Making god and innovative ways to make god hip
Posted on: April 14, 2006 - 8:38am
Making god and innovative ways to make god hip
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Making god and innovative ways to make god hip
Posted on: April 14, 2006 - 8:38am
Making god and innovative ways to make god hip
Copyright Rational Response Squad 2006-2024.
I'm tellin' ya, we need to appeal to future generations! We have to make the atheist equivilant to the Passion for Christians and Brokeback Mountain to homosexuals! We need to make a kick ass atheist movie!
Umm...I hear...that we have one...
It's called...
oh come on, you have to have heard of it, being on this site
I don't have my copy yet, but I've heard about it and seen the trailers, it sounds awesome. I can't wait to see it. (actually I can... I hate that expression)
I always thought that if you want to change the world then you have to start with yourself. So if the heads of state want to end terrorism, they should go ahead and kill themselves. - Anti-Flag
Yes, yes, The God Who Wasn't There,
But I mean something big, blockbuster...
Special effects, famous actors and directors...
Big name producers...
And something with a story that shows the logic and morality behind atheism. You know what I mean.
WAIT! That's it! We'll tell the story of a famous atheist, like theists told the story of Jesus!
How about Darwin? He's last words, for example, were:
"I am not the least afraid to die."
Doesn't that tug at your heart strings? I literally cried when I first read that.
Haha, well that doesn't make me cry, but that's just because boys don't cry. Maybe when I'm a man? They never said anything about men... Anyway, yeah we should make a plot driven movie about a famous atheist...or...a soon-to-be famous atheist!! That's right, folks, we need to make a movie about ME!! Rossy boy. Future president. Current genius. Past depressed kid. haha. C'mon, it would be exciting. We could have me like...invent a time machine. Just because it would be cool. And...I could build a Ray-tionalizer. You see, it's a ray gun, that inspires rational thinking in its target. I already have the blueprints drawn out...all I need is some, what's it called, uranium? no...oh yeah, an AUDIENCE. I have the writings, people, why don't you have the money?
I don't remember what I'm talking about's 2:30am. I'm about to go gentle into that good night. against the advice of Dylan Thomas
I always thought that if you want to change the world then you have to start with yourself. So if the heads of state want to end terrorism, they should go ahead and kill themselves. - Anti-Flag
Sorry sheeple. God will never truly be hip. Christian Rockers are still nerds. Atheists are cool . Religious people suck!
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I wouldn't call christian rockers nerds so much as I would "painful"
How about pitiful?
can't it be both?
It sure can! So I guess it's resolved. Christian rock is pitiful, and painful to listen to!
it's kind of like fat free ice cream.
Or non-alcoholic beer!
whoever invented non-alcoholic beer needs a good kick in the balls.
most christian rockers could probably benefit from that as well.
Same with decaf coffee. Kind of defeats the whole point. See if they are true Christians and forgive you for kicking them in the balls! :shock:
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
the true test would be to see if they let me kick them TWICE :twisted:
Good point! That is what Jebus said, right!
I should head back to NY for kingdom bound this year and try.
My luggage got lost with a bunch of kingdom bound jerks luggage last year.
Don't even know who they are. I'm guessing I don't want to either!
oh, its a large christian rock festival that takes place every august at darien lake in new york.
just my luck that i'd leave one hotbed of religious fundamentalism only to come home to another
Well, now I know not to go to Darrien Lake in NY in August ever, if I can avoid it!
yeah, you can see more here:
Yuck! I was tempted to send them something (you probably have an idea what sort of thing!) via the "contact us", but thought better of it! :twisted:
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team