
We in Slovakia stand with Ukraine, and we welcome refugees into our homes and communuties. We have shelters and volunteers ready. The rest of the world, please consider giving responsibly to a pro-Ukrainian charity, for example, one of these:
No to facism, no to imperialism, no to mafia government.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
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According to Reuters it looks like the government of Slovakia has decided against providing any more military aid to Ukraine and is against further sanctions against Russia. Apparently Hungary has taken a similar stance.
Various news outlets report that Slovakia has withdrawn military aid to Ukraine and is against further sanctions against Russia.
Various news outlets report that Slovakia has withdrawn military aid to Ukraine and is against further sanctions against Russia.
Hi Brian
The government of Slovakia has withdrawn military aid for Ukraine and does not support sanctions against Russia.
The government of Slovakia has withdrawn military aid for Ukraine and does not support sanctions against Russia.
Sapient, do you still shave your arms ?
If you pay attention to enough sources of media and government statements the truth is easy to see. The truth is that George Bush Jr started this back in 2002 when he decided to scare Russians with his 'with us or against us' bullshit and attempted to expand NATO and the American missile shield supposedly to fight terrorism (something every successive president contributed to, to greater or lesser degrees).
But everyone on Earth knew it was bullshit because these are not effective anti terrorist measures they are anti state measures, specifically anti Russian measures. For ten years relations between Russia and the West had been growing, with the possibility of Russia joining the EU and possibly even NATO one day being a topic of conversation (which China was none to pleased with) and in one month the US turned it around completely. Pushing Russia away from the West and towards China.
As a direct result of American aggression Russia immediately warned the world it was going to respond in kind and begin modernization of military and equipment. For the last 20 years America has repeatedly ignored valid Russian concerns entirely which has forced Russia to double down. Without American aggression it's highly unlikely that Russia would have been capable of even considering getting into a proper war to begin with, and wouldn't have had any motivation to do so. Instead America constantly and continuously ramped up anti Russian activities so Russia responded in kind.
Then in 2014 an illegal coup (sponsored by the US which hasn't even pretended otherwise) against a democratically elected government occurs directly on Russia's border, and the country of Ukraine dissolved in civil war. You bitch about the Western Ukrainians you see running past you now but where were you when it was the Eastern Ukrainians running from the illegal government which was conducting war on Eastern Ukrainians? After denying all of Eastern Ukrainians the right to vote, which is why they rose up in rebellion and why the current Ukrainian 'government' is in fact a sham government.
By overthrow of it's legitimate government, Ukraine's international agreements were in a status of untrustworthy, prompting Russia to seize Crimea. The only military port it had on the black sea and a port they were entitled to use via agreements with Ukraine, which were no longer worth the paper they were printed on. Russia then spent 8 years trying to convince the world to get involved neutrally, but were shut down at every turn by the US & UK.
Russia has the right to self defence and the right to protect the Russian people.
In the years since 2014 Russia has gone all out divorcing itself from the Western economy, because it knew America was arrogant and believed it could bully Russia. It has started projects that will one day be direct competition with the US dollar, and it has signed on more than half the global population to those projects. Population which also happens to have had enough of American economic bullying. Russia countered sanctions long before they were introduced, because Putin is clearly a lot smarter than the last group of US presidents and anticipated them to a T.
This whole war would have been over in a week except the US and NATO decided to fund Ukraine to an obscene degree despite the fact it never had any chance at victory with the sole purpose of extending the war and making the Ukrainian population suffer, banking on their propaganda in turning the nations of Earth against Russia and isolating it into submission. But American promises are lies and American media are lies and everyone on Earth knows it. Trump especially proved how 'flexible' the US is with it's international agreements.
The war never would have happened except NATO pushed for Ukraine to join it and took sleazy backhanded steps to make it so, funding it enough to put up a fight but not enough to even make Russia divert assets from the Middle East to deal with it, never mind enough to win which is simply numerically impossible without actual troops on the ground instead of money and materiel.
Every Ukrainian who has suffered in the last two years can blame America and the UK above all others for their suffering. Russia's only doing what it has to, and it is absolutely NOT going to let Ukraine go to NATO under any circumstances. NATO has made it quite clear they have no interest in peaceful coexistence, NATO wants global dominance. Russia's never going to let that happen. They'd be committing suicide by allowing it, so they will start dropping nukes if they feel in danger of losing.
Ukraine's only solution is to surrender. The only humanitarian answer is Ukraine's surrender. Russia will not stop and the majority of the world has absolutely no interest in stopping Russia because the majority of the world recognizes Russia isn't responsible for Ukraine, NATO is.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Fortunately not all American politicians are war criminal profiteers. You can't claim Russian propaganda when Americans admit the culpability of America.
"Negotiations were well under way shortly after the war began~And there was active interference from the US and UK that blockd that"
"If you keep expanding NATO with it's nuclear-capable missiles to the border of Russia, you're going to see Russia respond the way the US responded when Russia put it's missiles in Cuba"
"And the rapidity with which we've now abandoned Ukraine and are telling Ukraine, they need to cut a deal"
Sadly Jill Stein is neither democrat nor republican, because she'd make a better president than anyone who's ran for the office except perhaps Bernie Sanders.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Why is this thread locked ?
