The great big request for submissions WIN PRIZES!

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The great big request for submissions WIN PRIZES!




The Rational Response Squad is proud to announce a call to action for content submissisions. We have been blown away by the positive feedback we've received from the freethinking community. Thanks to everyone who has placed a banner, or our player on your website and helped spread the word in some manner. We've received many great written submissions of thoughts and views, but had no place to put them, so we've created a guideline to help you, help us. The categories in which we need submissions are listed below, send us your best material. Your writings will be added to our library of articles, essays, and debunkings. We're hoping to build one of the largest and diverse free libraries of rational thoughts on the internet. Please post everything publicly on our forum so it's there for all RRS members to access who are working on this project. In addition to hosting everything in a free web archive, we may also compile views into a free e-book or a book for sale to generate money for activist projects. Not that you need a reward to share your views with others, but as a thank you we'll be awarding prizes to as many of the top participants as we can. Prizes will be awarded based on effort put in and quality of writing.

We've put the categories in order of need and may alter the order later as submissions come in.
Prizes will be awarded MARCH 15TH, 2008, but you can continue to submit content well after MARCH 15TH, 2008.

The first section is a brief summary of items in need, the following section is a further explanation of the same topics and what we're looking for.



  1. Flyer creation for the Rational Response Squad Perpetual Enlightenment. (a counter to Christian "tracts") Submissions go here.
  2. In the spirit of the Sam Harris book, "Letter to a Christian Nation" write an essay imploring theists to leave their irrational beliefs behind. Example here Submissions go here.
  3. Write an essay entitled "I am the Rational Response Squad" (please see details below) Submissions go here.
  4. Write a letter to a specific loved one or friend who embraces an irrational theistic worldview. Example here Submissions go here.
  5. A debunking of any creationist or theist site. Also debunkings of specific arguments of theists. Example here Submissions go here.
  6. Write an essay entitled "I am every atheist" (please see details below) Submissions go here.
  7. Write a book review for a freethought or atheist book! You can post the reviews in this thread.


  1. Create the best music video for Proclaims' song "Brainwashed" download the original, download the remix.
  2. Create the best music video for the title track to Proclaims' new album "Question Everything" download
  3. Create the best music video for any Greydon Square song!!! (NEW!!!) The Compton Effect





  1. Flyer creation for the Rational Response Squad Perpetual Enlightenment. (a counter to Christian "tracts") The ideal flyer would be one that captures your attention, is not too confrontational and is filled with verifiable facts. Flyers can be pictorial or textual and up to two pages (one piece front and back). The perfect flyer encourages the reader to find out more about the flaws in theism after they've read it. Possibly the biggest prize of all is having a flyer you created handed out millions of times over the rest of your life in an attempt to help our fellow man abandon his mind crutch. There are so many ways to attack religion, we're reluctant to suggest how best to go about it. Pick a theme, come up with something that people will actually want to read, and people will actually want to hand out. If you're a cartoon artist or can sketch something out you may want to make a comic strip. If you would like to make your message very small and to the point, this may be a good method as well. Smaller messages save paper, you could print it two (or more) times per page and fill front and back! All flyers should link people to

  2. In the spirit of the new Sam Harris book, "Letter to a Christian Nation" write an essay imploring theists to leave their irrational beliefs behind. Example here Your essay can be any length, although 2-5 pages is a good size. There are so many ways to tackle this, as there are so many flaws in theistic faith. Keep your arguments based on facts, evidence, and reason, we hold the intellectual highground, lets prove it. Here is a thread that has some ideas on how one might write a good essay imploring theists to abandon theism. You might also want to read Atheist Manifesto by Sam Harris for some ideas. Your letter can be addressed to a Christian, Muslim, any specific type of theist, or theists in general. Unlike the letter to a friend you should not write this letter to a specific person, although you can revise your letter to make it fit the other category and submit two seperate letters.

  3. Write an essay entitled "I am the Rational Response Squad" Do you remember the Tiger Woods commercials "I am Tiger Woods?" This essay and the "I am every atheist" essay are based loosely on that ideal. The notion that everyone is Tiger Woods is obviously absurd, however there are certain shared qualities and principles that embody a young golfer who strives for perfection, qualities that Tiger Woods has. In the same regard, there are certain similarities amongst people who speak up about the dangers or problems of religion. There are certain things we have in common, even though as atheists, the only thing we must have in common is lack of belief in a god, there are often many shared principles and ideals. You should write a paper of any length but preferably of about 1 page as to why you are the Rational Response Squad. Your piece should start and end with the same sentence "I am the Rational Response Squad." If you prefer to express yourself through poetry, please feel free to do so. Here is a list of some irrationalities the Rational Response Squad speaks out against. Keep in mind that being a Rational Responder simply means we are capable of responding responding rationally, and specifically to the irrationalities listed here. Essays can be as short as two paragraphs and as long as several pages.

