Abrahamic followers that use logic.

Didn't know where to post this.
Has anybody met any Christians/Jews/Muslims that use good logic to back up their claims?
I'm really getting tired of the same, centuries old bullshit.
Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.
George Orwell.
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double post.
I'd really just settle for one of them to either concede that
1) their logic was wrong
2) they aren't going to pretend to be good at logic, when they know nothing about basic reasoning, to prove their points.
Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.
George Orwell.
There are some the use logic well enough. They just have irrational assumptions.
I agree with MrRage. The best theist I've seen arguing do use good logic. They just start from supernatural premises and they justify those by some form of "god of the gaps" argument.
A mystic is someone who wants to understand the universe, but is too lazy to study physics.
My spouse is one of the best Genesis apologists ever. She has an excuse for everything. AND she can do it in a condescending manner.
My favorite discussion:
Me: Why did your god flood the earth?
Her: Because, Dummy. God cursed the earth not to grow anything after Cain killed Abel. God had to baptize the earth to lift the curse just like we have to be baptized to lift the curse given to Adam and Eve. Jeesh, I thought you atheists were well-read in the bible. By flooding the earth, he cleaned everything up for man to try again.
Me: So why save anyone? Why not kill 'em all and start over?
Her: Duh! Put a new person on a new earth negates all the work he did with the earlier people that was good. He took the bad things away and put the best person he had to work with in a good place.
Me: So what about the other people's boats at the time?
Her: I get really tired of explaining this to people. Remember the scripture? It said 'god sealed the door to the ark' and god 'instructed Noah how to build the ark'. None of the other people's boats had been built by god. Don't you think god could build a boat strong enough to withstand a storm that could destroy all of the other boats?
You gotta admit. She's decent for a fundie.
Of course when you catch her without an excuse, she just walks away and never wants to discuss that subject again.
As far as getting one to admit something, that's pretty rare but emotionally rewarding for sure.
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Yeah. I see what you're saying (funny discussion, btw.) I think I was being disingenuous when I made the topic. I was thinking of the public face of theists, not theists in my personal life. The debates and arguments made by the most well-known theists are, at best, outdated and, at worst, just plain shitty.
Change the topic a bit. We've all probably seen the nightline RRS debate, at the very least. Not that Kirk Cameron or Banana guy should represent the theist world, but they did, and that's my point. Also, reading Dawkins' TGD, the meat of the philosophy is responding to centuries old arguments. We have a free and open forum in our society, moreso than most times in history, and the seeming result has been the dumbing down of true philosophical development of thoughts.
The theists have no reason to use debunked arguments (in a debate) unless they have redeemed the philosophy behind it. (Pascal's wager, unmoved mover, the meaning of life, 'Einstein was a theist!', I just 'feel' god and you will too if you accept him, etc). Maybe I'm just rambling.
Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.
George Orwell.
What laundy detergent did he use in the cleansing,and he must have skipped the fabric softener,life is still rough
"Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions."--Frater Ravus
Kenneth Miller