Protest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia

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Protest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia

FREE DOWNLOAD, Sunsara Taylor of World Can't Wait joins Brian Sapient to discuss the importance of protesting this group battlecry: (right click - save as)

The irrational folks at will be coming to Philadelphia May 12,13 at the Wachovia Spectrum.

When they visit in May, Battlecry is expected to have amassed upwards of 20,000 young people who think they are attending a worship service and Christian rock concert. In reality they are being courted by the worst kind of subtle fascist organization. Ron Luce's Battlecry for a Generation advocates government by biblical rules. He is opposed to separation of church and state. The organization, which is backed by Fallwell, Colson, Robertson . . . tries to get each child to write out their own "battlecry plan" which is a pledge for chastity until marriage and obedience to authority.

It's really sad how much brainwashing will occur at this single event. Please join us in focusing on a protest to help awaken the kids who will be attending. For the most part these kids are innocent... but they might lose all hope after this almost movielike (invasion of bodysnatchers) event.

We know these protests against Battlecry work, as the one in San Francisco has led to several letters to telling them so.

MORE DETAILS TO COME! Planning meeting in Philadelphia tonight.

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Protest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia

I really wish I could be there.

Somebody needs to stop these people from spreading their disease.

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Protest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia

Me too. Philly is about 80 miles from me, and I can't drive.

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Protest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia

Smalls SMASH!!!

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Protest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia

Oooo. If there's one thing that gets my barbarian rage boiling it's brainwashing children. THOSE BASTARDS!! Evil

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Protest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia

It sounds to me that all they have to do is join Islam, and they've got the same religion as the Koran, especially where women are concerned.

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Protest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia

Scary bastards. If you've seen their infomercial, chills ought to run down your spine. It's exactly like a Jim Jones-type cult.

I can't go to Philadelphia, but I'm keeping an eye on their message board, and if they try to pull anything in the Tampa area, I might pay 'em a li'l visit. Laughing out loud

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Protest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia

They're coming to Scottsbluff. Consider them pwn3d.

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Protest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia

That is super-scary...

If it wasn't 500 quid away and about 15 hours...

Unfortunately, nutters do turn the ignorant and the innocent - that's why the BNP (british national party) won 11 seats in the local council elections here in the UK yesterday.

They are racist, nasty, right-wing scum. Multiculturalism works in this country - they preach a doctrine of 'blame it on the imigrants' - heard that one before and my grandad fought the nazis.

Okay, getting off the soap box now... walking slowly towards Speakers Corner...

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Protest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia

To all who have gotten a flyer, please note the change where we will be
meeting on Sat, May 13th... from Broad and Oregon to Broad and Pattison
(the last stop on Orange line)

steve, philly WCW, phone 1-267-408-6286

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Protest against Battle Cry

"Your government is moving each day closer to a theocracy, where a
narrow and hateful brand of Christian fundamentalism will rule."
- The World Can't Wait! Drive Out The Bush Regime 'Call'

If you have been waiting to protest until fundamentalists were holding
fascist rallies in large stadiums, you need not wait any longer. If has
been happening for some time, but now they grace our coast with their
know-nothing agenda. Ron Luce is bringing his Christian youth crusade to
Philadelphia, complete with Franklin Graham, and a miriad of Christian
music acts. Battle Cry aims to organize youth into an "army of God".
(This is the term that they use) They want youth trained and
indoctrinated in a particular brand of hateful Christianity based on a
literal interpretation of the Bible. They will be issuing a challenge to
youth to do "BATTLE" with the "ENEMY".

These Right wing Christian fundamentalist, ant-gay, anti-choice, bigots
are coming to Philadelphia this Friday May 12th 2006 and Saturday May
13th 2006 to hold fascist mega-pep rallies called "BATTLE CRY FOR A
GENERATION." They are recruiting youth and their rallying cry is "Reclaim
the values that made this nation great. On May 12th & 13th Battle Cry is
bringing in over 15,000 youth from the Philadelphia area to fill the
Wachovia Center for a religious revival.

We will be there to say this must stop. We will be there to say these
people do not represent the critical thinking people of this country,
and to show the country the fascist and theocratic intent and implications
of these rallies. We will be there to challenge the youth there to see
their actions in the context of the horrible future Bush is bringing
into being, to confront this program, and to raise our banner to Drive Out
the Bush Regime!