  4. Write a letter to a specific loved one or friend who embraces an irrational theistic worldview. Example here We recently purchased several new websites that will likely get a lot of public attention once they are up and running. The theme of these websites is that "God stole my friends/mom/family." Very often we hear people with prayer requests for non believers, or we get told that Satan led us to non-belief, however there is another side to that story, a side which is often silenced likely due to the fact that non-believers are a minority. Who cares what we think right? Well not anymore. Atheists have emotions too, we care too, theists don't have the market cornered on emotion. If you choose to accept this mission you should write a letter to a specific theist you care about, explain to them how much it hurts to see them have a deluded view of reality, or a life based on faith, hypocrisy, etc. Write about whatever flaws in your relationship or their life you feel have come out of their religious belief. You don't have to send this letter to them, and if you want, it can all remain anonymous, however it will be posted for public viewing. Letters can be as short as two paragraphs and as long as several pages.

  5. A debunking of any creationist or theist site. Also debunkings of specific arguments of theists. Example here Every theist website on the internet deserves a debunking. They need to be outed for their dishonest, absurd, and false claims. Some sites are much worse than others. carries a high weighting with the search engines and it's likely that your efforts will show up high in the search engines when someone seeks out the theist site you choose to debunk. Make clear and factual arguments, point out as many flaws as possible in as much detail as possible, debunking as much of the site as possible. If you are an author or simply have a freethought themed website, this would be a great way to help us and draw traffic to your site at the same time. Articles can be as short as two paragraphs and as long as you want. Here is a good example of a page you could debunk from

  6. Write an essay entitled "I am every atheist" Special thanks to Jake for this idea. As Jake puts it, "The idea is to show commonalities between atheists. To show that even though people may be diverse, we still have some basic things in common." These essays are much like the "I am the Rational Response Squad" essays, however they are better suited for the atheist that doesn't subscribe to the same sort of activism that RRS engages in. You may submit two essays (one for each category) that are similar, and use one to help compile the other. Like the RRS essay, please start and end with the sentence "I am every atheist." Articles can be as short as two paragraphs and as long as several pages.


  • Video submissions can be made here!
  • Videos should contain appropriate links if you have the ability to add text to your video. Link to and the artist you made a video for.
  • A great idea for both Amanda and Greydon might be to choreograph a compilation of religious attrocites set to their music.
  • Music videos should have the text "Music by......" and "Song title......" It should also include an RRS logo at some point.
  • A great video could bring you major exposure if you are a budding director!
  • Creation of the best music videos may earn you a place as director if Proclaim or Greydon rise to the point where they can create a made for MTV video!
  • This site might help you with capturing footage for your video.
  • You could use this site to create a video based on pictures.
  • You should upload your videos to youtube and send us a link... post it here. If you are unable to place a text link within your video you must link to the appropriate site in the description of your video. You should also make sure to keep the video on your hard drive in case we want to store it on our server and host it from our site without youtube.
  • We'll create a library of videos for people to view and we'll draw traffic to your youtube page... be prepared to retort comments on your youtube page!

  1. Create the best music video for Proclaims' song "Brainwashed" download the original, download the remix.
  2. Create the best music video for the title track to Proclaims' new album "Question Everything" download Philosopher and psychologist Proclaim is debuting his first EP this fall entitled "Question Everything." Check out the intro song he did for our show. If you live in the Los Angeles area Proclaim is willing to make himself available to you within 30 minutes of his location for a total of 2 hours to help you create a video representative of either of his two songs. Come up with something creative and original. If you need to ask Proclaim anything pertaining to this project, send him a message via his myspace. Lyrics are available here.

  4. Create a music video for any Greydon Square song The rules under the main heading for video submissions and the section on Proclaims' videos are good guidlines to help you in creating a good video.

Fine print for an overly litigious society: You will retain shared copyright. You may use your article or video in any manner and the Rational Response Squad may as well. We may use portions of articles to create a main compilation article, or use ideas from pieces. If a compilation piece is made you will be credited for your work. An editor may touch up grammatical errors or spelling mistakes on your behalf without adjusting the context. You might produce a video in poor quality but have an excellent idea, we may utilize your idea and reshoot the project, you would still be awarded a prize. We may need to add our logos, overlay text, identifying marks, or links to a final version of a winning video. We will take the utmost care in never changing your context or using your piece in a method you wouldn't approve of, but we must retain the right to use your piece in literature, on our sites, on our broadcasts, or for any other reason in any manner we see fit. If you are not a member, PLEASE take the time to create an account at, this is the best way to post your content as it ensures you get proper credit and minimizes excessive workload for RRS staff. We reserve the right to extend the contest if we aren't receiving enough submissions. We reserve the right to change anything for any reason at any time.

Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.

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I have an essay on how I

I have an essay on how I came to a lack of faith, I plan on expanding on some of the ideas and cleaning it up a bit. However I did get an A on it for my English class. I think if a re-tweak it a bit to let more of my ideas show through I think it might fit into #2 for articles.

I might be able to something on flyers although anything would be reworks of things on Kings 2 or how the idea that god didn't create evil, according to their rules, is bullshit.

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Activists: Please consider

post no longer valid.

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Flyer submission

This comment has been moved here.

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RationalResponseSquad wrote:


Those items will now likely be signed by Richard Dawkins in addition to the Squad. We'll also add at least one autographed copy of the God Delusion to the prize list.

Now get with it people. When Jake ran the "I am every atheist" essay request 5 years ago we had 30 submissions within a week with no prizes offered. Let's go!!!

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This clock and mousepad

This clock and mousepad will be signed by the Squad as well as Dawkins.  Please keep participating in the essay contest, to win prizes like this.  The "essay contest" is not about amazing writing, as much as speaking up.  Please contribute, even if you don't think you're the best writer!  We need more... much more.

 These two pieces will be numbered 1/1!

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Links aren't working

The submission links don't seem to work. Am I missing something?

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deleted by author

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Bump because the contest

Bump because the contest has been extended!


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Fantastic! I am glad the

Fantastic! I am glad the links have been fixed, I have been trying to get my essay in there for quite a while. I actually messaged Sapient about it on myspace the other day. Glad that things are working again.

"The idea of a personal God is an anthropological concept which I am unable to take seriously." [Albert Einstein, letter to Hoffman and Dukas, 1946]

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I think we'll be able to

I think we'll be able to put out a book due in part to some of the material here, but we need more.  Please consider writing something if you haven't written yet.  I know you folks love to write forum posts... it's the same thing, don't take it too serious.  Just write!


- Sapient


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who's gonna read and judge

who's gonna read and judge all of these?



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I want to submit an essay,

I want to submit an essay, but I am not sure what catigory it would fall under.

It explains the fallacy of theists saying "This famous believer(or religious country) had huge contributions to science" And how this arbitrary cherry picking misses the point that the discovery is indepentant of the national and or religious label.

So I'd like to submit it, but dont know where to put it. 

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Is the video contest still

Is the video contest still open? And could you guys update that submission URL?

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OmegA wrote: Is the video

OmegA wrote:
Is the video contest still open? And could you guys update that submission URL?

Sorry for the late reply.

Are you asking about the Blasphemy Challenge?  If so, the main link is here.


Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.

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No, that's not what I meant.

No, that's not what I meant. Although I still have to make a video for the Blasphemy Challenge too. But I meant the Proclaim videoclip contest. I've got some ideas floating around and  it would be nice to make an animation or something (no garanties though). So is this contest still open and if so, could you guys fix the submission URL? Thanks...

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Hi OmegA,

Hi OmegA,

I fixed the link in the original post, but I'll give you a link here, too.

Thanks for your patience.




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Christian Nation

I've partially written a Essay disproving the "Christian Nation" idea. But now over halfway through, I'm unsure which category to submit it under, if any? Should I find a website supporting the idea, and re-write it in that format?

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Ralt wrote: I've partially

Ralt wrote:
I've partially written a Essay disproving the "Christian Nation" idea. But now over halfway through, I'm unsure which category to submit it under, if any? Should I find a website supporting the idea, and re-write it in that format?

I'm not sure what you mean by "disproving the Christian Nation" idea.

Do you mean an essay disputing Sam Harris' book?

Do you mean disproving that the U.S. should not be a christian nation?

Do you mean disproving that the RRS should be trying to keep the U.S. from becoming a theocracy?

Could you please be a little more specific?

Or.... you could post your essay in the Atheist vs Theist forum. 

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I Quixie wrote: who's

I Quixie wrote:

who's gonna read and judge all of these?



 A trusty team of RRS mods, owners, and friends.  Different teams will be grading different sections of entries.  The very best people will get to choice their prize from the list, first.   Proclaim and Greydon will be first to pick the winner of their contest.

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OmegA wrote: Is the video

OmegA wrote:
Is the video contest still open? And could you guys update that submission URL?



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Is there a link for choice

Is there a link for choice #7: Write a review for an atheist or freethought book. And another question, if that review can be on any non-theistic book, so long as the review supports atheism?

