Theism Vs Theism

I wonder if anyone has seen a good debate between two theists on their different religions. I have some suspicions of how such a debate would go, but I'd like confirmation.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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Theism Vs Theism
Posted on: January 25, 2007 - 8:25am
Theism Vs Theism
I wonder if anyone has seen a good debate between two theists on their different religions. I have some suspicions of how such a debate would go, but I'd like confirmation. Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Copyright Rational Response Squad 2006-2024.
The first time I was in the SticKam chatroom, this guy named "warrior4jesus" showed up (wearing a mask, too) and then he started attack StMichael for a bit, because w4j was born-again and StM is catholic. It went a little something like this:
w4j: "Well you aren't a real Christian, you idolator."
StM: "Okay..."
w4j: "And I masturbate to animated porn so it isn't a sin."
StM: "Interesting interpretation..."
warrior4jesus has left the room
Pretty good stuff.
The last time I saw a theist vs. theist debate, actually the only time, resulted in a "My Daddy's Better Than Yours" kind of a thing with both sides throwing out information without providing evidence.
The greatest percieved good for the greatest percieved number.
Can't we organize a "Baal Challenge"? Each religion can pick a representative who gets a prearranged amount of time to pray for a particular miracle. Whichever god answers the prayer of his supplicant is obviously the winner, and everyone has to convert on the spot.
And if nothing happens...guess who wins?
There are no theists on operating tables.
Look up answering christianity and answering islam.
Maybe the stakes should be higher? Maybe some large animals... or elaborate traps?
If their faith is so strong, then they're convinced they'll go to Heaven, right?
And the agnostics? How do atheists decide victory over them? Overall I think a gladatorial match would be fairly interesting.
The greatest percieved good for the greatest percieved number.
Why would an atheist and an agnostic fight? Generally, atheists are agnostics as well anyway. Perhaps we should have a person fight with himself, a la Fight Club?
I've been involved in and witnessed some pretty good debates. Although I've never been a theist, I've talked with theists of all types who argued with one-another with my input. I tend to not like those sponsored debates in front of an audience as much, but mostly because of the lack of passion and dynamics in those types. I haven't seen too many theist-theist sponsored debates though. I had some pretty good ones in graduate school during philosophy club meetings when Christians would show up. I had a weekly column and they knew who I was. they came looking to talk with me. Often, they would talk with each other as well, having come from different groups. I would listen a lot.
Good times...
I'll fight for a person's right to speak so long as that person will, in return, fight to allow me to challenge their opinions and ridicule them as the content of their ideas merit.
An agnostic would probably just run back and forth, unable to decide which side to join.
Has anyone offered theistic explanations for why the Crusaders failed to keep the Holy Land, or why Baghdad fell to the Mongols?
There are no theists on operating tables.
I think all you need to do is hang around a church for a while, and you'll see some theist-vs-theist debates/arguments. There's a reason there's hundreds of denominations. Sometimes they can be just as nasty to their fellow theists as they are to us atheists.