Rartional Response Squad? Not really...

To the Rational Response Squad
Boy, how proud of yourselves you must be, attacking a doddering old man of a religion like Christianity, much like punching and kicking an elderly gentleman sitting on a porch, while fearfully hiding and running away from Islam, the young thug terrorizing the neighborhood.
Your bravery knows no bounds in beating up on what has evolved into an essentially harmless faith while simultaneously cowering from the religion that is the cause of more death and suffering than any other in today’s world.
Why don’t you publish an insulting cartoon of Mohammed? Why don’t some of you publish pugnacious attacks on Islam? You certainly have risked life and limb from all those armed Catholic priests and knife-wielding Episcopalian ministers and murderous Baptist preachers by defiantly pointing out their evil and declaring your superiority on YouTube, attacking the “sky God of Christianity”. Do you have electric fences and security systems around your house to keep those ubiquitous Christian assassination squads at bay?
Could it be because, in your heart, you know you run no risk of bodily harm WHATOSEVER by attacking Christianity, basically a religion of peace, but that if you slapped Islam around, a whole bunch of bearded Islamofascists might show up at your door and make a little Al-Jazeera video of their own starring you, your throat, and an exceedingly sharp knife?
What a bunch of nutless wonders!
Oh, are my loud words frightening you? Gee, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for you boys to pee in your dresses. I wouldn’t want to see you ruin all that gingham.
I’m sure your right to abortion (legal in all 50 states, and going to remain so), your right to NOT pray in a school (illegal in all 50 states, and going to remain so), or lack of stem cell research (continuing as we speak, and unstoppable by any religion), is what drives you brave little soldiers forward in your crusade, your holy mission, to rid the Earth of Christianity because it is such a plague on mankind. Thank god for fearless warriors of sanity such as yourself, risking life and limb to beat up an altar boy.
I can hear you sputtering in outrage already, indignantly proclaiming that since this is a primarily Christian nation, that’s why we need to attack Christianity, or that we should leave Islam to be attacked by its own by Islamic members. Those are just excuses for cowardly behavior. The Nazis of Islam are pounding on your door, but you don’t have time to answer because you are upstairs bravely slapping the crap out of some bedridden, arthritic, senile old man. What admirable behavior!
Normally, I’d make a rational and reasoned response to something like this, and wait for a reply, and engage in some kind of meaningful dialogue, but you’re so stupid and cowardly that I am simply uninterested in what you have to say now. I am laughing at your hypocrisy way too hard to concentrate on any response you might make.
Folks like you, who pick fights for some ridiculous personal agenda, are pathetic little wiener dogs, yapping at the heels of normal people. I am no more religious than you are, but I respect people’s faith, which is distinctly separate from religion, and something all of you will suddenly discover when the doctor diagnoses your first tumor.
By all means, attack religion, if that’s what floats your boat, but don’t pridefully claim how wonderful you are, and how full of it everybody else is, when you attack one religion and ignore another.
Or could it be that this really just about money? I notice you take donations. For what? So you can buy things like jars in which to immerse crucifixes in urine, or Bibles to wipe your feet on? And while we’re on the subject, why haven’t you attacked Judaism? Could it be for the same reasons you dare not offend Islam, fear, because you know the second you said something about Judaism, the JDL or some hate-group watchdog like the Southern Poverty Law Center would climb up your ass?
Rational Response Squad? More like the Pantywaist Brigade.
Maybe you missed the verbage all over our site (see header graphic), we are fighting to rid humanity of theism, not just any specific religion. We have ridiculed islam on quite a number of occassions, seek muslim guests for the show, have posted blasphemous Mohammed cartoons, and mention "theism" as often as we can. Now stop whining like a little bitch and get informed before you make an ass out of yourself.
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Sorry I missed this nugget the first go around. See show 16 dumbass: http://www.rationalresponders.com/rrs_free_shows
Guess who gets the asshat avatar. This thread will be closed later tonight, giving a few people the chance to speak their mind to you.
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hahahah. that's pretty funny, I debunk Islam all the time, here and on other forums... there is no fear...if a muslim comes on the site...we respond. We tie all religions together as being irrational. You are misinformed and pissed off... typical traits of a theist.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
He doesn't mention judaism because he's afraid that he wont' be raptured. hahaha.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
"I am no more religious than you are, but I respect people’s faith, which is distinctly separate from religion, and something all of you will suddenly discover when the doctor diagnoses your first tumor."
Strange. You claim that you respect people's faith, yet you are here in a professional Atheist forum asking why we aren't acting disresepectful towards other religions? Do you want us to be as hate-filled and as full of bile as you? "When in Rome?...."
Also, are you inadvertenly admitting that you only respect people whom *possess* faith, and not humanity in general? It appears that you are the one lacking respect in this instance. Coming on a forum and bashing others because they don't believe in a god with such disdain and unfair allegations is pure and simple ignorance. Why the double standard and hypocrisy? By denying the Holy Spirit through the Blasphemy Challenge no one is "bashing" anything. We are merely professing what we believe-- and know-- as truth. I think you need to ask yourself why does that offend you so much? How many Atheists you see running into churches and screaming "There is no god!" Yet you come on here and insult us? Hmmm....
"By all means, attack religion, if that’s what floats your boat, but don’t pridefully claim how wonderful you are, and how full of it everybody else is, when you attack one religion and ignore another."
No one is attacking religion. The RRS is educating the population. They are doing what your parents, teachers, and world leaders are afraid to do: examine the truth. Have you even read the Bible? I mean, *really* read it? Have you researched your history, philosophy, and theology? Do you actually understand what you've been taught throughout your life? No one is attacking religion. The RRS is merely exposing and bringing to the surface what so many people purposely ignore due to their own fears.
Okay, that's enough of that. You've wasted enough of my time today.
Does anyone have the link to that thread Alhambra (sp) started?
What an idiot. There is a big differance in using goverment to forcably end religion or opress people. That is what countries like Iran do to those outside the majority.
This site and it's members DO want to see the end of religion. But not the way you hatefilled morons think.
No one here is suggesting to spark up ovens, burn down churches or take your bibles away. We dont like the harmfull division religion globaly causes and we think humanity can be better than killing each other over fiction.
If we debate you and show you that you could be wrong, then it is within your intrest to be prepared to change your mind. Our only intent it to put the word out there that there are alturintives to life than blindly believing in ancient myth.
BUT LETS GET THIS STRIEGHT. No one is out to get you. No one will have you arrested for believing. No one here is going to pull a Hitler or Stalin and none of us like them DISPITE THE BULLSHIT LIES THEISTS SPREAD ABOUT US.
In every other aspect of life it is ok to examine something. It is ok to test something or challenge something or critize something. However religion is off limits, especially if it is your club. Atheist are saying that is bull crap because everyone criticises everyone else but their own sect and own label.
Just like all other aspects of life we think all religions should be open to questioning and criticism. We want the issue of all religions and atheism to be out in the open creating that nessary diolouge so HUMANS can make their own minds up insted of being indoctrinated like spounges. But I guess thinking for oneself is out of the question when it comes to religion.
You came here to call us scum because we arnt the good little tokens sitting silently at the back of the bus. TOO BAD. Either debate us, or you are wasting our time and yours.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Ok, and this thread is now closed. Bring something to the table that isn't an irrate attack on what you have no clue about in your next thread.
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