Intelligent Design in Scotland

Apparently the universities in Scotland are pondering about adding Intelligent Design theory (if you can even call it a theory) to the science classes.
Please oh please tell me my english mates statements about the scots aren't true (that scots are nothing more than irishmen with their brains kicked out, personally i have no problem with the scots, irish or english).
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Considering that the education secretary has gone on record as saying that ID is a load of crap this is nothing more than a journalist trying to stir up an argument from a throwaway quote on a slow news day.
Their source is "an SQA spokesman" which is the equivalent of "some bloke down the pub". Not going to happen and never will.
As for your English mates' comments; they like to say that because they're too f**king stupid to realise they've been ruled by Scotsmen for the last ten years.
Freedom of religious belief is an inalienable right. Stuffing that belief down other people's throats is not.
Lol your probably right, but what do i know, i am of argentinian backgrounds. makes for fun times during football games.
Man you scared me,
I am actually studying Biology in Scotland and a younger membere from my famillie goes to a school here. And If they come with that crap I WILL take rotten tomatoes to lectures. Scottish university/school education is already quite elegantly dancing around real education, making it hard enough to stay awake as it is right now.
But, I never heard anything remotely indicating people here even considering something like I.D. So yeah I really think I would know if people were going to change or even consider to change my undergraduate university courses or my brothers Biology courses…. I sincerely hope that this ingnorance will not cross the ocean and stay out of europe... Bad enough how it is allready.
Memento Mori...
You said it - scary! I sincerely hope that noone in charge of the Scottish education system would consider letting in this rubbish, but it's chilling to read some of the comments to the article from people who've bought the IDers' crap hook line and sinker.
"This is the real world, stupid." - Charlie Brooker
"It is necessary to be bold. Some people can be reasoned into sense, and others must be shocked into it. Say a bold thing that will stagger them, and they will begin to think." - Thomas Paine