 I ask this because my particular essay is on Christian mythology, Hebrew polytheism, and both their relationships to Greek and Sumerian mythology. The essay it's self is inpart a response to the book "mythology" by Edith Hamilton, which basically maps the Greek myths, and gives no actual commentary.  

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Hamandcheese wrote: Is

Hamandcheese wrote:

Is there a link for choice #7: Write a review for an atheist or freethought book. And another question, if that review can be on any non-theistic book, so long as the review supports atheism?

I ask this because my particular essay is on Christian mythology, Hebrew polytheism, and both their relationships to Greek and Sumerian mythology. The essay it's self is inpart a response to the book "mythology" by Edith Hamilton, which basically maps the Greek myths, and gives no actual commentary.


Sounds great, you can actually post the review right here.  Feel free to make it a response to this post.


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NB: Spacing etc. is not exactly like in the original. I did my best to fix it, but it's obviously best viewed in the original file format.



Mythologyby Samuel P. Hammond
Notes in [#] form.


Mythology has, and continues to, play an instrumental role in all societies, whether you realize it or not. Without the Sumerian agricultural movement, and their desire to document their myths, it may have been centuries later before the advent of the first written alphabet, or hoe. Without the adaptive writing of Homer to Ovid and beyond, to allow us a basis wherein the world has compiled literary technique, we would be without great epics, and the modern epics in which Homer inspired. Without mythology, Ray Comfort would be out of a job.

I come to this conclusion after reading, among other books, Edith Hamilton's Mythology. A dull book, of course, as is expected with a reference book on anything, let alone Greek mythology. But before the manual-like stroll through the Mycenaean had fully kicked in, I lay on the beach, reading quietly the creation myths.

As normal, the Greeks believed too, with the Egyptians and others, that the fundamentals of the world arose from the "Chaos Waters". I've heard this before, having done several school mythology assignments, but this was the first time I was actually given a piece of Hesiods stories, from which the Chaos Waters were interpreted. It read:


First there was Chaos, the vast immeasurable abyss,
Outrageous as a sea, dark, wasteful, wild.


Immediately it caught my eye, but at didn't understand why. Having never heard a single explanation or description of the Chaos Waters - besides that they were chaotic and watery - Immeasurable and Abyss, for some reason, radiated curious familiarity. I continued reading, and immediately following the Chaos Waters, it talked about the Erebus being born, bringing night and darkness, followed by Love, who brought light, separating darkness creating night and day. Again, it strongly reminded me of something, but I couldn't quite place it. Finally, Uranus and Gaia, Heaven and Earth were born, and with them came the final puzzle piece that I was looking for. Long since back from the beach, I went onto my computer and searched for Genesis 1 in google.

To many Christians, the story of Genesis is strictly symbolic. For instance, God didn't literally create man in his 'image', but rather put in man the goodness and spirit of the lord, of whom Adam and Eve were the first. Being a complete skeptic to it all, I already had consider Genesis to be mythology, pure and simple, but I never consider it, as I was about to when I pressed SEARCH on google, that, not only is it all mythology, but that it's not even original mythology, making the so called creative God, as it were, a talent-less hack.

Lo and behold, upon clicking the first link [1], I verified what began brewing in my mind the moment I read 'Immeasurable Abyss'.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. [Uranus and Gaia] Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, [Chaos waters] and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. [Eros/Love] God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. [Love and Erebus]

Notice how the order of events in Genesis and Hesiod are reversed, perhaps to further differentiate the two, like the Hebrews did with the devilish serpent that was derived from Mesopotamia [2].

What's more, The Message [3] ( a translation of the bible keeping Greek idioms and rhythm ) describes God's "hovering over the waters" as "God's Spirit brooding like a bird over the watery abyss" ! Hesoid writes, "...Black-winged night; Into the bosom of Erebus dark and deep; Laid a wind-born egg ... [Where] forth sprang Love, the longed-for, shining, with wings of gold." Perhaps it is a stretch, but the Holy Spirit's bird-like hovering, and Night's winged disposition as it seeded Love, who too had flapping appendages, doesn't seem unreasonable that they are the first in many direct parallelisms between the Greeks and the Hebrew mythologies.

Genuinely intrigued by what I was uncovering, I quickly connected the Titans with the bibles Nephilim, Anakim, and Rephaim 'giants', where, if I were to read deeper the Greek lore, I have no doubt that I would find a parallel to David and Goliath; and then the Golden Age as clearly the source of inspiration for the Hebrew concept of early earth, where people lived exceeding long lives into the hundreds of years.

