Kid tells parents he's atheist, Christian mom goes nuts

This video serves a wonderful point to people who claim that such things never occur to atheists. Paula Zahn, eat you're heart out. This was too good not to share.
Flemming Rose: “When [christians] say you are not showing respect, I would say: you are not asking for my respect, you are asking for my submission….”
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I tried putting in the ID, but I kept getting random vidoes of teenage skanks stripping. Fortunately it was the second on the list of top 100 videos.
Man, that scared me. I literally have adrenolene flowing through my whole body after watching that. The woman's rage seemed so genuine, I don't think it could be fake
Fixed the link.
And yeah I had absolutely the same feeling. I mean if this is real it's quite on par with child abuse, imho.
But.. just to be a bit balanced.. it is a mother and a son-- and if a mother truly believed her son to be on his path towards hellfire (catholic theology I believe).. I'd imagine she'd be sort of freaked out and willing to do anything to stop it.
Fear is a powerful motivator.
Disgusting. I really don't know what else to say, I cannot picture treating my son like that because he decides TO believe in a magic friend in the sky.
I told my parents that I became an atheist when they found a Bible I ripped to pieces.
They didn't say anything.
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Now she's probably going to lie to herself about what an atheist is, so she doesn't feel bad for anything that happens to her kid.
(Gizmo, we know this. It is all the more reason to hate certain Christian doctrines for fucking the morals up of otherwise good people.)
wow. i think my parents may have acted like that if i had just dropped it on them. i take a much more subtle approach with my folks. i ease them into learning things about myself that they don't like. it took them a long time to learn i was gay, because i gave them a bunch of subtle hints until finally they couldn't deny it, but i didn't drop any bomb shell on them, so they accepted it with little fuss (no screaming or yelling). it's the same with my lack of religious belief. for years we've argued over certain aspects of their faith, and it's become more and more obvious that i don't subscribe to it. but i think that they'd still get pissed if i came out to them as an atheist at this point. my mom just think i'm mad at god. ah, moms.
and it's ridiculous that people would believe that this doesn't happen to atheists who come out to their families.
This is a rather common occurance too. If only more of them could be caught on tape like this.
"You're an Aatheist? give me a break!..."
That was funny and disturbing at the same time.
Just for my own curiosity, how old is the poor guy?
Inquisition - "The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on..."
That's about what happened to me and I was in my fucking thirties. My mother went apeshit on me. She's done it a few times since.
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I was just about to post a link to this myself. It quite literally makes me sick.
Revolting...stomach turning...When that bitch of a mother walked to her son, I thought she was going to slap him or something.
Me too.
I'm still in the closet. I think the best way is to give subtle hints, over time, if you think your family will react like that. They'll get used to it gradually. Remember to be very, very careful, though. At this point, I think that they suspect I'm an atheist anyway, but I'm not sure. Sudden revelations (like this kid presumably did) NEVER go over well. My sister, my mom, and one of my brothers yelled at me a whole bunch, IN A PUBLIC PLACE (Pizza Hut) when I told them I believed in the Theory of Evolution. The best responses from each were:
Mother: believe in god!
Brother: ARE YOU AN IDIOT!!!?
Sister: Shut up, shut up, you don't! Not one more word! I hate you right now!
I had to say "you can believe in god and evolution" several times, and call them up and explain how it was possible, in detail, the next day. I don't like lying, but it was necessary.
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As someone who grew up in an environment similar to this by the way she grabbed him and screamed in his face I got the impression that she probably has slapped him a time or two. I'd like to find out who the kid is.
Flemming Rose: “When [christians] say you are not showing respect, I would say: you are not asking for my respect, you are asking for my submission….”
Do we know for sure this was real?
I know stuff like this happens every day to the poor kids who make it out of religion, but was this instance real?
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Ask the person who uploaded it?
I almost posted this on GodTube, but they'd ban me for that "christian" language, and that wouldn't be good.
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I would also like to know if this is real. I can't believe stuff like this takes place. Why do people become parents if they can't handle their children being different? To tell you the truth I thought the video was quite funny. I especially liked how she threatened the child with presents at Christmas time - lol.
Although the situation is probably not too far from reality, the video reads as bogus as anything I've seen.
I love it! "You're not going to get any presents for Christmas because Jesus is what it's all about."
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I'm lucky to have very calm, laid back parents.
In fact, most of my 'rational thinking' comes from my father, and I can clearly remember him telling me in my teens, "Jesus was just a guy, don't get all bent out of shape over religion."
He's not an atheist per se, just not that into religion.
I love how christians spout off shit about being repressed and claim that we atheists suffer no 'societal' consequences, I mean hell, after that kid got beat up at Ryerson for putting up posters, I've been kind of afraid to read anything 'controversal' in public.
What about it is bogus?
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Heartbreaking. Like the kid can just, *poof*, believe in gawd?
Especially awesome is the mom's brilliant "present tactic."
She was all, "Muahahah, this is his undoing! I'll get this wayward child under control with some bribery!"
Kid: "FINE!!!"
Mom: "Shit, uh, that was my plan. That's all I've got. Oh crap, what do I say now."
...consummate Christian hypcrisy. Of course it's not surprising.
Mommy Dearest, in all her divine confusion, doesn't understand that hellfire tantrums are part of the reason Michael embraces reason (just a guess).
In her eyes, he *poof* didn't believe in gawd. Not exactly a very intelligent view, but it's common.
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I would guess 15 or so. I know if I was that young and my Mom yelled at me, I would be freaked out too. Luckily my Mom never grabbed me like that so I feel real sorry for that kid.
