Founder of a Christian Army is a gigantic WUSSY! LOL
I found "The Christian Army" a group claiming to "Defend Christanity in where-ever it is needed." The problem is that I came into the group, after I saw that they were trying to confront me specifically at Hardcore Christians, and when I did, they deleted my posts. So, is the founder of this group really interested in defending Christianity? It seems to me he's a chest thumping weak warrior, unwilling to go to battle with someone who might not give in to his irrational logic.
Since everything is getting deleted I now provide proof to back my claims:
Here is proof of the moderators mission statement:
Here is proof of deleted posts in this thread:
Here is the thread where I invite the moderator on my radio show to "witness" to us, I reckon it will be deleted soon. Surely if he feels his beliefs are valid he will want a large audience of atheists to hear them. Here is a picture of that post:
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It turns out the leader of the Christian Army is only 15 or 16 years old and his grammar is as good as my sons was when he was 7.
Here is the entire email exchange I had with this Warrior of Ignorance:
It became abundantly clear at this point why he kept his answer so short and weak the first time.
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The following is an email exchange that an honorary RRS member had with the leader of the Christian forum. I didn't ask him to do this, nor do I actually care if he unbans me. I only went over there to confront Christianity on their home turf, 40 against 1. Since they claim to be defending Christianity wherever it is needed to be defended and they all go report to the scene, I brought the battle to them. In case it wasn't clear (you'd have to read some of their board, which OUR crew does every day now) they post links of places where they need to go debate other atheists, places where Christianity needed to be defended.
I was completely vindicated that the thoughts I hold and the views that I would express are superior to those of the Christian Army. In fact, I was vindicated amongst a large group of Christians faster than I ever remember happening on another internet forum.
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Dear Sapient,
I suspect that Grace & Judgement doesn't even have a 3rd grade education. How that person could POSSIBLY have not understood the first post (where the reply was "English please"
is beyond me.
Perhaps you should have your son debate these folks. Nah. That would still be over their heads.
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After Atheist_Scathe sent this to him he blocked him. "No sense in wasting any more time with this mindless drone."
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There were some words exchanged with this Christian Army leader today:
(my words start most of the way down the 4th page, and I start talking to him down the 5th page.)
Hurry, before it gets deleted. :smt017
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Sapient, did I ever tell you you're my hero? You totally rock man, thanks for posting this stuff!
Thanks, you totally rock as well! :smt023
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Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Here is a link to download a 19 page document outlining the interactions of GuentherBacon Honorary Squad member (known as speakofthedevil on myspace) with the leader and founder of "The Christian Army."
Funny stuff.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Hey; it's Bacon!
A blog is up containing my conversation with Grace and Judgement.
Go to and go to my blog titled "The Christian Army: Pretentious Self-Deceit!"
Say unto thine own heart, "I am mine own redeemer."
The Book Of Satan IV:3, The Satanic Bible
I feel like harassing this guy... But I don't think I could say anything more than what has already been said. Doubt he would understand my vocabulary anyway. :roll:
Wilson: "We were afraid that if you found out you solved a case with absolutely no medical evidence you'd think you were God." House: "God doesn't limp."
Wow, Sapient. You really pulled off a good one this time.
Christian Army vs the Rational Response Squad. No contest guys.