Also, both myths say explicitly that we humans were made in the image of God. As I said before, Christians, who aren't inane literalists, rationalize the creation as symbolic, albeit without any scriptural support. I myself ( besides thinking that the overwhelming majority of what is in the bible is fabricated ), along with the kooky creationists, think that the bible is completely literal in almost everything it says. I think this only because it makes the most scriptural sense. As the Hebrew writer was looking over the Greeks shoulder, copying down the 'in their image and their likeness' piece of candy, he somehow forgot that his God, Yahweh, was an omniscient, omnipotent, invisible unknown. In actuality, to the dismay of literalists, I nor anyone in mine or one else's human lineage has ever been invisible, omnipotent, omnipotent, or divine. Why else should Genesis 1:26, which reads -

Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...[4]


- mean anything else, but, 'us' - the Gods of Greece - made man in our literal image? If the conspicuous pluralism isn't enough, it is in especial semblance to all things Greek mythology, when you include Yahweh's wicked deluge, which Zeus's incidentally brought on his people too (Sumerians had the Gilgamesh flood myth) (Noah's family of course, in the Greeks was Prometheus's son and niece) that the bible shows its true form. As Edith describes "[the water went] over the summits of the highest mountains" so does the bible, as it is the leading scriptural proof literalists use to believe a global flood, as if Noah and the animals could survive in altitudes surpassing Mt. Everest, which I think Edith Hamilton would call Roman exaggeration.

It is only, when accredited to Greek and consequently Mesopotamian mythology, that the bible makes any figurative or literal sense. Upon further reading of the Edith Hamilton-esk ennui, between the pages of the Torah, I came to two startling realizations. The first was that this, the Bible, was somehow the number one best seller of all time, which probably has something to do with the millions of insomnia sufferers around the world; and the second, that in the 21st century, people are still believing devoutly in rubbish mythology.

Rubbish, nonetheless, that was blatantly recycled counter intuitively from the Mesopotamian to Greek landfills before them. Counter intuitive, because contrary to the aim of recycling, the Spanish Inquisition didn't exactly help the environment. Anyway, against my better judgment I continued reading to see exactly how much of it really was re-digested liverwurst, plopped on Judaism's silver platter.

The next part, in both Genesis and Mythology, was the creation of woman. The shockwave of deja-vu that followed knocked me from my seat: Eve, like Pandora, depending on what part of Genesis you read, was made after man to rid his loneliness. Eve-dora, following their supernatural creations, ate/opened the forbidden fruit/box giving the knowledge of wickedness as well as hope to both maiden's worlds: Genesis 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know both good and evil... This of course caused original sin, which to the Greeks, began the fall of the golden age, and to the Jews, a 'fall' by the same name.

Picking me and my swivel chair up, I saw it all coming together. Clearly, save a massive coincidence, either the Greek writers stole form the Hebrew, the Hebrew from the Greek, or a third scenario - that they both stole from the same third religion. That the Greek stole from the Hebrew is the least likely, as the purloined "In their Image and Likeness" doesn't exactly purloin in reverse. Though the stories were written by Hesiod in only 700 or so BCE; as Edith stresses, Homer and all the Greeks before him, without a doubt, knew the stories as well. Thus Hesoid isn't the creator but the transposer. Based on archeological evidence, during the Mycenaean ( 1600 BCE ) Homers gods were, indeed, being worshiped despite there being no known written work in that time. Genesis is supposedly written anywhere between 1200, and 1000 BCE. Therefore, unless the early Hebrews secretly mastered time travel, there is no possible way the Greeks, from the minimum 1600 BCE, to the potential 3500 BCE of the Sumerian-Mesopotamian stories, from which nearly all mythology of that region is derived, in anyway stole Eve, creation, giants, original sin, the flood, and Genesis's general je ne sais quoi, from the Jews. Therefore, it is most probable that the Hebrew writers, either A) also took from the Mesoptamians or B) were inspired to make a pseudo-monotheistic version of the contemporary Greek religion.

Supposedly, the Hebrew tradition originating with Abraham, began close to 1800 BCE with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. I don't think this matters, since Abraham was a born Sumerian. Early Judaism likely a sect of Sumerian, which of course over time conformed to the more sophisticated monotheism, and the stories of Sodom and Gomorrah up in flames that were originally Sumerian stories of Enki and Enlil getting into a fight, became a belittling story in an attempt to forget Abrahams roots. Genesis 12:1 "Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee"

With the two choices left, A) Judaism and Greek mythology diverged from Mesoptamia or B) Judaism took only from Greek, who in turn took from the Sumerians, the clear winner is them both. There are unique myths to the Greeks which didn't originate with Sumerians (the Aryans are a more likely candidate) and there are Sumerian myths that the Greeks and the Hebrew share.

