Crime pays for Christians

A youth pastor fondles a thirteen year old girl. He decides to plead 'no contest' and his punishment? Well, how does zero jail time and zero probation sound?
When our moral superiors commit a crime it's okay. He was just molesting children, err, spreading Jesus' love, or as he said "loving" on her. So really there wasn't any crime. How many years would he have gotten if he wasn't a youth pastor who took the position so he could prey on children, but was instead an amoral, godless heathen in the eyes of the court?
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If it were up to me... child molestation would be a capital offense... I guess I'll never be president.
Ah, the pitter patter of tiny feet in huge combat boots.
Kansas should be expelled from the union. Be given territory status because of this and the whole ID irrationality. Previous state I wanted to do this to was Florida for the debacle in the 2000 election. Actually that that gave GWB the presidency, Florida should be completely kicked out of the US and either given to Cuba or Venezuela or forced to become its own country.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
In the last election we booted off some creationists so we restored a majority to the school board that supported science and removed abstinence only education. We re-elected a Democratic governor, and we kicked out the attorney general whose only focus was promoting theocracy and making abortion illegal. Just last week our town allowed Sunday liquor sales again. We are making progress.