We are going to Europe! | |||||||||||||||
God willing, we are going to film 13 episodes in 13 countries... in 13 days. They said it couldn't be done, but we thought differently (high-speed trains will make it possible). This is for the 4th Season of "The Way of the Master" TV program. We are going to:
It will be a combined travel log, home show, history show...all soaked in evangelism. We leave on September 20th, and yes, we need contacts in every country to help make this a reality. Please contact Trish at [email protected] if you can be a contact person. Also, we are still looking for sponsors for each program. |
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I feel bad for my European relatives.
I need to call my friends in Prague...
No I'm not warning them. If they take that bull out to the streets of Prague they are the ones who are in trouble. I might just watch this.
“The four most over-rated things in life are champagne, lobster, anal sex and picnics.”
-Christopher Hitchens
"I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of Him."
-Gabriel Garcia Marquez
I need them to go to europe so they may do my bidding.
Won't they probably get laughed at there?
Best post ever!
In amongst the general apathy, yes.
Freedom of religious belief is an inalienable right. Stuffing that belief down other people's throats is not.
I agree.
here in England they'll just be ignored. We're a mostly non-christian country but we're a bit too tolerant of things we don't like, otherwise they wouldn't make it off the tube
What about sending them to speak in front of a soccer stadium and put a sign on their back that says "[Name of local team] Sucks!"
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I don't know if it is the right forum, but I got to tell you something (even though you probably already knew it, doesn't matter!
The guys from wayofthemaster are going on a tour in Europe and I would like to know, what we could do to ... welcome
them. I'm trying to be on the Frankfurt thing (only an hour from where I live) and I wanted to know, if you have a strategy or any ideas or maybe want to visit them too and bring them out of there comfort zone.
Hope they'r not tolerated in Europe because if they are they will never leave and only take it as a sign that they are welcomed. They will also take it as a sign that people do want them there but too afraid to admit it.
If they ever pulled that 10 commandments and do you ever tell a lie bullshit with me I would tell them it's not your business if I ever lied and the 10 commandments are for the jews not gentiles. If they persist any further then tell them prove there is a god.
I personally think every Country, State, Municipality should ban their and all religious soliciting, indoctrination, and proselytizing on public property.
I was considering adding coercing but that might not be right. On the other hand though they do coerce with threat and anxiety of their believed hell, trying to make the person try to feel guilty and basically accusing them of being guilty by according to thier belief and by dominating the entire scam to sell their product their religion, their website, their business.
I find it strange (from a psychological stand-point that is) that everyone who replied to this has responded with the utmost pessimism, to the degree of wishing hurt and pain upon these people. I thought that's what the atheist community was solely against. Are you all hypocrits?
No see sarcasm and irritation toward the willfully ignorant and the overwhelmingly hateful is a natural response in humans.
Hypocrisy is a post just like yours that ignores the fact that some people's belief system wishes hurt and pain upon others and in a historical context has brought this fact to bloody fruition many millions of times. And then these people point a finger believing they see hypocrisy in someone else.
Has Europe run dry of snake oil ?
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
I picked up a few videos on you-tube. Are they serious with the "crocoduck" and "banana" arguments? Made me giggle a bit though.
I would think people would turn out and treat it like a comedy show. I wonder how much they're charging ...?
Religion is the ultimate con-job. It cons the conned, and it cons the conner.
Mr.T : "I ain't gettin' on no damn plane [sic]" - environmentalism at it's best
Ok let me be clear here, these two men are heading to Europe with a message that has the sole purpose of trying to scare people into believing that they are bad people (ex. liars) and therefore need to share their belief. Nevermind that they are asking people to feel badly about themselves for simply being human. Watch their videos. Feel free to watch them intimidate complete strangers. Yes, I think that anyone who uses such tactics shouldn't be supported. Would you want an atheist to approach you on the street with a camera crew and ask you if you're intellectually inferior and weak minded? Notice that we're all sharing these opinions on rationalresponders.com and not ILoveJesus.com. Ray and Kirk put their opinions out there and those opinions and beliefs are therefore entirely open to the opinions of others.
They are under the impression that I, my entire family, and 95% of my friends are all going to burn in hell for all eternity. Who is pessimistic again?
“The four most over-rated things in life are champagne, lobster, anal sex and picnics.”
-Christopher Hitchens
"I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of Him."
-Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Psalms 14:1
A fool has saith in his heart that there IS a god.
Out side poland they will be ignored in Europe (poland still stupidly religious)
We legialised gay partnerships last year and the massive christian demostration against it didnt even get into 3 figures