The Bible sucks at cosmology.

2. The Bible Says the Moon is a Source of Light
As early as the first chapter of Genesis, the Bible asserts that the moon is its own light source.
Genesis 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. Of course, we know today that the moon (presumably the “lesser light” in this verse) is not a light source. It simply reflects the light of the sun. Frankly, even the primitive authors of the Bible should have known better. The shadows that are cast on the moon as it "waxes and wanes" should have been enough of an indication. The Book of Isaiah continues with this view of the moon in a prophecy he relates about happy times for Zion characterized by abundant fertility, fruitful land and a brighter cosmos (bold emphasis added):Isaiah 30:26 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold…
Isaiah predicts that the sun will shine seven times as bright. If this prophecy ever does come true, it will not be such a good thing for Zion (or the rest of the planet). Under such conditions, all of humanity will be incinerated. Elsewhere in the Bible, there are less joyous prophecies about the end times. One of the signs will be that the moon is blackened. However, the Bible doesn’t put it that way (bold emphasis added): Isaiah 13:10 ... the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.Ezekiel 32:7 ... and the moon shall not give her light.Matthew 24:29 (Jesus said) Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light…
Oddly enough, Jesus said in this passage the sun shall be “darkened” and the moon shall not give “her light”. Had he known better, he might have the reversed metaphors (as in “the sun shall not give her (his?) light and the moon shall be darkened”). This would have demonstrated a better knowledge of the cosmos, as one should expect from the son (or avatar) of the Creator.
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It's also not very knowledgable about 17th century French cuisine.
But 80% of the people on earth dont use the bible as a basis for ALL information and facts about French cuisine.
Very true, but that does not excuse its lack of information on such an important subject.
Now you are just being silly
Clearly you have never dined with the French.
So the bible is wrong. Big surprise. Cosmology is a highly mathematical science. Why would the bible be good at it? Last I checked there weren't any equations in it.
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Well, there is the place where the Bible calculates the value of Pi as equal to 3.00 (1 Kings 7:23-6)
"After Jesus was born, the Old Testament basically became a way for Bible publishers to keep their word count up." -Stephen Colbert
From what i got from the post, it didn't require any mathematical equations, he was talking about the moon and lighting. I figure that if god created it, it should know, if the moon is giving light or merely reflecting it.
As well to claim that it is inspired and as well the word of god, you think the creator of the universe would understand complex mathematics really.
Damn. Now I have to recalculate the concrete I need for my deck piers.
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Who needs mathematics when you can snap your fingers and create a universe?
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Where are these fingers that do this universe creating snapping?
On a hand. At the end of a very big arm. Somewhere past the edge of the universe. Flipping us off.
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