Counter Protest to Battle Cry!. . . ALERT!!!

Check out their website
and Check out ours:

(please feel free to adapt this e-mail, add things, and put your groups
information, unite as many groups as possible ESP. Religious, Women's
Rights, and Gay Rights groups to come down.) Here is the PLAN!



Thursday May 11th 2006
Friends Center 1501 Cherry St. Philadelphia PA
What is Battle Cry and Theocracy? Discussion and presentation on how is
this connected to Bush's Agenda?

Friday, May 12, 2006

4pm - 5th & Market, Independence Mall Philadelphia
Battle Cry is holding a rally at Independence Mall. Come on Friday Bring
drums, noisemakers, voices, banners, large signs, and your determination
to drive Christian fascism out of Philly!!!

6pm - Wachovia Center, South Philly - Broad Street Line - Pattison Stop
(last stop on broad St. line)
Join activist calling all young attendees to seek the truth and to
critically think.

If you cannot come to the press conference, or get in late, you can go
directly to the Battle Cry event.

This is Friday's Battle Cry Schedule:
Registration Begins 4:00 pm
Doors Open 5:00 pm
Event Begins 7:00 pm
Event Concludes for Evening 10:00 pm

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Sat, the main group will meet up at 11:30am Broad Street Station (Orange
Line) - Last Stop - Pattison. If you come at other times you will need to
find us at the Stadium, we are not exactly sure where we will be.

Join us for a vibrant and visual protest against Battle Cry. As well
as, reaching out to the many young attending Battle Cry.

This is Saturday's Battle Cry Schedule:
Doors Open 7:30 am
Morning Session 8:25 am
Lunch 12:00 pm
Afternoon Session 1:30 pm
Dinner 5:15 pm
Evening Session 6:45 pm

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BattleCry = Brainwashing A-hole Types That Love Engaging...

Closed-minded Youth.

If they do rally at Washington DC's City Hall.. Beltway Atheists will be there for a counter protest.

Here's another good write up on BibleCreed...

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Update on Battle Cry Rally

This hate rally is going down Nationwide May 12-13. The City hall rally is Friday May 12 starting @ 3:30pm:

For more information on the theocracy, bigotry and hatred of Battle Cry go to:

This is what Beltway Atheists is doing in Washington DC:

Beltway Atheists:

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Update on BattleCry:NO COUNTER PROTEST NEEDED:they gave up

They Surrender!!!

It looks as though they gave up:

Even thought they failed this time, they'll be back again, and I encourage everyone to check out this site:

"BattleCry's Red flag turns to white"

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Sunsara just sent this to me...

Meet the Shock Troops of the Christian Youth
Battle Cry for Theocracy!

If you've been waiting until the Christian fascist movement started filling stadiums with young people and hyping them up to do battle in "God's army" to get alarmed, wait no longer.

In recent weeks, Battle Cry, a Christian fundamentalist youth movement, has attracted more than 25,000 to mega-rally rock concerts in San Francisco and Detroit and this weekend they plan to fill Wachovia Stadium in Philadelphia.

They claim their religion and values are under attack but, amidst spectacular lightshows, hummers, Navy Seals, and military imagery on stage, it is Battle Cry that has declared war on everyone else! Their leader, Ron Luce, insists: "This is war. And Jesus invites us to get into the action, telling us that the violent--the 'forceful' ones--will lay hold of the kingdom."

A glimpse at Battle Cry's Honor Academy, which trains 500 youth each year and preaches that homosexuality and masturbation are sins, reveals a lot about what kind of society they are fighting for. Interns are forbidden to listen to secular music, watch R-rated movies or date. Men can't use the internet unsupervised and the length of women's skirts is regulated. The logic behind this, that men must be protected from the sin of sexual temptation, is what drives Islamic fundamentalists to shroud women in burkhas!

