Help Me: Christian *Friends Rebel against my Hank's Ass Bulletin

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Help Me: Christian *Friends Rebel against my Hank's Ass Bulletin

I'm sure most of us have read the Kiss Hank's Ass bulletin before.

Well, I posted it. So far this has made the most sense to me, and really made my belief in athiesm valid to me.

Anyways, here are some responses I got to some real-life ACQUANTINCES:

Megan sent me this reply over myspace:

Her: ok you shouldnt post these things on myspace, because you really really made me upset. You really just disrespected my religion, and you can have your religion, but you shouldnt just be spreading your opinions making my religion look wrong. Its rude, obnoxious, and racist. your free to have your opinions but its fucked up that you would say mean things about mine, especially since i know your friends w/ christians.

Here is an AIM conversation shortly thereafter.

HoLlApWnAgE = Me.

Megan x3 Roo = Her.


HoLlApWnAgE (6:13:15 PM): Listen, it's called freedom of speech. I'm not denouncing your religion in anyway. I'm posting my thoughts and feelings, if you don't like it you can take me off your friends list, I don't really care. Because it's who I am. And if people can't take it then they are obviousily not my friend and shouldn't be on my friends list in the first place.
Megan x3 Roo (6:16:06 PM): ok well your taking freedom of speech the wrong way, because your denouncing someone elses religion and its plain old rude. Your posting a bulletin thats disrespectful to a lot of people. i dont care about your religion. believe in theism or w/e, idc, i'm not friends w/ people because of thier religion, but its rude to denounce someone elses...its like nationalism..which is saying your country is better then someone elses incase you didnt know. and you can post your thoughts and feelings in a blog, BULLETINS ARE FOR EVERYONE TO READ, and if you cant respect that you need to go back to kindergarten where you learn to treat people with respect, and respect peoples differences. You racist obnoxious moron. you make me sick
HoLlApWnAgE (6:16:54 PM): Racist obnoxious moron?
HoLlApWnAgE (6:17:14 PM): Go back to school, kid. Please. This argument is so flawed it it's a waste of my time.
Megan x3 Roo (6:17:37 PM): your a waste of time
HoLlApWnAgE (6:17:39 PM): I would be happy to have an intellectual discussion with either of you, but no instead you have to get mad and throw insults around.
Megan x3 Roo (6:18:02 PM): i tried to be intellectual, you just have to be stubborn and see it form your side
HoLlApWnAgE (6:18:23 PM): I'm open to you're side.
Megan x3 Roo (6:18:23 PM): did i not say idc if thats what you believe fine..i just think its rude that your going to insult all of christianity in a bulletin
Megan x3 Roo (6:18:31 PM): no your obviously not
Megan x3 Roo (6:19:32 PM): and racism is disrespecting someone because they are different from you, so basicly your as bad as the KKK right now, because your being racist to most of the people in the united states, because christianity is one of the biggest religions in the world
HoLlApWnAgE (6:28:28 PM): How do you know it was based on Christianity?
HoLlApWnAgE (6:28:34 PM): Other than me posting the title. That's what I see.
HoLlApWnAgE (6:28:44 PM): Christianity wasn't mentioned in it at all really.
HoLlApWnAgE (6:28:50 PM): It's just a clever screenplay.
Megan x3 Roo (6:28:51 PM): i can see the symbolism
Megan x3 Roo (6:28:56 PM): i'm not an idiot
HoLlApWnAgE (6:28:59 PM): That's your subconcious.
HoLlApWnAgE (6:29:01 PM): Not mine.
Megan x3 Roo (6:29:22 PM): yeah right, thats why other people can see it too..and that website is about like anti chirstianity/God
Megan x3 Roo (6:29:33 PM): i'm not an idiot Nick, i was supposed to skip a grade
Megan x3 Roo (6:29:43 PM): and i went to catholic school..i know symbolism when i see it
HoLlApWnAgE (6:30:12 PM): It's not anti-christianity. It's pro-tationalism. The belief in a god(s) is irrational. If you wish you can read some more of the content on that site and see why.
HoLlApWnAgE (6:30:18 PM): prorationalism*
Megan x3 Roo (6:30:50 PM): i dont want to read it because because when i went to see the info first thing i saw was a demonic picture of jesus
HoLlApWnAgE (6:31:15 PM): That's not Jesus.
HoLlApWnAgE (6:31:21 PM): Wow you don't know your religion very well.
Megan x3 Roo (6:31:42 PM): actually it is, i should know i saw a picture of it everyday in catholic school,
HoLlApWnAgE (6:31:45 PM): Looks like some sort of Mongol king to me.
Megan x3 Roo (6:31:52 PM): well its not
Megan x3 Roo (6:31:55 PM): its jesus
HoLlApWnAgE (6:31:55 PM): He's fucking asian.
Megan x3 Roo (6:32:04 PM): BECAUSE HIS EYES ARE DEMONIC!
HoLlApWnAgE (6:32:07 PM): Not really.
Megan x3 Roo (6:32:11 PM): actually yeah
HoLlApWnAgE (6:32:19 PM): Jesus never wore a royal crown. he wore a thorn crown.
Megan x3 Roo (6:32:20 PM): if you knew anything about christianity, you would know that
Megan x3 Roo (6:32:24 PM): uhm yeah he did
Megan x3 Roo (6:32:27 PM): when he got to heaven
Megan x3 Roo (6:32:28 PM): retard
HoLlApWnAgE (6:32:29 PM): LOL.
HoLlApWnAgE (6:32:38 PM): Assuming there is such a thing, and no, I doubt that as well.
Megan x3 Roo (6:32:54 PM): he wore the thorns when he was walking to be crucified
Megan x3 Roo (6:33:10 PM): its pretty simple
HoLlApWnAgE (6:33:39 PM): Listen, the site is not dedicated to bashing Christianity. It's looking to spread RATIONALISM. That is RATIONAL thought. Thiesm (Belief in a religion) is IRRATIONAL. Period, that's what I believe and you can read more about the details and why on the site.
Megan x3 Roo (6:34:06 PM): i did read it, and i dont care. the fact that they hvae anti god on there at all is just wrong
Megan x3 Roo (6:34:14 PM): its saying one religion is bad or stupid
Megan x3 Roo (6:34:27 PM): if you were an intellectual person, you would realize that
Megan x3 Roo (6:37:53 PM): if you said the same about judaism or hinduism i would say the same thing
Megan x3 Roo (6:38:06 PM): you dont have to agree with my religion
Megan x3 Roo (6:38:23 PM): but just respect thats thats what i believe and not to totally denounce is
Megan x3 Roo (6:38:25 PM): *it
Megan x3 Roo (6:40:24 PM): and i think this conversation is now over, because obviously your too stubborn to see that you are wrong

