Fred Phelps

Now, I'm usually a nice guy - I wouldn't wish anything bad on anybody - but this is one of two people on this earth that need to die. Seriously. This guy spreads more hate and pain than anyone I have ever heard of - this guy makes even Hitler seem a conservative.
[url=]Their main website[/url]. News of the day - and I quote - "THANK GOD FOR MORE KILLER KANSAS TORNADOS"
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to.
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If he or one of his family members were the victims of a natural disaster or terrorist attack, would he thank god for it with the same zeal?
There are no theists on operating tables.
No, he would probably blame all of us "fag lovers" for making God bring the disaster and kill one of his own - It would be our fault
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to.
Fred Phelps is an asshole.
I think he had a debate with John Rankin on the topic "Does God Hate Homosexuals?".
Atheist Books
Phelps is a typical of the type of personality drawn to calvanism.
That is, mean spirited, intentionally ignorant jerks.
kind of sad that phelps has his own wikipedia page. when will people learn to stop catering to this media whore? he's not worth your time. he's a pathetic failure at everything in life, the one exception being his ability to shock people with his ignorant, bigoted ramblings. he's a shriveled psycopath who will die angry, alone and despised by the majority of the human race. let him.
oh, yeah. wikipedia is cooler than god.
(that's 5) "all postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory." -christopher hitchens
djneibarger: This man protested Mr. Rogers funeral! Mr. Rogers!!! If that doesn't get you mad, I don't know what will. Except maybe the fact that he constantly goes to soldiers funerals and protests, that he protested the Sako Mine disaster memorial, and he planned to protest the funerals of that Amish shooting. It isn't the shock that bothers me, its the utter disrespect for life. If he came to one of my friend's funerals, I'd - well, you know.
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to.
Mr Rogers was an ordained minister by the way.
I am so tired of this man and his entire family. If they hate America so much, then why don't they just fucking leave?!?! They protested Mr. Rogers?!?!? How does anyone dislike Mr. Rogers?!?!?! He was everyone's favorite grandfather figure. He was so nice... BASTARDS!
Ah, the pitter patter of tiny feet in huge combat boots.
I've Mr Phelps got up to his antics in the UK he would find himself behind bars rather quickly.
However, I agree with previous comments: Phelps is merely an attention whore. Give him it and he'll come back for more.
P.S. Why haven't any of the funeral mourners kicked his head in? I would if it was one of my gay mates.
Maybe they have.
Freedom of religious belief is an inalienable right. Stuffing that belief down other people's throats is not.
I know, but, cmon, its Mr Rogers. This man was a god to me as a child(just an expression). Seriously, how cold-hearted can you get?
He doesn't just go after gays, he goes after anyone remotly connected to homosexuality. The soldiers? Most weren't gay; they were, however, defending a "fag-loving nation." And why has nobody gone up and fought them? Probably because nobody wants to start a fight at a funeral. Oh, and has anybody seen his rant against Jon Stewart and Colbert? That was actually pretty funny.
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to.
A while ago Louis Theroux did a show on the Phelpses, it was scary stuff and made me angry, Louis Theroux was brilliant. Thankfully the followers are a very small number of nutters.
Addicted to Hate has the original expose article on Phelps (the subject of a lawsuit by Westboro against the author), and they keep tabs on the Phelpses' activities.
I'm sure no one has yet kicked the shit out of any of them at a protest because no one wants to get arrested on an assault charge against this family that lives to spread their hate, and then sue anyone who tries to stop them in any way.
A pox upon them!
Invisible friends are for children and psychopaths.
I think Phelps is a great example of what happens when the bible is taken literally.
Most christians pick and choose portions of the bible that are most palatable to the potential consumer. Most of these passages end up as at least somewhat agreeable with the broader cultural mores of the day.
Phelps doesn't care about appealing to the broader masses.
The concept of god nearly always ends up being a reflection of our own ego, our hatreds, our prejudice, our desires. Most want to hide away the parts of our ego that will be viewed as unacceptable to everyone else. Phelps has given in to his ego so deeply that he just doesn't give a shit about that.
While most in America don't agree w/ his methods, I think we're kidding ourselves if we don't thinks that a huge portion of christian leaders, evangelists and christians themselves don't agree with what he believes and what he's saying.
Phelps is a glimpse of our future should we embrace theocracy and Phelp's and family won't seem nearly so radical then.
** And I hated Mr. Rogers as a kid. He scared the crap out of me. Figures he was a minister as he was always hanging out in the land of make believe. **
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
Just to clarify we dealt with this asshat plenty. He'd never have the balls to come on the show and get pwned!
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I don't know, if I was in charge of arranging military funerals I might be tempted to issue the men doing the 21 gun salutes live rounds.
I'm half kidding ofcourse but what kind of assholes picket any funeral? I mean come on, what's the fucking point here. (sorry about the language, but this ticks me off) If you believe the deceased was a bad person, then hey, they're dead, good-bye, good riddance. What's the purpose of heading to the cemetary, picket sign in hand, to say "This Person Was Bad!" this goes doubly so in regards to military funerals where it is highly doubtful that any of the picketers knew the person(s) in question. All this is about is shock-value while saying "We are schmucks"