his irational and cruel behavior. I would not want to spend an eternity praising such a thug!
For those of you that claim to not have evolved from a more primitive life form, all I can say is "be patient".