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Jeez. Bitchy, isn't she.

Jeez. Bitchy, isn't she.

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Megan needs to realize that

Megan needs to realize that only beliefs that deserve respect should be respected. The reason why it was so rude was because Megan chooses to live a life of fiction and convince herself that her life is based on fact. Your post reminded her that she bases her life on fiction, and she didn't want to be reminded of it.

Megans belief in god deserves no respect... Megan deserves respect, and that's why were here to show her the dangers in her irrational belief based on no evidence. Afterall, look what it did to her here. She looks like a close minded moron as she attempts to get you to change, all the while completely missing the point, missing the message, pushing it under the rug and pretending as if it isn't her with the issues.

Megan should have posted on this board and is welcome to come on the show. It's completely unnecessary seeing as how poor she argues with terms like "racist" that have nothing to do with the discussion but if you want to I'll lay a response down in audio with you.

Oh, and the picture of God is obviously not Jesus, it is a made up god most based on the image of Zoroaster. If she's unaware (I'd bet a few thousand dollars she isn't aware), Zoroaster is a god in which many of the Jesus myth traits were stolen from. He predates Jesus by over 1000 years and there are still people on Earth today who believe in him:

Zoroaster however wouldn't have worn a crown either, not that I know of, he wore a cloth garment on his head.

- Sapient

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Thanks, that'd actually be

Thanks, that'd actually be pretty cool. ^_^

This "conflict" was actually between me and two others. (Megan, and *NAME REMOVED*). Keep in mind, we are high schoolers, lol.

*NAME REMOVED* was so mad that she went so far as to lie behind my back and tell Megan I said she was 'ugly'.

Megan x3 Roo (7:00:13 PM): uhm dont IM you racist chauvonist pig. and dont call me ugly, because you should look in a mirror

She also told her boyfriend I said some nasty things that I obviousily did not say. I never insulted the three of them directly, at all.

My point is this, if she is such a devoted Christian, how could she possibly justify doing that? Pfft.

