A friend of mine got fired because he protested a biology textbook with references to Intelligent Design

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A friend of mine got fired because he protested a biology textbook with references to Intelligent Design

He's been in and out of the local news..but I thought I'd share this with everyone.


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"Style: How old is the

"Style: How old is the earth and where did it come from?

Ham: My answer would be you can’t prove absolutely how old the earth is because all dating methods are based on assumptions. But if you use the Bible’s history, then the Bible would suggest many thousand years old."

 Ha! Translation:

Roast: My answer would be you can’t prove absolutely how old the earth is because science is based on assumptions. But if you use the Bible’s assumptions, then those assumptions would suggest the earth is many thousand years old.

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inspectormustard wrote:

"Style: How old is the earth and where did it come from?

Ham: My answer would be you can’t prove absolutely how old the earth is because all dating methods are based on assumptions. But if you use the Bible’s history, then the Bible would suggest many thousand years old."

Ha! Translation:

Roast: My answer would be you can’t prove absolutely how old the earth is because science is based on assumptions. But if you use the Bible’s assumptions, then those assumptions would suggest the earth is many thousand years old.


exactly.  hahaha... 

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I cannot believe that

I cannot believe that things like that go on in what is supposed to be a modern society.  In any sane country anyone spouting creationist nonsense should be laughed at, patted on the head and told to leave the science to the big people.

It's seriously scary that the country that could easily erradicate the rest of the world allows this insanity so much political power.

Do these people not see that the rest of the world recognises them for the joke they are. It's like when Galileo was arguing with the church that the earth goes around the sun, people in many other parts of europe had already accepted this and thought it ridiculous to take that part of the bible literally. 

Get your act together America.

Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!

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This is as fucked up as if

This is as fucked up as if someone got fired for protesting an astronomy book that treated astrology as legitimate.

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I had posted this here:

I had posted this here: http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/sapient/atheist_vs_theist/7918?page=3#comment-85298 


The problem lies in the fact that the church teaches to simplify concepts using quick witted nonsense.  This is why people who are not understanding of simple biochemistry such as molecular kinetics/interactions etc.. do not understand how life can even function.  To them it's easier to say god did because randomness cannot be possible.  They reinforce that with red herrings and straw man arguments such as confusing abiogenesis with evolution.  

This only reiterates the fact that science education is very defecient in this country.  We have a faction of the christian right who is trying to further undermine scientific progress by using their fallacious argument of "critical thinking" in Darwin's theory.  The only thing critical here is the future of this country.  The christian right is afraid to let science progress..because the more we know about science the more we find out how life works and evolved, and when that happens, biblical history...will be in and of itself history.  This is why they try stop science and this is why not many people are educated in the field of biology. Once one starts to understand the processes, and truly think critically, they will then perhpas move towards a more secular frame of mind, and this means loss of revenue for the church.  

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ParanoidAgnostic wrote: I

ParanoidAgnostic wrote:

I cannot believe that things like that go on in what is supposed to be a modern society.  In any sane country anyone spouting creationist nonsense should be laughed at, patted on the head and told to leave the science to the big people.

It's seriously scary that the country that could easily erradicate the rest of the world allows this insanity so much political power.

Do these people not see that the rest of the world recognises them for the joke they are. It's like when Galileo was arguing with the church that the earth goes around the sun, people in many other parts of europe had already accepted this and thought it ridiculous to take that part of the bible literally. 

Get your act together America.

I hate to say this but we (The U.S.) needs to be laughed at and ridiculed when this nonsense is taken seriously and given credibility. And it needs to be done by those in power and those w/ influence.

I never underestimate the power of ridicule as a force for change, especially when it's well deserved and overdue !

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AmericanIdle wrote: I hate

AmericanIdle wrote:

I hate to say this but we (The U.S.) needs to be laughed at and ridiculed when this nonsense is taken seriously and given credibility. And it needs to be done by those in power and those w/ influence.

I never underestimate the power of ridicule as a force for change, especially when it's well deserved and overdue !

Oh, hell yeah! Let's hope more people will overcome their social training and employ it more often... and that eventually it will be the "norm." Ridiculous notions are worthy of ridicule by definition.

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LeftofLarry wrote: He's

LeftofLarry wrote:
He's been in and out of the local news..but I thought I'd share this with everyone. http://www.styleweekly.com/article.asp?idarticle=14590

 Sparks is way too easy on Ham. He should do more down the line of ripping him a metphoical new one.



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