What if we contacted aliens and they were ATHEIST also??
What if we contacted aliens and they didn't have a religion or they're religions were completely different from ours? Would that be enough proof for Christians that they were wrong about religion?
Atheists never carbomb.
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I think simply discovering life on another planet would destroy Christianity, at least the fundamentalist variety, regardless of the religiousity of the aliens.
I do see people hanging on to deistic type beliefs in the face of such a thing though. In the end, it, like all scientific discoveries, will simply leave god with less gaps to hide in.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
woot. Of course there will always be those fanatics...
I would hope that any aliens advanced enough to travel across the stars would have also advanced beyond religion.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I more or less agree with Yellow. I think that some people are so stubborn and unwilling to budge in their religion that it wouldn't make a difference. But to find intelligent alien life would shatter the whole man is created in God's image, the earth is the center of God's creation, blah, blah, blah. It might even get football players and boxers to stop thinking God has time to give a shit about whether they score a touchdown or beat another man within an inch of his life.
A deistic god would pretty much be the only somewhat reasonable god left.
Leela: "Oh no, the monks! We forgot to let them out of the laundry room."
Fry: "Aww, do we have to? I mean, they're monks. I'm sure their God will let them out, or at least give them more shoes to eat."
Bender: "Fat chance! You can't count on God for jack, he pretty much told me so himself!"
So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure,
How amazingly unlikely is your birth;
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space,
'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth!
- Eric Idle, from The Galaxy Song
Well sure all of this would be true unless the "Aliens" looked exactly like us. Even if they believed their seperate religions or didnt have any they would just be labeled as "non-believers" of christianity and people would still go on believing that they are right. If they looked like aliens than that would be the same. What happens to animals when they die? Personally I would rather be a ghost and see the bullshit turn out down here than be a freaking angel in heaven and definetly more than being a tortured soul in hell: sorry for sidetracking.
I am Republican. But I am not what you think that is.
I know some xians that would claim that Satan created the aliens to confuse or deceive us! No matter what evidence you present them, they ignore it by making this excuse.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. - Seneca
If we're contacting the aliens, doesn't that imply that we're the more advanced species as we'd have to cross depths of space to contact them? So then Christians could probably dismiss them as souless animals and condone their wholesale slaughter!
have you read/seen CONTACT? by Carl Sagan? I think he does an amazing job at portraying a societal response to such a discovery.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Of course we are I'm not sure about the rest it all depends on how intelligent they are..
Ha, I can see it all now.
*black and white 60's film commercial*
They're on our planet. They're in our country. They're right in our own living rooms. They're
Atheist Aliens from Outer Space!
*woman screams*
You can't run, you can't hide! Writhe in terror as atheists come right out of the sky!
*Man screams*
They're blaspheming our churches! They're brainwashing our young! How can Christian America ever survive the invasion of the
Atheist Aliens from Outer Space!
I would be like:
I bet half of the christians today would still believe in their god or creator. Even if an alien were to come up them, and tell them that all of earths religions were false and there is no god.
I think there is enough literature/evidence out there that proves diety's don't exist. So do a lot people, on this atheist forum.. (obviously), but time and time again... it doesn't matter what you say to some christians... the point won't sink in. They wanna go to heaven, and they think faith will take them there.
Certainly anyone contemplating their religion, who is looking for an afirmative answer... this would be their salvation.
God is the omnimax creator by definition of major religions. If there is evidence that the religion is incorrect about the nature of reality, then there is evidence that the God the religion defines does not exist.
Christians wouldn't moved to reason by this. Instead, they would hold that they are chosen by God to convert these new Aliens and "spread the good news." They would use this to raise more money for space ships to "save" these heathenous aliens. Some Christians would even see this as a sign that the End Times are here. If the Aliens get tired of having to deal with these religious wackos, they would be branded instruments of the Devil and the predictions for the End Times will increase even more.
This reminds me of the South Park episode with the Marklarvs. The Christians try to use interstellar space travel to conver the heathen aliens, and they try to use the Christian donation channel to buy interstellar space ship parts for their sacred mission for God.