[mod note: Name was removed, as the Christian in question is an irrational coward doesn't want her first name posted here because she can't stand the fact that her beliefs don't hold up to scrutiny]

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Who was that early Christian

Who was that early Christian bishop who said it was fine for Christians to lie if it "helped the faith?" That picture is actually God from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."

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zeebo323 wrote:Thanks,

zeebo323 wrote:
Thanks, that'd actually be pretty cool. ^_^

I sent you a private message. On the left hand side you should see "inbox (1)" click it. Eye-wink

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That is funny she thought it

That is funny she thought it was a demonic picture of Jesus. :lol"

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Quote:Megan x3 Roo (6:40:24

Megan x3 Roo (6:40:24 PM): and i think this conversation is now over, because obviously your too stubborn to see that you are wrong
oh, the irony.....

tell me, how is it stubborn to look at things in an objective view and decide that's how you see something?

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HoLlApWnAgE (6:31:45 PM): Looks like some sort of Mongol king to me.

Megan x3 Roo (6:31:52 PM): well its not

Megan x3 Roo (6:31:55 PM): its jesus

HoLlApWnAgE (6:31:55 PM): He's fucking asian.

Megan x3 Roo (6:32:04 PM): BECAUSE HIS EYES ARE DEMONIC!

Is she saying he looks asian because his eyes are demonic? If so, someone might have a little underlying racism problem.

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Oh great. The second girl

Oh great. The second girl (Name removed) got her boyfriend sicked on me. Now hes trying to intimidate me in the halls and tell everyone about my beliefs basically. It also doesn't help that he's in half of my classes. I just realized I can threaten to tell my house principle because it's really a hate crime. He stepped all over my backpack in class one day when i wasn't looking and he's just doing whatever he can to make my life "hell". (XD)

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What the fuck? I'm sorry to

What the fuck? I'm sorry to say this about your friend but she's one whiny little bitch. How old is she? Anyone over 16 does not need to go cry to their boyfriend when they get into an argument...especially one that they started.

Until she learns to grow up she should definitely be taken from your deconversion list if you've started attempting to do so with theist friends. I'm sure once this blows over if you even utter the word atheist around her again her Super Macho Back Pack Stomping Lover will terrorize your bag again.

Fuck'em. finger

"If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss Bank."-Woody Allen

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GodStoleMyFriends wrote:What

GodStoleMyFriends wrote:
What the fuck? I'm sorry to say this about your friend but she's one whiny little bitch. How old is she? Anyone over 16 does not need to go cry to their boyfriend when they get into an argument...especially one that they started.

Haha, needless to say.. none of them are my friends anymore.

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zeebo323 wrote:Oh great. The

zeebo323 wrote:
Oh great. The second girl (Name removed) got her boyfriend sicked on me. Now hes trying to intimidate me in the halls and tell everyone about my beliefs basically. It also doesn't help that he's in half of my classes. I just realized I can threaten to tell my house principle because it's really a hate crime. He stepped all over my backpack in class one day when i wasn't looking and he's just doing whatever he can to make my life "hell". (XD)

So basically the three of them are so insecure in their beliefs and so hypocritical about afforementioned beliefs that they choose to act like archaic nomads in order to get under your skin. Fine by me as long as their fine with the fact that I'll be busting my ass that much harder to help end their backasswards fucked up beliefs in their honor for the next few weeks. I'll also be making a very large donation right now as a result of their fucked up childish actions to the Freedom From Religion Foundation, in their honor.

Additionally I personally challenge the little ignorant shits to a debate in text or in audio. Let's see if their brain muscles are as strong as their intolerance muscles. In addition to the donation I'm making now, if they don't show up for a debate of at least 50 posts with me one on one (it can even be the kill em with kindness forum, although I know they can't adhere to the rules) or a 1 hour audio debate, I will be making $500 worth of donations to organizations seeking to end religious intolerance.

It's up to them. If they don't show up, it's an extra $500 for the good guys.

And if he so much as puts a finger on you, I can't imagine how much money I'll throw into it. Tell him to put that in his pipe and smoke it, the fucking pussy.

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Quote:Its rude, obnoxious,

Its rude, obnoxious, and racist.

"The distinction between humans and their beliefs is of crucial significance here. It is the human being who is sacred, worthy of the highest respect and rights and so on and so forth not his or her beliefs.

It is the human being who is meant to be equal not his or her beliefs. "

--Maryam Namazie

Needless to say, cultural relativism is bullshit!

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Also, if the little fucker

Also, if the little fucker lays a finger on you I really hope that you will have hate crime charges brought up against the asshole.