So, to take it a step further, and to attempt a connection of persons, in this analogy, LORD God would be Zeus, God of gods. Both Zeus and Yahweh made the flood. Zeus and Yahweh, as well, are credited for making man and women, be it through the Hebrew proclamations of "Let" ( Let the land produce vegetation; Let there be light; Let us make man ) to Zeus and friends hiring Prometheus, thus indirectly making man. So, if this is so, and Yahweh and Zeus are the same, perhaps Judaeo-Chirstian monotheism is just a misinterpretation. There are very few, if any, passaged that directly say "There is but one God.", especially in the Old Testament. The New Testament is still a little ambiguous with verses like 1 Corinthians 8:6'


"yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live..."


Ambiguity underlined. The passage itself is one that people like to use as evidence of trinity, where God is being connected with Jesus, but in a truly monotheistic state of mind would not the author have said "Yet for us there is but one God, the Father [period] From him all things came, and from him we live..."? The Old Testament isn't quite so vague:


Jer 10:11
Thus shall ye say unto them, the gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens.


Implies multiple gods, albeit gods with different rolls ( ie. only some gods made the heaven and the earth, if not just one ). The key difference here is that the Greeks of course, thought the heavens and the earth made the gods, not the other way around.

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

This might actually seem to be a very monotheistic statement, but if you read the original Hebrew, for God the word Elohiym is used. Elohiym is God in the plural form.[5] This is evidence that the early Jews were openly polytheistic in their believes, even though Yahweh was the only god with whom they had a relationship. This is also proof that certain translations purposely tried to hide signs of multiple gods.

Distinctions are also made between the "God" and "Lord God" in Genesis. Throughout the creation of the heavens and the earth God is referred to as God only. Not until Genesis 2:4 is it that Lord God is used. Lord God would obviously be the one who is worshiped, whereas God (Elohiym) really means Gods and is why Lord is not use.

Ex 22:28
Thou shalt not revile the gods, nor curse the ruler of they people.

An explanation I've heard for these pluralisms is that the speaker is talking about other false gods, like those of the Romans for instance. This rules that out, as why would the one true God be concerned for the other make-believe gods, whom this verse would be protecting.
It is evident that not all the gods were worshiped either. Judaism appears to me, to be indeed monotheistic, in that out of all the possible gods, only one is worshiped: "the God of the gods" as indicated by the first commandment and:

Psalms 136:1
O give thanks unto the God of the gods: for his mercy endureth forever.

As is known, Zeus, also called God of the gods, had many sons and daughters, very few conceived legitimately, and, not to call God a hypocrite, impregnating Mary, a married women, went somewhat against the whole thou shall not commit adultery decree: Leviticus 18:20 (Presumably, God is married to his work). Unlike Zeus, however, Yahweh supposedly only begot one son, Jesus. Zeus on the other face of the tablet, wasn't exactly mister, I'm waiting for marriage. So lets narrow it down a bit. Jesus, born of a mortal women and of a God, became immortal himself, making Jesus basically a God as well. All the offspring of Mortal and Divine couplings, in respect to the Greek genealogy, however, only offered yet another mortal - with only one exception. Dionysus, God of wine, unsurprisingly was born of Zeus and the frail mortal Semele. In the end he was born out of Zeus's thigh ( Does that not make it a virgin birth? ). In the words of Edith Hamilton herself, "He was the only god whose parents were both not divine." That would make Dionysus, not just one of the great gods, but Jesus himself.

Thus Jesus, the most famous and influential man in history, may just have been a mythological character - An idea that most people can't succumb too. There is absolutely no contemporaneous account of Jesus, the person who lived such amazing stories like fleeing Herod's Massacre of the Innocents, to which there is also no extra-biblical evidence of actually happening, and performed dozens of miracles; turned water in to wine when he wasn't walking on it; and spoke to thousands of followers. Nevertheless, he's not mentioned at all until the Gospel of Mark, 40-50 years later.[6] Perhaps Jesus and Dionysus are just coincidentally similar, or maybe Jesus, the Jewish teacher, deliberately followed in Dionysus's mythical footsteps.

Which ever it may be, early Christianity saw through the sleek veil of monotheism, though they never completely clued in that Christianity was the following of Zeus and son. Trinity was thus invented, scripturally supported by little. I am who I am became one of only a few excuses, disguising the distasteful and unsophisticated idea of many gods. Pluralism like Us and Our became references to angels, and the S on a lower case god became allusions to other religions, unreviled as they may be. And Edith Hamilton became my least favourite author, though I understand her quest for clarity superceded the pursuit of enjoyable - or even manageable - reading
Mythology has been the diaper in which the early world shat. The diaper, though a fabulous tool, is a tool that an enfant uses to learn. Eventually, the diaper becomes less important, and you earn the right to use the toilet. Mythology has taught us much, and has given us all of our enfant civilizations, but eventually the diaper must come off, progressively as it loses it's purpose. Christianity is the unfortunate bed wetter in our current, secular society.

Contemporary mythology is clinging desperately to the elastic waist band of 3rd millennium BCE. Bluntly said: This society needs to act it's age.

Hamandcheese aka,
Samuel P. Hammond ( 2007 )

2. In some Mesopotamian myths the serpent was actually good, not evil. For example, in Adapa and the South Wind, the god Enki warns mortal Adapa that Anu's food of the gods will surely kill him. With the help of the serpent (who happens to also rule the Sumerian underworld) Adapa eats Anu's food anyway, becoming immortal (a trait of the gods). This myth made Enki seem like a liar, which the first Jews disapproved. God still makes the same lie but it is twisted to be Eves fault. Also, the ‘knowledge' Adapa obtains from Enki about the South Wind is regarded as godly. It's possible that they changed the foods immortal giving-ness into knowledge given-ness, which was still a godly trait but less blasphemous. A tree of life with a snake tempting women also appears in Sumerian myths and seals (The ‘Holy Bible'-The Reader's Digest Association Inc., Sydney 1971) The tree of life was of eternal life, or immortality, which fits the original Sumerian myths.
3. Scripture taken from The Message. Copyright ? 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group. The Message is a version of the Bible translated with the original Greek idioms, expressions, sayings, and rhythm. "Language changes. New words are formed. Old words take on new meaning. There is a need in every generation to keep the language of the gospel message current, fresh, and understandable—the way it was for its very first readers."
4. In the original Greek, according to The Message, God actually says "Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature." He means litteral, in the context of the passage (Gen 26-28), that man shall look like the Gods and have the responsibilities of the Gods, meaning, the responsibility to take charge and rule. "Be responsible for the fish in the sea and birds in the air, for every living thing that moves on the face of the earth."
5. Elowahh or Eloah is the singular usage. The definition of Elohiym, which is used primarily to describe God, means: a majistrate of gods or royal authorities with power, strength, intelligence and mental capabilities far superior to man. Elohiym appears to be used in a singular tense sometimes too, so to say that it is without a doubt plural in Gen 1:1 would be presumptuous on its own.
6. Besides Saint Paul of course, who never met Jesus, and didn't once mention his miracles, or actual history besides his death and resurrection. His writings were still not contemporaneous though, coming just under 30 years after Jesus's death.

Jesus Christ
The Naïvety Story

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Yeah, Alright already, I posted. here

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Top 10 Reasons for Leaving Mormonism

(I registered and still havn't got an e-mail from you guys for my account. Please send one to [email protected] . I registered the name Reprobate, but am using Reprobate1 because now Reprobate is already registered Sad . )


I founded the group Ex-Mormons on Facebook. I wrote the Top 10 Reasons for Leaving Mormonism and it's posted under "Recent News" in the group. It doesn't meet your guys' top seven requests, but I think you guys should find it interesting nonetheless. I even included a works cited at the end for extra credibility. It's somewhat arrogant, but as an Ex-Mormon, now freethinker lover of science I can tell you its 100% accurate. If you guys wish to amend it to make it more user-friendly and less offensive, just ask me and I'll probably give you permission. So, without further ado, my essay for the RRS:


Top 10 Reasons for Leaving Mormonism:

1. The movie The Lost Book of Abraham (watch for free on YouTube), single handily falsifies Joseph Smith’s status as a prophet (The Lost Book of Abraham, 2002). Like the Book of Mormon, Smith simply pulled the Book of Abraham out of his ass. BYU’s Foundation for the Apologetic Research of Mormon Studies (FARMS) doesn’t have shit on this, at least any that sticks. Since the original papyrus has been rediscovered, verified by the Mormon Church as what Smith translated from, and discredited by every Egyptologist to ever analyze it, we can conclude that Smith was a conman.

2. Mormons literally believe in the Biblical account of creation. They teach of Adam and Eve as if they walked the Earth sometime within the past 10,000 years. Thousands of pieces of evidence, some of which you can literally hold in your hands, from paleontology, biology, genetics, and the entire fossil record prove that humans shared a common ancestor with chimpanzees around seven to 10 million years ago. If you don’t believe in evolution, you’re a dipshit and that’s probably why you’re a Mormon or Christian. Either that you just don’t know enough, in which case you should visit and humbly educate yourself. We’ve educated ourselves out of (schizophrenic) relationships with Christ.