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It's in my nature to question everything, probably because I got taken on quite a ride when it came to that whole Jesus-is-God's-Son-and-he-died-for-your-sins-and-was-raised- from-the-grave thing. I only question the authenticity because I'd like to know the story.
I've had very similar experiences with my own family, so I know things like this happen. It's just odd for it to be caught on film. I would have liked to have caught some of my mother's tirades on film. It would have been interesting. Maybe a good B-grade horror movie.
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My theory about it being caught is that the person had a brother or sister who heard this, and snuck in with the camera to document it, possibly show the mom she was being ridiculous. I know that there have been many times I've had a sibling getting yelled at by/yelling at one of my parents, or another sibling, and I would go to wherever it was happening to see what was up.
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When I read the title I thought of this:
(found using the term "crazy christian lady"
I found it funny that the mom's reaction was to take away christmas toys. Now it is an odd thing to do, but I think it has more to do with the mom realizing she doesn't have control over her son then him telling her he is atheist. I mean come on, "NO MORE TOYS"?
I'd bet my left nad that, come Christmas, she'll cave in and give him gifts. Assuming she's a halfway decent human being.
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But.. just to be a bit balanced.. it is a mother and a son-- and if a mother truly believed her son to be on his path towards hellfire (catholic theology I believe).. I'd imagine she'd be sort of freaked out and willing to do anything to stop it.
An unjustified decision based on faulty intel. See Muslim suicide bombers, L. Ron Hubbard baby formula, and Christian Science for more like it.
Am I the only one who thinks this is nothing more than bad actors bad-acting? Its like they're rehearsing a scene and no one quite knows their lines. It reminds me of those bad public service commercials. "Where did you learn to do drugs Michael?" "I learned it from watching you!!!" ...aaand SCENE!
I've watched this over and over - I just don't buy it.
It's already got close to 80,000 views. Must have been featured somewhere. Anyway, someone should replicate this to their YT channel so if it gets taken down we can still use it. It's good anti-propaganda. Very good.
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Maybe we should start asking Christians, "If you had a child which you raised as a Christian, and that child one day told you he/she was an atheist, what would you do?" When they deny that they would do anything (except maybe pray), we can say, "Really? You wouldn't freak out like this mom?" and point them to the video.
Raise some awareness of what's going on!
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Me three.
Well, this kid has exposed his situation to almost 80,000 people so far. Mom freaking out seen by a stadium full of people.
I wonder how long that vid will be up before mom finds out and demands it is taken down. Someone replicate it! This is a good meme to support.
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What a psycho.
She needs an exorcism.
Actually, that sounds like a good topic for the Kill 'Em With Kindness thread. I'm not sure this video would be a good refutation for anything they might reply as we're unsure of its authenticity, but I'd be curious to hear some of the answersl
Hence, I'm going to pop over there right now and do that.
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That kid is definately brave. I haven't been able to come out and tell my parents. I'm sure they've figured it out by now but I haven't admitted anything. I would have liked to have seen the rest of the conversation play out though.
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"How about a Lobotomy?"
Isn't that what Christianity is?
So, the Ramones song "Teenage Lobotomy" is actually about teen christians?
Lots of folks (not just here but on other sites the clip is posted) are claiming this 1 is staged. That doesn't add up. If it was a skit they would've finished the monologue. Don't you think? Seems like a huge set up for a few seconds of nothing. Yeah, nothing. This crap happens everyday all over the world.
it looks a bit forced and over-the-top to me. the circumstances of recording seem a bit suspect too.
Ethics and aesthetics are one
Not me. I commented to the guy...maybe I'll get a reply?
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In the interest of truth, I sent it to for review. The mother's reaction is actually one I've seen before so I doubt it wasn't staged much more than the kid saying "hey, I'm going to go tell my mom I'm atheist...get the camera" but I could also be wrong. Either way, it does happen whether this video is truthful or not.
Flemming Rose: “When [christians] say you are not showing respect, I would say: you are not asking for my respect, you are asking for my submission….”
Great idea, sending it to Snopes! I don't have a vested interest in its authenticity because those of us who have gone through the experience of telling family members we're atheists can attest to the...interesting responses.
Still, it would be nice to have some concrete evidence. Even so, I've found some people that actually stick up for the mother! I guess it was mean of her son to spring it on her like that. Whatever. She's supposed to be the adult.
I kept my atheism a secret for a very long time, but when I did come out, there was hell to pay. When I was functionally blind from eye surgery complications and afraid of losing my sight, my mother and I had a major confrontation. All I could do was listen to music. During that time I found Dan Barker's music very comforting. My mother doesn't respect boundaries. To this day--even now that I have my own place--she just walks right in. (I had to make her give up her key to my apartment so I can lock the door for privacy.) The short of the story is this: It wasn't MY fault she barged right in and heard Dan Barker's lyrics.
She yelled and screamed. She berated and hollered. She accused me of shoving atheism down her throat. Yes. How dare I listen to my own music on my own stereo system in my own room? I mean I should have respected her delusions a bit more and made sure she didn't just barge right in (even though I'd asked her not to a Brazilian™ times) and hear something that might challenge her to actually think.
Can't live with 'em; can't rebuild the Colosseum and toss 'em to the lions.
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I love how that's the first thing that she thinks of to tempt him back to Christianity.
Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night.
-Woody Allen
Nickasummers from had this to say about the video, and it was funny.
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As usual I apologize if this has already been posted (is there a search function I don't know of?).
I found the following video quite shocking, and sadly it was quite quickly removed from youtube by the user who posted it. But luckily we have undeletetube.
So go to the following link:
I wonder if this is real.
edit: quicklink added