How do I break up with my theist boyfriend?
This email was awfully personal, so I'm not posting the authors info:
so. check this out. im agnostic. a raging existential moderate, if you will. ive been with a jahovas witness for.. too long. stop laughing, its not funny. the man is like 99.875% perfect. except for his head. heres the question, i rly dont want to argue his points with him because the man doesnt even know what he believes, doesnt know the bible, etc, and it would just be a sad massacre with no real conclusion. plus hes about 10 years older so all arguements like this end in "youre young, you have time" *makes jacking-off motion*would you reccomend i use the "im not right for you, i dont even believe in god, you need someone supportive" angle (i dont think he understandsthe extent of my beliefs). because everytime ive tried to bring this issue up it somehow ends in sex. and its good.
how would you go about this? i cant really bring it up without coming off offensive to his bullshit beliefs (see?) how do you go about breaking up out of a perfectly good relatioship based on something no one can proove?
This problem is so much bigger than a small email can convey. I hardly know the scope of how you feel about each other, it seems though you're clear in your intentions to end the relationship. Thanks for contacting us about this issue, while I'm not the best authority on this matter, I do have 5 years on you. LOL
I think the best course of action is honesty. You're concerns for bringing this up in the past might have been for lack of wanting to offend him. However, you're about to be free and clear. On your way out, I think you owe him the truth. While you might appear "offensive to his beliefs" by some standards, I think your honesty supercedes any offense he might take in this instance. Assuming he cares for you, I'd think he should be just as hurt that you're breaking up with him. If you're going to hold back from saying things that will hurt him or offend him why not just stay with him? This way he wont be offended!
Seriously though, he should know why he is losing you. Maybe it'll help him see things a little differently. Shit maybe it might even cause an "epiphany" and he'd snap into reality. And of course if this does happen, maybe you'll see him a little differently.
Whatever you do, I hope you have happiness in your actions. Hopefully next time you wont make the mistake of dating someone who owes their life to a fictional character.
- Brian Sapient
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If anyone made such a condescending remark to me in that kind of position of trust, i'd bitchslap them real hard.
"Character is higher than intellect... A great soul will be strong to live, as well as to think."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
I put up with that shit ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!
xXxuberxtian4LIFExXx: well u cant prove god isnt real!!
Nick: Well, I don't need to. You see the burden of proof is on you...
xXxuberxtian4LIFExXx: yur just a stupoid 15 year old!! you dont know anything! accept jesus an youl be forgiven..
God, I hate idiots. There's too many of them.
Experience is overrated. Intelligence wins any day.
Wilson: "We were afraid that if you found out you solved a case with absolutely no medical evidence you'd think you were God." House: "God doesn't limp."
Nick if you start keeping transcripts of debates via IM, we'll post them in our library. Same goes for anyone else.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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Well, how can he be more than 99% perfect when his head is the problem? Wouldn't that dramatically reduce the percentage?
I agree that you should not put up with the "you are young".
However, if you really care for him and viceversa, a middle ground can be reached where each one respects each other's belief so as long as it does not causes damage to the relationship. Yes, theist + freethinker relationships are possible, just a little harder
She wants to break up with him.
What this guy needs is a mental slap in the face - make it very clear that under no circumstances should he make such a condescending remark to you - to ANYONE. He is older than you, and he's using that to his advantage.
Maybe he'll learn something, but I doubt it.
"Character is higher than intellect... A great soul will be strong to live, as well as to think."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson