What to do if it's true

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What to do if it's true

There are here people trying to prove that God doesn't exist.

I was taking a look at that site www.blasphemychallenge.com and I foud many people recording their videos with blasphemy about the Holy Spirit.

It's not a big deal but if what the bible say is true?

Because is difficult to prove about something that you don't see.

Let's think about ET; many people does't believe that it exist because nobody see that. But how can we prove if it exist or not?


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danicberti wrote:

danicberti wrote:


If it's true then I'm going to hell. If in fact it's really the Greek Pantheon "up there" then you and I are both going to Hades. If it is actually the Flying Spaghetti Monster then we're going to be rewarded with an eternal lifetime's supply of spaghetti bolognese because the FSM loves all, even nonbelievers.

You told about Hades.

Why don't you try to know more about geena instead of Hades.

Because many times, Hades Means grave

And Gehenna was a garbage dump outside Jerusalem - what's your point?

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Danicberti, have you ever

Danicberti, have you ever felt hell?  Have you ever felt your entire body burning non stop?  well if not then how can you believe in other than assuming it's real because some people wrote it in a book?


As far as your fruit is concerned I can easlily obtain one and try it for my self.  I can't obtain evidence for the god and have a two way conversation with it.

 We know the wind exists we can physically feel it, see the effects of it and hear it.  This is like if a tree falls and no one is there to hear it does it make a sound?  of course it does, just leave a video camera there or a recorder.

 Now  since you think we should prove the god doesn't exist then I say you should prove  the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist.  The flying spaghetti monster lives outside this world, outside the universe, no one can see it or hear it.  There is no physical, scientific evidence for it only a book tells us it exists and is omni everything.  Can't think of all the words, hate it when that happens.

So go and prove the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist and when you see why you don't think you should then you might understand why we don't need to prove your god doesn't exist.  It just simply doesn't with out your being able to prove it does.



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zntneo wrote: If memory

zntneo wrote:
If memory serves me correctly, Greek mythology believed hades was where you went after you die eg everyone goes there.

The really good guys go to Elysium, but only the really good guys. I did an A level in Classics.

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Jacob Cordingley

Jacob Cordingley wrote:

zntneo wrote:
If memory serves me correctly, Greek mythology believed hades was where you went after you die eg everyone goes there.

The really good guys go to Elysium, but only the really good guys. I did an A level in Classics.


Ahh, i see.  Still seems a bit different then what she is saying agreed? 

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jcgadfly wrote: Pascal's

jcgadfly wrote:
Pascal's Wager redux?


Can someone on this site write a Shell script that identies any post that refers to the wager, and then just responds to it with any of the various refutations that already exist? Would save us some time. 

"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'

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danicberti wrote: [ Wind

danicberti wrote:

Wind is oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen mixed together in a chemical cocktail. Oh, and yes we can see wind, all we have to do is cool "wind" or "air" down to around -230 and it condenses into a liquid. That we can infact see. Other then that we have instruments to detect these chemicals that make up wind, and have a reason for it to be there.


We can't see the wind as it really is.

No one is saying 'god is invisible'

What they are saying is that he is 'beyond nature'

So your analogy fails.

"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'

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danicberti wrote: I really

danicberti wrote:

I really know the truth. I really know the God.
I'm not trying prove that He exist, as I told in the begginer.... When you really believe in something, you try. If you can't prove, with logical stuffs but you try.

[I'm not trying to prove He exists, as I told in the beginning. When you really believe in something you try to prove that something exists...?? But you can't prove it logically even if you try...??? I don't get it!]

Now if you don't have sure that something exist, so you try to prove the oposit.

[But if you are not sure that something exists, then you try to prove the opposite.]

I think you don't have sure about what are you talking about.
When something doesn't exist you don't loose your time trying to prove that, because it only doesn't exist.

[I don't think you're sure about what you are talking about. When something doesn't exist, you shouldn't waste your time trying to prove that.]

No, wrong. You don't really know. By saying that you "know" god exists quite clearly demonstates that you know nothing about the scientific research method. Your analogy by comparing God with wind is false. We may not be able to see wind, but we can scientifically OBSERVE wind. We can feel the wind on our skins and can see it swaying the trees etc.

While God left no observable evidence behind when he "created the universe". One may say that God must have created the universe, because we don't know what triggered the creation event (creation event=big bang or something similar). Or that our known universe shows many, many things that seem far too impropable to have happened by random process. However, all this counts very little to scientifc method in proving God.

"I don't think you're sure about what you are talking about."

I could say the same thing about you. Your unquestioned faith, your emotion appealing, rationality neglecting beliefs give you the illusion that you "know" God exists. Have you ever even TRIED to think things logically? Ofcourse you have, because you're human. Well have you tried to use your logical thought in your faith in God? If you ever do this, you will begin to slowly notice that faith in God makes no sense. And I truly hope you will someday.

"When something doesn't exist, you shouldn't waste your time trying to prove that."

People like you is what makes me want to "waste" my time trying to prove that there is no God... Well, I can't really prove there is no God. I can only appeal to people's intelligence and make them understand that believing in God is naiive, irrational, stupid and dangerous.

Besides. You are a Theist. You make the claim that god exists, therefore it is you, who has to prove it. I don't have to prove my point of God's non-existence, because I'm making a negative claim (there is no God). The one who makes positive claims HAS to prove it. That's called burden of proof. You have been explained this before on this thread, so you better start proving that God exists.

"But if you are not sure that something exists, then you try to prove the opposite."

Exactly. I always do everything I can to think things scientifically and sceptically. Science says that once we come up with a theory, a conclusion, we must conduct experiments attempting to disprove these theories. Science is not about believing in something although there is no proof at all. The same can't be said about your faith.

Trust and believe in no god, but trust and believe in yourself.

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danicberti wrote: If you

danicberti wrote:

If you not prove it to me, I'll challenge you to ask God make you feel a prove of His existence, inside you, inside your heart, not only  a emotion, but to show inside you that what HE do is real!

Do you agree?

I asked God to prove His existence to me, inside me, inside my heart. Nothing happened.

What's step two?

"A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven." -- former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien

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danicberti wrote: If you

danicberti wrote:

If you prove to me that you can decide for sure how many years you still be alive.
and nothing wrong will happen in the middle way.
But you have to prove it as 2+2 = 4
then I'll give up God.

If you not prove it to me, I'll challenge you to ask God make you feel a prove of His existence, inside you, inside your heart, not only  a emotion, but to show inside you that what HE do is real!

There are two things in this massage that I don't understand:

1) Why would perfectly estimating my lifespan determine that there is no God?

2) What does it mean when you wrote "and nothing wrong will happen in the middle way"?

From what I understand, it means that if I can tell the exact date and time with the accuracy of one minute when I die, and nothing "bad" will happen to me in my life, then danicberti gives up God.

And I don't understand a DAMN THING what would determining my exact lifespan do to disprove God. I also don't understand why "bad things" happening would have anything to do with it.

danicberti, your personal experience with God's "existence" counts nothing to scientific research. If you told a scientist that you just saw a pink elephant (or God) it wouldn't matter, because that counts as NOTHING to scientific proof.

Besides, this thread, and your beliefs are just riddled with bad pseudo-logic. God has nothing logical in nature. There is also no scientific proof at all of God's existence. You may have personal experience, but that doesn't give you the right to say that "God is real". It just doesn't qualify as proof. Accept it. 

Trust and believe in no god, but trust and believe in yourself.

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danicberti wrote:
pariahjane wrote:
danicberti wrote:

You can't ingnore everything wrote in the bible.

Because, many facts dicribed there are proved by the hystory and Archeology too.

So, If you can prove everything the bible is fake you have to prove parts of history is also fake.

Have you ever think about it?

Exactly what in the Bible has been proven by the archeological field?

History is written by the victors. I can't recall who wrote that but I think its a very apt quote.


The Existence of Sodom and Gomorrah and this city are destroyed by fire.

It is a resarch descoverd by Ron Wyat, in 1980's
and it was published around all the word.