Behind their multi-million dollar operation that sends more than 5,000 missionaries to more than thirty-four countries each year, are some of the most powerful and extreme religious lunatics in the country. Their partners include Pat Robertson (who got a call from Karl Rove to discuss Alito before the nomination was made public), Ted Haggard (who brags that his concerns will be responded to by the White House within 24 hours), Jerry Falwell (who blamed September 11th on homosexuals, feminists, pagans, and abortionists), and others. Their events have been addressed by Barbara Bush (via video) as well as former President Gerry Ford. This weekend's event will include Franklyn Graham who has ministered to George Bush and publicly proclaimed that Islam is an "evil religion."

What most of these figures have in common is their insistence that the Bible be read literally and obeyed as the inerrant word of God. And, as Ron Luce leads youth to pray, "I will keep my eyes on the battle, submitting to Your code even when I don't understand.outside my comfort zone in the battle zone," it would be foolish to expect that there is any part of the Bible's literal horrors this movement would be unwilling to enforce. That includes stoning disobedient children and non-virgin brides (Deuteronomy 21:18-21 and 22:13-21), executing gays (Leviticus 20:13), and keeping slaves (Peter 2:18).

Already they staged a protest on the steps of San Francisco's City Hall precisely because they were "the very city hall steps where several months ago 'gay marriages' were celebrated." Their answer to the scourge of rape and violence against women is to end divorce, spread ignorance, insist on virginity--the very things that will more entrap women in these nightmares. And this Friday, they are planning rallies at fifty City Halls nation-wide.

Of course, like the President who gave Ron Luce an appointment to the White House Advisory Commission on Drug-Free Communities, Battle Cry tells its share of bald-faced lies. For one, they claim that "a society fortified by biblical principals and a strong moral the heritage our forefathers fought and died to secure for us." But the word "God" never appears in the Constitution. After three-and-a-half months of debate about what should go into the document that would govern the land, the framers drafted a constitution that is secular.

Battle Cry also claims America has been "set aside for God's purposes--a country established for good and fruitfully blessed so that we might take God's message to the ends of the earth." It is revealing that for all their talk about the value of life and the evils of violent imagery, Battle Cry never speaks against the real violence and loss of life being inflicted by U.S. troops in Iraq.

Still, there is one thing that Battle Cry gets right: this country is in the midst of a deep moral crisis. We are indeed living through times when business-as-usual is unconscionable.

As the Bush regime wages unjust wars and conducts torture in our names, as they leave New Orleans to rot, and drag us closer each day to a theocracy where abortion and birth control are banned, science is pulled under, and gays are persecuted, it is no wonder that young people are searching for meaning and morality.

The truth is, however, youth will not find the morality they need in a stadium listening to Ron Luce preach about religious war and intolerance. And they won't find it while buying Battle Cry's keepsake dog-tags.
These young people need to be challenged to look around them and think for themselves.

I am confident that if they do, many of them may find that the truly moral way to live is to throw their tremendous energies and dreams of a better world into stopping this madness and driving out the Bush regime.
This generation--and their counterparts all around the world--will have to live with the consequences of this culture war, one way or another.
Sunsara Taylor writes for Revolution newspaper and sits on the Advisory Board of The World Can't Wait / Drive Out the Bush Regime. Here's a clip of her debate with Ron Luce on the O'Reilly Factor. She can be reached at:

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Protest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia


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Re: Battle Cry!! Theocracy here we come!!

I don't know, they seem pretty benign, if stir-crazy, on the surface. I'll have to do some more research on this. This quote from one of their forums is utterly priceless(!):
It's 750,000 miles long...... it could wrap itself around the earth 30 TIMES.... it grows at a rate of 20 miles per day!!

That's the line of unsaved people... what are you going to do?

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Re: Battle Cry!! Theocracy here we come!!

Atheist_Scathe wrote:

I don't know, they seem pretty benign, if stir-crazy, on the surface. I'll have to do some more research on this. This quote from one of their forums is utterly priceless(!):
It's 750,000 miles long...... it could wrap itself around the earth 30 TIMES.... it grows at a rate of 20 miles per day!!

That's the line of unsaved people... what are you going to do?


Mass brainwashing of our youth is benign?

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Re: Battle Cry!! Theocracy here we come!!

LeftofLarry wrote:
Atheist_Scathe wrote:

I don't know, they seem pretty benign, if stir-crazy, on the surface. I'll have to do some more research on this. This quote from one of their forums is utterly priceless(!):
It's 750,000 miles long...... it could wrap itself around the earth 30 TIMES.... it grows at a rate of 20 miles per day!!