3. Because there is zero archeological or historical evidence found in Mesoamerican cultures that even slightly verify the myths of the Book of Mormon. Mormons believe Christ came to the Americas and was well received by ancient Native Americans sometime around 33 AD. However, there isn’t one shred of evidence found anywhere that such an event occurred. And then there’s the fact that modern science has proven that Native Americans today did not come out of Israel around 600 BC and that genetic similarities are non-existent, but the Book of Mormon says otherwise. DNA evidence refutes the Book of Mormon.

4. Mormons only believe in the Bible as far as it is translated correctly, but they clearly teach in Sunday school that Noah’s flood literally happened and covered the entire world for 40 days and 40 nights. Mormons (and Christians) believe that two of all 1.8 million species on Earth today, 800,000 of which are insects, lived within walking distance of Noah’s ark. Furthermore, upon the recession of the waters when Noah opened up the ark, polar bears made a mad sprint back to the arctic, marsupials to Australia, and ant eaters to South America where those animals have naturally inhabited for millions of years. And God miraculously hid all evidence of every animal on Earth walking off some boat in the Middle East some 5,000 years ago.

5. Because Utah, which is predominantly Mormon, leads the nation in anti-depressant use at twice the national average (Unhappy In Utah, Study: 'Beehive State' Leads Nation in Anti-Depressant Prescriptions, 2002). Furthermore, as published in the world renowned book IQ and the Wealth of Nations, Utah as the 2nd lowest aggregate IQ score in the country (Lynn & Vanhanen, 2002). By freeing ourselves of Mormon myths we effectively rid our minds of depression and stupidity.

6. Because the laying on of hands, that event all Mormons wet themselves over when someone becomes miraculously healed by the Priesthood, is the manifestation of the placebo effect and nothing more.

7. Because we don’t need fear of damnation to behave properly. The National Institute of Health has proven that altruism is a human trait, not a religious one (Vedantum, 2007). Another study concludes that less religious societies have less poverty, crime, teen pregnancies, children being born out of wedlock, and overall societal dysfunction (Paul, 2005). Education and acceptance of evolution in such societies are also much higher, which is pretty obvious.

We don’t need to fear a god who often condones murder, rape, slavery, ritual human sacrifice, genocide, and infanticide to be decent human beings (Evil Bible). We don’t need to heed the words of his son, because Jesus Christ commands parents to kill their cursing children. Unfortunately, the atonement, the forgiveness of all sins by a god so powerful he can’t even just forgive sins without bloodshed, is the ultimate scapegoat of human responsibility.

8. Because spiritual experiences and testimonies have a scientific explanation, they are brought on by stimulation of certain areas of the brain through meditation and prayer. This explains why Muslims crash into towers when they get spiritual, while Mormons just pay 10% of every dollar they earn and gobble up every piece of bullshit that ever comes out of Salt Lake.

“Findings seem to point to a region of the brain commonly referred to as the 'God Spot' or 'God Module', that when stimulated creates hallucinations that are interpreted as mystical or spiritual experiences. This 'spot' is stimulated during meditation and prayer and is affected by electromagnetic fields and epilepsy. The resulting hallucinations may be the cause of mystical, spiritual and paranormal experiences as they can give feelings such as a presence in the room or an out of body experience. In the case of epileptics, this may be the reason for many of them becoming obsessed with religion. For those who experience the stimulation it is explained related to their own personal beliefs; a visit from an angel or lost loved one, an extraterrestrial encounter, a higher plane of consciousness or a visit from God.”
(God and the Brain)

9. Because we have a likening for validity, not naivety. We let facts speak for themselves. This is the 21st century and we’re not living in the Dark Ages anymore. We respect evidence, rational thought, logic, and science, not faith and superstition.

10. Because as Richard Dawkins says, “Faith is the process of non-thinking.” Faith is gullibility. Also from Dr. Dawkins, “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

Works Cited
(n.d.). Retrieved from Evil Bible:

God and the Brain. (n.d.). Retrieved from Atheist Empire:

Lynn, R., & Vanhanen, T. (2002). IQ and the Wealth of Nations. Praeger Publishers.

Paul, G. S. (2005). Cross-National Correlations of Quantifiable Societal Health. Journal of Religion & Society , 7.

The Lost Book of Abraham (2002). [Motion Picture].

Unhappy In Utah, Study: 'Beehive State' Leads Nation in Anti-Depressant Prescriptions. (2002, June 3). Retrieved from CBS Worldwide Inc:

Vedantum, S. (2007, May 28). If it feels good to be good, it might only be natural. Washington Post , A01.

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im praying for this

im praying for this organization to one day find God and his love he has for you even though you are hurting him very much through this but whatever hurts only makes you stronger so thanks for helping us Christ followers out by encouraging us to grow stronger in our faith THANKS SO much its a huge encouragement Smiling GOD bless you!

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NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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