Head of the FLDS Church on FBI's 10 most wanted list!
Warren Jeffs, the head of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has now made it to the FBI's 10 most wanted list!
He is accused of arranging unlawful polygamous marriages (some involving underage girls, meaning he broke the law twice).
Anyone familiar with Mormonism knows that nothing like marriage can be done without Jeffs' explicit consent, meaning that if a marriage happens, Jeffs authorized it. If he doesn't, it doesn't go down. Thus, it should be easy to show that any unlawful marriage within the community was known about, if not set up, by Jeffs.
Thanks to KevinPragmatacist for the info
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I heard about that community on CNN a few months ago. That guy is a virtual dictator there! He can throw anyone out of the community for any reason! They said he was actually throwing a lot of young men out so that there would be enough women for the ones that are still there. He even made couples get divorced and took the children from their fathers. I hope they send his ass to Supermax!
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
The Mormons are a dangerous bunch.
For a little history to see how they work to eradicate non-believers check out
Under the Banner of Heaven : A Story of Violent Faith -- by Jon Krakauer
"God" told these folks to murder a young mother and her toddler daughter. The young mother was opposing some of the fundie rather's controlling ways and the toddler's throat was slit because "she would grow up to be just like her mother." Book also gives a lot of the terrifying background of the Mormon fundies.
The Mormon Conspiracy -- by Charles L. Wood
This book is a superb example of the Mormon Church which supposedly is heavily into history and family trees. There were "historical" documents which would tear apart the Mormon heirarchy. The Mormon Church bought the documents for a great deal of money and hid them from the public. There were several murders along the way. Too bad the documents were eventually proved to be forged.
Both books give good examples of a very violent faith that will stop at nothing to stop all dissention, regardless of where it comes from.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
Fundies of all stripes are dangerous.
Actually, not all of those books are really accurate depictions. I come from a mormon background and actually took issue with some of the tactics of some exmormons who inaccurately portrayed the culture to turn people off from it. There are certainly plenty of flaws in the mormon religion and plenty that is maladaptive in the mormon culture without misrepresenting them. Just look at the religion itself to learn about how ridiculous it is.
Also, there are several different sects of mormonism, so some things you read don't necesarily apply to all.
please visit www.SilkyShrewGoddess.com, www.FreeThoughtMedia.com, hillbillyatheist.com and