My girlfriend just broke up with me because i'm Atheist
Yeah, can you believe that? She had a Christian friend that brought her to church, and she said she was breaking up with me because she "didn't want to go to hell."
Oh well, I get over things fast anyway.
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well...look at it this're free!!!!!
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Yep now I can return to my pr0n... i mean emm..... Sewing Club... Yeah, that one.
Good for you. I expect you'd want a life mate with better reasoning skills than hers...
I feel more sorry for the girl. Brainwashed. and all.
Way to go, man! Nice weeding the crappy ones out!
Atheism: A cure for having a shallow girlfriend.
Oh well, at least you didn't have to sit through conversion attempts!
so fuckin true buddy.
Did she, at least, try to "save" you? If not, then she's not a very good Christian.
wow. she's a little left-fielded.
*Our world is far more complex than the rigid structure we want to assign to it, and we will probably never fully understand it.*
"Those believers who are sophisticated enough to understand the paradox have found exciting ways to bend logic into pretzel shapes in order to defend the indefensible." - Hamby
If she let something as silly as atheism change her opinion of you. Then she really didn't care about all that much in the first place. Your better off anyway.
I hope they cannot see
the limitless potential
living inside of me
to murder everything.
I hope they cannot see
I am the great destroyer.
I sort of talked a friend out of dating a Christian last semester. She was seeing this guy, and telling me that he's cool, but he's a bit Christy. She, herself, is...I'll say she's agnostic. Anyway, I said "Well, good luck with that." Knowing her, I told her to give it a couple weeks--she'll find a reason to break it off, and it'll likely be due to his beliefs. Lo and behold, a few weeks into it she said she was tired of the way he treated her as a woman--he had to be in control, he was anti-choice, etc. Also, he was really homophobic. These things were obviously directly related to his Christianity. And...she got rid of him. He got drunk often and harrassed her for a few weeks afterwards (how Christian of him), but eventually he went away.
Screw chicks man!
Besides, now if you find the right one (meaning another Freethinker) you can spawn even more Freethinkers!
A friend of mine was also dumped because his girlfriend "found god." Turns out she's outside her freakin' mind...
Trust me, you didn't want to stay in this one either.
"I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great intrinsic depravity, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means are venomous enough, or secret, subterranean and small enough - I call it the one immortal blemish upon the human race." -
Really. I mean, after you perform like a stallion, and deal with her screamin' "oh, god!" (and try not to picture George Burns at that moment), you just KNOW that she'll be thankin' jeebus for that earth shattering O-gasm just like all the sports stars do (and even if she doesn't say it). Plus, since she knows he sees all, you have to figure she thinks she's doing a porno for the almighty, alrighty?
NOT conducive to sexual well being, IMO.
Tsk tsk tsk. You should have enlightened her!
Atheism- the final stage of enlightenment. :twisted:
Tom Leykis had a Leykis 101, and a section of the show was about not dating religious chicks. If I find it, I'll post the URL. However, religious chicks are fine for fucking. Just don't get caught up with one in a relationship.
Wasn't his main issue that "religious chicks" will refuse an abortion if it should come to that? Certainly many non-theists would also refuse, and many theists would have one anyway (though as a general rule of thumb, he's probably right). But this all speaks more to the "fucking" part than the relationship.
It was a show in 2005. He talks about a xian chick with big tits he used to date.
MMMM HMMMMM that's really sad and stupid she'd break up with him for that................smh
I don't know your age,but someone out there wants to know you.Look around.Be happy.You could marry someone like her
or have children and be miserable the remainder of your life.I have known lots of people who have been in relationship like yours and are taking lots of verbal abuse.
"Ending Human Bankruptcy".an idea whose time has come