"If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss Bank."-Woody Allen

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You all have absolutely no

You all have absolutely no idea how you've made me feel. It's just a great sensation, knowing that there are people behind you. You all don't even know me personally but yet you still support me. It's just great.
A few friends have been supportive, I've showed some close friends this thread, and Saydie (my best friend) have all been extremely supportive.
I've grown alot stronger as a person in just these past two days, it's amazing. Before, I was in between believing in some kind of "force" higher than our own, but now this entire situation has helped me grow.
To Sapient, I am so very happy, and excited for what you decided to contribute to the Freedom from Religion Foundation.

I haven't heard anything else from Dan or [Girl #2 (Name Removed)] since then. Megan has since "made up" with me, and is over the whole situation. Although I don't feel the need to align myself with someone who recently compared me to the KKK...

I love you guys! Smiling

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This is just sad...

This is just sad...

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oh jeez

ok well person. i think that u need to go read a book about life. cuz i know for sure i would not cry about this i would not sit here and way something every 1 can say wut they want about w.e they want and ur not gonna stop it even if u try it just wont happen. ur starting something bigger then u can even imgin u should have never replied to the bulliton. u should have thought ok he stated his oppion and thats all but nooo u had to go all i was offended this is my religon blah blah blah no u didnt there is so many things id like 2 say to u right know but ill keep them to my self and be repectful ur not worth my time just wanted to reallly say befor u open ur mouth again read about it or look it up cuz u made ur self look like a complete idot sry

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This is where I'm glad that

This is where I'm glad that I'm not in highschool anymore.

Go ahead and warn someone of authority in school, but the thing is the conversation happened OUTSIDE of school, so they can't take it any further then telling you just to ignore their stupidity.

Just tell them to take their bias views and shove it up their asses.

How are they suppose to convince you that their so-called "God" is all loving when they can't even support you in your beliefs?

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I honestly am floored by how

I honestly am floored by how pathetic that girl sounded, I seem to get that alot when it comes to arguing with christians. They cant even give you a straight answer half the time.

If you really read all of what she has said, she sounds rediculous, I think she has made an idiot of herself, I mean come on...

I am not really athiest, but im not really religious, i guess you can say im lost, But i perfer living life the best I can so if there is something up there, and i am judged, ill know i lived life well. Thats just me. But all in all i believe to just live life good, fully, not irrationally with man made beliefs.

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Hey man I have gotten some

Hey man I have gotten some reactions from people too people. I posted that thing on my schools forum and well from another convo they learned a know way too much for them to argue against me. However in real life the only negative reactions I have gotten are funny looks and confusion. Although I do know a guy that has gotten death threats. Anyway if you want any help with arguments or whatever feel free to message me

Edit: Can I talk to her? }Smiling I'll try to be niceish Eye-wink

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I guess no one told her that

I guess no one told her that the KKK are christian fundamentalist. eeekk

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"I guess no one told her that the KKK are christian fundamentalist"


Boy do I have a lot to say.

It's so obvious that she doesn't know at all what she's talking about. She's taking the internet soooo seriously, like, "OH MAN YOU POSTED A BULLETIN, HOW COULD YOU!?!?!!!!!!"

it's fucking lame, 'cause it's YOURspace, not HERspace, and you can post whatever the fuck you want in your bulletin. You're allowed to say whatever you want, even if that means you're hurting/disrespecting someone/their beliefs.


You are in NO WAY a racist unless you hate other races or love your race too much.

So I have NO clue why she calle dyou a racist/what racism has to even DO with this. And her definition of racism? - INCORRECT.
Same with nationalism.

k obviously you pwnd her.

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You know if you bring up the

You know if you bring up the dark side of a group like that I think most people deny that the dark side exists, basically pulling the No True Scottsmen. However this isn't a reflection of christians or anyone else specifically it is just human to not want to be connected to people you don't like. Now I look at it like this... All groups of people are going to have people do some fucked up shit, but to say those people are not true whatevers is like saying the white people who enslaved black people are not true white people. Meaning.... IT IS BULLSHIT.

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My favorite part of that

My favorite part of that whole message from Megan is when she calls you a "racist". The great part about irrational people is that just by speaking they show that they don't know what they're talking about. Thanks for not taking any sh*t from her.

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Yeah, religion doesn't have

Yeah, religion doesn't have anything to do with race! Laughing out loud

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UGH I had to stop like

UGH I had to stop like halfway being an atheist as bad as being in the KKK?! O_o.