Sapients Rational Mobile- the real car

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Sapients Rational Mobile- the real car

This is my real car, but not my real plate... I'm not gonna make it easy for the death threat folks to find me.

Do you use your car as a billboard to wake people up?

If you want to put a vanity plate on your car before posting, should you choose to, go here.

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Bumper Stickers

Oh how I wish I could borrow your car one day and park next to the Jesus Freak at my Day Job. Her car is covered with Bible-Thumping bumper stickers with lots of "1-800-NEED-HIM."

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Sapients Rational Mobile- the real car

I almost ordered the Punctuated Equilibria one from Smiling Great stickers.

I have quite a few, but none that blatantly give away my atheism. I work in an elementary school and don't want to rock the boat too much. I don't need angry parents calling and complaining to my fundy superintendent.

I do have a little "Atheism Cures Religious Terrorism" sticker on my side window though. And "What Schools Need Is A Moment of Science".

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Sapients Rational Mobile- the real car

I've seen some school trachers rocking the:

"It'll be a great day when our schools have all the money they need and our military needs to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber."

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Sapients Rational Mobile- the real car

As much as my ethics would try to stop me, if the table was staffed with cute fellas in uniforms, I'm not sure I could help myself.

At least I could console myself that it would take millions of cupcakes to buy a bomber and I'd still get to flirt with the cute fellas in uniforms.

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Sapients Rational Mobile- the real car

There's a teacher at my school with this sticker: "As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in school."


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Sapients Rational Mobile- the real car

Leda wrote:
There's a teacher at my school with this sticker: "As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in school."


That's kinda funny though. I do feel your frustration, the quote isn't necessarily accurate, however I get it.

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Sapients Rational Mobile- the real car

The stickers are holding it together huh?
Admit it.
Laughing out loud

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Sapients Rational Mobile- the real car


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Sapients Rational Mobile- the real car

This is a bad place for me to talk about the aforementioned bake sale and bomber bumper sticker... but well... let's just say your tax dollars are not always spent in the wisest manner Eye-wink



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Sapients Rational Mobile- the real car

As soon as i get a car, those'll be ALL over it. Hellz yeah!

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Sapients Rational Mobile- the real car

I thought this topic was about a real car... all I can see is a bunch of stickers. lol!

I had a "God is just pretend" sticker on my bumper, and within one week someone had markered it up. They crossed out the "pretend" so it says "God is Just."

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lololololol. That's great.

lololololol. That's great. When I get a car, You won't be able to tell what kind of car it is.

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I'd be afraid to have them

I'd be afraid to have them because of vandalism by fundies.

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I don't have any bumper

I don't have any bumper stickers. Some crazy person would probably slash my tires if my car looked like that. Sapient, do you really get death threats?

So many groups have their own little hand signals...atheists should come up with something. That way when I'm sitting in traffic and I see your bumpber stickers, I can let you know I'm on the same page. Smiling