Creationist hired for TX Board of Education
A friend of mine just emailed this to me. How terribly sad that this has happened.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
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Evolution is dogmatic? Could someone explain how one would come to such a conclusion?
Wow, pretty sad.
Although, our current fuck-up running the country came from this state and it is known for being very red so I guess this news is not surprising.
The Guy is a dentist
In the immortal words of Paula Abdul:
"I take one step forward, you take two steps back."
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Fuck and fuck Rick Perry...
Here is his logical critique of evolution.
Here's another gem of his mind:
The Gift of Medieval Christendom to the World
Sampler: "I know the Enlightenment gets all the credit for the what I have said about freedom. But, where on the globe did the Enlightenment arise? In a vacuum or in Christendom? And again, the key question is "Why? Why did the Enlightenment spring up in Christendom?"
Wonder if he interviewed the Native American's as part of his essay.
Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer. - William S. Burroughs
Here's PZ Myers input on the matter:
It's a Texas Tradition!
Category: Creationism
Posted on: July 25, 2007 3:02 PM, by PZ Myers
How can anyone be surprised at this turn of events? Governor Goodhair of Texas has appointed a flaming, blatant, unashamed creationist and friend of the Discovery Institute, Don McLeroy, to head the Texas State Board of Education. Phil Plait is not amused. But isn't this part of the grand Republican and Texan tradition of promoting gross incompetence? Isn't that how we got GW Bush? This is the state of Terri Leo and Mel Gabler. It's all more of the same.
Texas is going to be soooo interesting in the next year or two. I wonder if this is where the next big court battle is going to occur? McLeroy is just the kind of conservative theocrat who'd provoke it.
With people like this running the education system, the next generation isn't even going to be qualified to run a grill at McDonald's. America is heading back to the dark ages. Yuck!
If god takes life he's an indian giver
sorry but i've been waiting weeks to use this
You know, not only do you constantly beat me when you're posting, you also manage to come up with retardedly funny shit like this.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
Thanks pariah. I like the new avatar, did you get lasik or something?
I've found a few groups that would be on our side and not proclaimed as atheist.
That is so fucked up! Maybe they should hire an astrologer, or a flat Earther, or someone who believes the moon landing was faked.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
As could have been assumed from his creationism stance, he is also an abstinence only proponent.
At least Don McLeroy is consistently stupid
Category: Kooks • Reproduction
Posted on: July 27, 2007 10:28 AM, by PZ Myers
We were just womping on the new president of the Texas State Board of Education for his foolishness about evolution, but it turns out he's got the all the symptoms of full wingnut syndrome: he's also a proponent of ignorance-only sex education.
It is strange that there's this whole suite of positions that would seem to be unrelated, but almost always seem to be adopted wholesale. If you know someone is against evolution, you can pretty much predict their positions on abortion, stem cells, the death penalty, education, GW Bush, and homosexuality. I wonder what common force ties all those disparate ideas together?
I am really starting wonder if I should move out of this state.