If you converted to Christianity, would you come here and tell everyone?

Also counts if you became born again, as I know many hear were once Christian anyway.
Me, I wouldn't tell anyone hear. I'd be too afraid of Toddangnst, Deludegod or Hammy, among others.
I'd just march my happy, deluded ass over to the Christian forums and talk tons of Shit about you guys.
Could you imagine someone like Sapient coming on here and saying he is a Christian now? I think I wouldn't believe him no matter what he said, at least until he took down the site or changed it to the IRRS.
I suck at signatures.
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I probably would, but then I'd recant the next morning when I sobered up.
I would be on TV because it be verifiable proof of miracles!! LOL
I definitely would.
If someone managed an argument that made me belive in Christianity, it would have to be something grand and never heard before. I would definitely want to post it here to see if there was any good counter arguments.
Yep, if I came across sufficient evidence to convince me that the Christian god existed, I would post it all over this page in a heartbeat.
If, however, I converted to Christianity without said evidence, I would hope someone would force me to have a catscan.
Flying Spaghetti Monster -- Great Almighty God? Or GREATEST Almighty God?
If I converted...ummm no because I'd be dead from a self-inflicted gunshot to the head
Ah, well, maybe I wouldn't go that far. Perhaps I'd be recuperating from shock therapy
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
I would come back, simple for a reality check. If it were able to convince me then I should be able to present it as convincing to others.
Sounds made up...
Agnostic Atheist
No, I am not angry at your imaginary friends or enemies.
If I regressed to christianity I think I would be to busy reorganizing that what I call my life to spend time here.
But in reality I cant imagine any arguments that would explain all the biblical bullshit in a rational fashion. As a matter of fact the main reason I've been discussing frequently with christians about their faith is that I always tried to find those kind of arguments. But the only thing I encountered in 25 years of discussions are absurdities, hypocrisy, self-delusion, total madness. Never ever did I encounter something that even vaguely resembled a sane rational, logical explanation of the christian belief-system.
Questions containing their own answers are the easiest.
If one converted to Christianity one would do what Christians do : broadcast. If you became a dog, would you bark?
I get what you're saying, buy maybe you are letting a loud minority speak for a quiet majority?
And the analogy with the dog is flawed in the sense that a bark doesn't always mean the same thing, and it's really the only sound a dog can make when trying to "speak."
I could be wrong, but I just don't see what you mean by the answer being in the question.
I suck at signatures.
I would - it would take some major thing to reconvert me, and it would be my duty as a Christian to share it with you.
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to.
guys I hate to tell you this....but I found God...and he comes in three forms the father, the son (christ) and my personal fav the holy ghost. Let him? into your life.
Wow!!! Really? Tell me all about him/them/it!!! Actually, my personal fav is Ares, the god of war, but thats just me... besides, isn't it the holy spirit, not holy ghost? I didn't think Christians believed in ghosts...
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to.
Yes. In other forum entries I've made my case for differentiating Christians. Where / why / how moderates let evangelicals-fundamentalists take the reins is a forum topic in itself.
My point (& attempt at levity) was that preaching is part and parcel of the Christian identity (excepting Trappists and a few others).
The dog metaphor is apt, I think. Some breeds bark more than others.
Absolutely not.
I think if I converted to Christianity, I'd know on a not so deep level that I was being illogical and simply believing because I wanted to (though, hell if I know why I'd want to). I wouldn't want to come back here to a bunch of smart and rational people to make me feel like an idiot. And I'd probably be reminded of how awesome I was when I was an atheist and feel deficient.
Of course I would. I'll also let you folks know if I start shitting gold, liking children, or any number of impossible things.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
If I converted to Christianity, I'd hunt you all down in real life and get my new Bible fundie friends to surround you and quote Bible verses to you until you converted, too!!!!
Yes. I would definitely come in here and tell y'all that I had converted. But the only way for me to convert to Christianity would be if I actually talked and shook hands with Jesus. But first I'd ask him to do some magic tricks to prove that he was the real Jesus and not the crazy homeless guy from down at the bus station. I'm not falling for that again.
Frosty's coming back someday. Will you be ready?
Thank you... I think...
Sorry for jumping in late on this thread. Sometimes the real world keeps me from the um.. other real world... or something.
If I converted, I'd be the first one back here to tell people about it. Here's the reasoning. Either:
1) I solved the problem of proving god, in which case, I'd want to test it against some fire before I called the Nobel Committee to get my check.
2) I was making a horrible mistake in my logic, and one of these smart folks could point it out to me and keep me from ruining my life (again.)
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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