Ron Wyat is NOT an archeologist. He is a gold digger. He is famous for fabricating false relics.

wiki article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Wyatt

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danicberti wrote:

danicberti wrote:

You todl: You want to hear the truth? Here's the truth: You don't know if God exists or not because you have no proof. You will die some day, and you cannot know if that's the end of it. Once you have died, you will eventually be forgotten. You cannot know if you will ever achieve everlasting happiness, and even if there was such a thing, it would be very naiive not to accept the fact that you live in this universe, because there's nothing you can do about it.


I really know the truth. I really know the God.
I'm not trying prove that He exist, as I told in the begginer.... When you really believe in something, you try. If you can't prove, with logical stuffs but you try.

Now if you don't have sure that something exist, so you try to prove the oposit.

I think you don't have sure about what are you talking about.
When something doesn't exist you don't loose your time trying to prove that, because it only doesn't exist.


Keep up on your research, hun... you'll be here in our boat someday if you head for the path of knowledge. It's all you need to do is loose your faith - that is - look for evidence. You're going to find out the exodus of the Israelites NEVER occurred. The Jesus Christ in the bible NEVER existed. The flood of noah is absolutely impossible on every ecological and psysical level - and emperical evidence negates its possibility.

Keep researching... you'll find the truth Eye-wink Remember to look up your sources... you'll find nearly ALL used by the Christian community are fabricating all their works to give you facade standings for the lies they feed you. Ironically, you'll find the sources whom are actually producing REAL artifiacts are misquoted EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Here is a great resource when your ready to take a look at your own bible to see if it's truth or not: http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/

Happy researching... if you need help looking for answers... never be afraid to ask for guidance Eye-wink we're people like any other... and always here to help.

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danicberti wrote: There

danicberti wrote:

There are here people trying to prove that God doesn't exist.

I was taking a look at that site www.blasphemychallenge.com and I foud many people recording their videos with blasphemy about the Holy Spirit.

It's not a big deal but if what the bible say is true?

Because is difficult to prove about something that you don't see.

Let's think about ET; many people does't believe that it exist because nobody see that. But how can we prove if it exist or not?


I have an invisible orange elephant in my pocket.  Do you believe me?  If not, why?  I would show it to you, but it's invisible.  Do you believe me?  How can you prove that it doesn't exist?

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Sapient wrote: danicberti

Sapient wrote:
danicberti wrote:

There are here people trying to prove that God doesn't exist.

I was taking a look at that site www.blasphemychallenge.com and I foud many people recording their videos with blasphemy about the Holy Spirit.

It's not a big deal but if what the bible say is true?

Because is difficult to prove about something that you don't see.

Let's think about ET; many people does't believe that it exist because nobody see that. But how can we prove if it exist or not?

I have an invisible orange elephant in my pocket.  Do you believe me?  If not, why?  I would show it to you, but it's invisible.  Do you believe me?  How can you prove that it doesn't exist?

Because one can't now does not mean it can't be done.  It is a falsifiable statement.

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Quote: I really know the

I really know the truth. I really know the God.

Of all the people in the world, those 8 billion, YOU know the absolute and exact truth, and nothing but the truth... This, on a normal situation, would be called arrogance beyond any imaginable boundary.

I have strong reasons to suspect you are lying. And I say that because I know someone else who claims to know the truth, and that truth is Allah. Since, up to now, none of you have went to any length to actually give a physical, or at least an observable proof of your gods, I cannot possibly decide between you two, since I have absolutely no criteria. It would be like flipping the coin... and if only it was you two... but there are... hundreds... thousands...

I'm not trying prove that He exist, as I told in the begginer.... When you really believe in something, you try. If you can't prove, with logical stuffs but you try.

You theists really don't need to repeat that. We just happen to KNOW you cannot prove God from a logical or scientific p.o.v. I for one accept the possibility of a deistic god, I don't believe it exists but I accept the possibility. But certainly not the Christian/Muslim gods...

When something doesn't exist you don't loose your time trying to prove that, because it only doesn't exist.

We couldn't give a rat's posterior about religion and faith IF it didn't influence faily life: pesky door-to-door J.W.s, millions in public money (in whatever currency) towards useless churches, a lot of time wasted with public prayer, the progressive idiotization through forced entry of ID and creationism, and forced bashing of perfectly good science, etc. etc. etc., they affect us all.

Otherwise, we wouldn't give a rat's posterios, as I said before.

Inquisition - "The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on..."