That's the line of unsaved people... what are you going to do?


Mass brainwashing of our youth is benign?

No, sorry, I meant they don't seem like such a new threat. A lot of the stuff these people are pushing isn't anything new- biblical literalism, abstinence from pre-marital sex, porn, alcohol/drugs, etc.- eh, fuck that shit I say but if that's what does it for ya who am I to say otherwise? The only problem I have is with these fucking Christians going all preachy and straight-edge on me and telling me I can't get into that shit. I'd like some more information on this, though. I don't want to jump to conclusions one way or another. Like I said, they're nuts: look at that quote. I perused their forums a little and they were just talking about rallies, how much they hated the 'sex and drugs and suicide' in popular culture... the kingpin of the operation, Luce or whatever, was saying they needed to show love and restraint and not engage with counter-protestors. Like I said, I don't know but it certainly merits further investigation.

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Re: Battle Cry!! Theocracy here we come!!

I guess what I want to be careful to do is to investigate this shit from all angles- because like it or not (and believe me I don't) even these Battlecry people have reasons and rationale for everything they do. Obviously we reject those but I don't want to become prey to the kind of hasty generalizations and presumptiousness and of course mass conformity that I despise about that crowd in the first place. That's all, I didn't mean to downplay the brainwashing thing, but I also think that (to borrow a biblical phrase) many are called but few are chosen. I actually am something of an elitist about this- I think a lot of those folks are so wedded to their particularist conception that they not only CAN'T but WON'T free their minds- and if they don't accept the helping hand that's extended to them they'll bite it off. So, regretful as this is, unfortunately the only thing you can let them do is be happy with their belief system, however wrong we hold it to be. That's not something I, as an apostate Christian with believing Christian parents and friends take lightly, but there it is. Those of sufficient will and amenability WILL apostatize given the right circumstances.

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Protest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia

The problem I have is how the methods they are using. These MEGACHURCHES, BATTLECRY!!! WARRIORS FOR GOD ..etc...the even scarier thing is that they are specifically targeting kids. Because they know kids are vulenrable to sensationalism, huge concert like events..rock music, lights, fireworks..etc..all part of brainwashing young kids.. it is indeed scary and dangerous. Millions of dollars are spent a year promoting these types of events, Jerry Fallwell, Pat Robertson, Dobson, etc..all splitting the bill because they are multi-millionaires. It is worrysome because with money comes power and with power comes elitism and control.

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Protest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia

LeftofLarry wrote:
The problem I have is how the methods they are using. These MEGACHURCHES, BATTLECRY!!! WARRIORS FOR GOD ..etc...the even scarier thing is that they are specifically targeting kids. Because they know kids are vulenrable to sensationalism, huge concert like events..rock music, lights, fireworks..etc..all part of brainwashing young kids.. it is indeed scary and dangerous. Millions of dollars are spent a year promoting these types of events, Jerry Fallwell, Pat Robertson, Dobson, etc..all splitting the bill because they are multi-millionaires. It is worrysome because with money comes power and with power comes elitism and control.

No, I agree with you, that ain't benign at all. And it is pretty fucked up. My experience with these things was usually in the form of camps and stuff like that- lame Christian bands and extended worship services and shit like that convincing you (and this is the big thing) that you're an awful dirty sinner and you need the Mega-Pixie to watch over your shoulder incessantly and you need to adulate his fragile fucking ego... blah blah blah. And of course everyone gets so fucking weepy and "re-dedicates" their lives to babby Jeezus, his daddy and the holy fucking spirit or some shit... of course more often than not the impression I get is they go back to where they were (at least I did) within a week or so... but more than that it's the psycological damage of that kind of discourse that I fear, because being told you're unworthy and a sinner and all that shit can have very real repercussions; it certainly did in my case.

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Protest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia

This is fuckin' scary- I'll have to look into this a lot more but it's way too serious to be dismissed:

Does anybody know anything about this site?

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Protest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia

Okay, this is also quite scary:

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Battlecry's Teen Bill of Rights for your perusal:

It's time for us to be heard. It's time we stand up for what we believe and declare it for all. This is our proclamation. And these are our rights as a generation of doers, destined to create positive change. We stand as one, and with this Bill of Rights, we will ignite a revolution.

