A comment I received about my bullentin posts on Myspace

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A comment I received about my bullentin posts on Myspace

Titled: Words of Wisdom to Atheists.

Stop posting your stupid athiest crap on bulletins...no one reads it and no one really cares what you have to say...so save some time and post something meaningful...like those stupid surveys that are going around...I'd rather read those than the bs that i see from these athiest bulletins...Limit the God bashing to your page...just because u don't beleive in religion doesn't mean I have to listen to you go "blah blah blah God doesn't exist because my life sucks blah blah blah", because then i'd have to use my first amendment rights and tell you to "SHUT THE FUCK UP" because it's annoying...Thank You.
My Reply:

"Stop posting your stupid athiest crap on bulletins"

Danny, Danny. First of all I apperciate you not pointing fingers. But, I know who your talking about, unless you have atheists on your freinds page. If you read the myspace terms of agreement I have every right to post "atheist crap" on this bullentin. Get over it.

"no one reads it and no one really cares what you have to say"

Really lol. Do you know silly this sounds when you had to post a bullentin just to say this? If you don't care, then disregard it. It's that simple. You've done well so far. For your info I get plenty of feed back from my bullentins. Some positive some negative. Please aqcuire evidence before making baseless claims.

"so save some time and post something meaningful"

Of course this is your opinion and your entitled to it. From what I see on these bullentins theres usually not very much meaningful being posted. Maybe some people find my bullentins meaningful. Again aquire evidence before making baseless claims.

"like those stupid surveys that are going around"

You know what? I find these meaningless and therefore save my self some time and don't post them. If you can disreagrd those, apply that to my bullentins, and your all set. I'm certainly capable of doing it.

"I'd rather read those than the bs that i see from these athiest bulletins"

I'm glad you admit you read my bullentins. Again if there so meaningless. Why not disregard them. If you feel you have to make bullentin posts about my bullentins. Then your not showing their very meaningless. Therefore contradicting yourself.

"just because u don't beleive in religion doesn't mean I have to listen to you go "blah blah blah God doesn't exist because my life sucks blah blah blah","

Am I forcing you to read these bullentins? Does the bullentin suddenly open when you log on to your page? No and no. If you read the title, see that it contains something of uninterest. Then treat it as such. It's not my problem that you can't control yourself and not read them. Congrats on the strawman fallacy. Atheists don't believe in god because their lives suck. They don't believe in god because they don't see enough evidence to. Do your homework before opening your mouth.

"because then i'd have to use my first amendment rights and tell you to "SHUT THE FUCK UP" because it's annoying...Thank You."

Funny you should mention First Amendment Rights. When your clearly bashing my rights to post "atheist crap". Allow me to exercise mine and tell you to go fuck yourself. To behonest I could careless if you find it annoying. Grow some tougher skin. Your quite welcome. Have a wonderful evening.

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lol and since I like stating

lol and since I like stating my opinion so much...

"Stop doing this"

"No one likes or reads this stuff" (nvm a person would have to read it to know what it was about tongued )

"Their is better stuff then this" (opinion)

"This is better then this stuff" (still opinion)

"I want to read the stuff I like then the stuff I don't" (makes sense)

"I don't like your stuff so I don't have to listen to it" (yup thats right)

"I have the first amendment right to say you don't have one" (silly man I have to first amendment too, here I'll show you finger )

I wonder why he didn't have the balls to really confront you on it. I mean public speech means its up for public criticism.

Anyway I'd add you of I saw you floating around the myspace Eye-wink

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Fragile, a very rational

Fragile, a very rational response from you. Good job.

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www.myspace.com/slipperysniper feel free to add me if you wish and thanks Sapient. Although, I think my last comment could have benefited from a little more civilty. I just get so frustrated with these people and their problems when I repost your guy's bullentin posts. And there on my freinds list to boot. I still haven't got a reply, nor do I think I will. He'll probably just remove me from his freinds list. Like the last gentleman who decided to speak his mind about my bullentin posts. I'm sorry I don't have time for people who let a tiny bullentin post change their opinion of me. It's silly and childish.

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I miss receiving responses

I miss receiving responses like this from theist friends to the atheist bulletins I post on MySpace. They just ignore me now...or delete me. I'm not sure if they even read them anymore, but I still post them whenever RRS comes out with a new one.

Now I just deal with people I don't know who either a)are from the Atheists and Agnostics Group or b)I just had a kid call me a hypocrite because I am an atheist activist who eats meat. Yes, he was a PETA supporter. Anyway, I responded in a kind, rational way and told him that his argument was not valid because theism threatens our entire planet while me eating a pig only affects me and the pig. He then apologized in a way the revealed he was expecting me to be an idiot. Eye-wink

Anyway, nice job with your reply and I envy you for having people like that to deal with. It's fun. =)

Btw, I'm adding you on MySpace.

"If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss Bank."-Woody Allen

"Atheism is life affirming in a way religion can never be."-Richard Dawkins

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His reply: "haha I had to

His reply:

"haha I had to find some way to get ur bloody attention...how ya been man? I guess your so called "logic" didn't see that one coming haha...leave a damn commentEye-wink "

It would seem it was just a cry for attention. Although I can't help but feel there wasn't a certain amount of truth behind it. Anyway yeah he's a dumbass lol.

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to murder everything.
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