The Teenage Bill of Rights
We, a new generation of young Americans, in order to protect the heritage of our forefathers and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and generations to come, do affirm and pledge this declaration:

When character and morality are uncommon qualities,

When corporations and marketers seek to profit from our destruction,

When pop culture icons do not represent our values,

When Judeo-Christian beliefs are labeled as intolerant,

When activists seek to remove God from our schools,

When truth is deemed relative and unknowable,

It is necessary for us, the emerging generation of young Americans, to stand for what is right and reclaim the values that have made our nation great. We call our nation to a higher standard, a lifestyle based

not on convenience, but on character,

not on what is easy, but on what is excellent,

not on what feels good, but on what is good,

not on popularity, but on principle,

not on what is tempting, but on what is true.

We, as young Americans, assert our right to determine our future and the future of our great nation. We hold these truths as our God-given rights, and we embrace them with our hearts and our lives:

We recognize that God, our Creator, is the source of all truth.

We will live with honor, always striving to do the right thing, even when it is unpopular. We will be honest and truthful in matters large and small, regardless of the consequences.

We will take responsibility for our actions, and not point to governments, schools, celebrities, parents, or friends to justify our wrong decisions.

We recognize that we are responsible for our mistakes. We will pursue purity throughout our lives.

We will not be seduced by a fabricated idea of sex and love.

We will save our bodies and hearts for our future spouses, and once married we commit to pursue faithful and enduring relationships.

We will see through the lies of drugs and alcohol and refuse to let any chemical influence our thinking or destroy our lives.

We will respect the authorities placed in our lives, even though some may not live as honorably as they should.

We will honor our parents, teachers, and other leaders.

We will reach out with compassion to the hurting and less fortunate, both in our society and around the world.

We refuse to be absorbed with our own comforts and desires.

We recognize the value of each life, whether born or unborn, and we seek to protect those who are unable to protect themselves.

We will do our best to represent and communicate our Creator to our peers, leaders, and society as a whole.

We will work to see that every person has the opportunity to see and hear about the true nature of our God.

In signing, we commit to pursue a life that exemplifies these standards.

We refuse to sit idly by and witness the destruction of our generation.

With God's help, we envision a bright and prosperous future for the nation we love.

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Protest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia

A lot of those things are commendable values, too bad they sneak the bullshit in.

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Protest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia

Atheist_Scathe wrote:
This is fuckin' scary- I'll have to look into this a lot more but it's way too serious to be dismissed:

Does anybody know anything about this site?

Also found much of the same material here:

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Protest against fascist group BattleCry in Philadelphia

Atheist_Scathe wrote:
LeftofLarry wrote:
The problem I have is how the methods they are using. These MEGACHURCHES, BATTLECRY!!! WARRIORS FOR GOD ..etc...the even scarier thing is that they are specifically targeting kids. Because they know kids are vulenrable to sensationalism, huge concert like events..rock music, lights, fireworks..etc..all part of brainwashing young kids.. it is indeed scary and dangerous. Millions of dollars are spent a year promoting these types of events, Jerry Fallwell, Pat Robertson, Dobson, etc..all splitting the bill because they are multi-millionaires. It is worrysome because with money comes power and with power comes elitism and control.

No, I agree with you, that ain't benign at all. And it is pretty fucked up. My experience with these things was usually in the form of camps and stuff like that- lame Christian bands and extended worship services and shit like that convincing you (and this is the big thing) that you're an awful dirty sinner and you need the Mega-Pixie to watch over your shoulder incessantly and you need to adulate his fragile fucking ego... blah blah blah. And of course everyone gets so fucking weepy and "re-dedicates" their lives to babby Jeezus, his daddy and the holy fucking spirit or some shit... of course more often than not the impression I get is they go back to where they were (at least I did) within a week or so... but more than that it's the psycological damage of that kind of discourse that I fear, because being told you're unworthy and a sinner and all that shit can have very real repercussions; it certainly did in my case.

yup...Mia Colpa (in italian) or in Latin Mea Culpa...Catholic guilt, once in you always with you....

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