But Russians need living space if they are to fulfill their biological imperative, right? Putin wants Russian women now to all have 8 kids, where will they live if not Ukraine? /S
I'd be in favor of a global war to take out the likes of Putin and his policies. But replace it with what? The forces leading to endless war are not going to be addressed by the victors. We are not going to have a 'war to end all wars' until the end goal is to mandate birth control globally. So we just have history repeating.
We don't need to travel, the USA has its own refugee crisis to deal with now. Why should we deal with Europe's endless problems?
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Your stupidity is truly incredible. Population pressures have absolutely nothing to do with this conflict. The conflict is about the expansion of the American empire and the Russian refusal to allow it to continue unopposed.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Why do empires find it necessary to expand?
Food becomes a very valuable commodity because we live on a planet with limited places to grow food cheaply and a continually growing global population. So Ukraine's farmland and other natural resourses become very valuable, coveted by all. That is why it is being fought over. No one is figting over land without any valuable resources.
If we want to live in a world without "empires" continually trying to scoop up the planet's limited resources, there must be limits on global population.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Food is in excess, we could feed twice as many people as exist. Which you'd know if you actually knew anything about which you speak. But you never have.
There's no such thing as overpopulation. Only stupid. Like you.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Jeff Bezos was talking about how he dreams of a future where humans colonize the solar system and human population could be not in the billions but trillions. I agree this is technogically feasable one day. But that would require tons of work over many generations to build out an infrustructure. You could feed and house trillions, if we incentivise work and investment not punish it with taxes. Socialist ideas of taxing the crap out of work and investment to pay for a welfare state would need to be defeated for good.
Overpopulation is a function of available resources in infrastructure to support the population. To economically feed our present population, we must have industrial farms and food processed in factories which is very unhealthy. Humanity's farming activities are causing massive environmental damage and mass extinctions of many species. Growing more food economically under the present circumstances just means more of the same bad consequences.
We obviously don't have housing and other resources to provide for all the that migrants leftists and our elitist overloads demand we accept lest we be call racist. Sure, one day housing could be built and infrustructure constructed to support a larger population. But at present, we are overpopulated for the housing and infrastructure we currently have. You'd have to be stupid to ignore this obvious reality of too many people for the resouces we have.
What it would take to build such and infrastructure would be men developing technology and constructing the infrastructure to adequately provide a good life without scarcity. But such men are the most highly taxed and underappreciated people in society. A hard working construction worker would have to be nuts to work in Socialist Canada and be taxed to death to pay for people that don't work. That is why you can't build enough homes despite not being restricted by available land and water like most of the world. So you're never going to address your housing shortage because of the political indoctrination program.
Canada has a massive shortage of contruction workers and many men that don't want to enter the labor force. What is you solution, Einstein? Can there be any solution but to not tax these death for working and not reward them with welfare for not working? Tax their employers so they'll pass it along in the form of lower wages and higher housing costs?
Maybe this guy can explain the Scooby Doo mystery of why men aren't working to build all the housing and infrastucture for all the migrants we must accept.
Your debate tactic is to insult anyone that has an opinion different than the liberal hive mind of the far left Canadian public school indoctrination centres. You bully anyone that doesn't get in line, and then call your opponents 'facist' and stupid because you can't debate with facts. You've been indoctrinated so well.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Colonization of the solar system is a pipe dream. We don't even know that humans can survive in lower gravity let alone thrive. It certainly has no bearing on anything today.
Overpopulation is a myth with 0 evidence to back it up. We have more space and food than we can use. We even use more space and food than we have to, a lot more.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Did you know we can spin a structure in space to create artificial gravity? But, somehow we must believe you are the expert on space, science and technology. Why isn't a 'green economy' or a 'socialist world order' then a pipe dream? Colonization of space is difficult only because we currently incentivize and produce way too many lazy idiots and punish enterprise and hard work with high taxes.
Evidence of overpopulation: The affordable housing crisis in Canada and USA, unaffordable food and land to grow food, pandemics, human caused mass exintion, etc...
So why is Canada farm land so expensive if there is pleaty of it? Why doesn't a 'greedy' capitialist buy farmland and sell the food it produces since food prices are so high now? The things I see stopping them is the shortage of farmland making price high, shortage of workers thanks to Canada's welfare system rewarding non-work and high taxes on profits.
Yes, I know it is technically possible to build a lot more houses and grow more food. But where exactly do you get the land and resourses to do that cheaply? How do you get workers to invent and construct a green economy with pleanty for all? The people that would invent and build these things are almost 100% white males(engineering, construction, maintainence) that run the 'evil patriarchy' you've been required to believe in. All you're political indoctrination wants you to do is punish these men with high taxes to give to non-workers and non-white males. So we ain't going to have enough housing for all until people like you wake up and realize you've been indoctrinated wth Bullshit your whole life.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Then why haven't we done that? Oh yeah there's no good reason to.
Compared to you a 2 year old is an expert. At least 90% of a 2 year old's worldview isn't a lie, making it at least 90% superior to your understanding of reality.
No pipe dreams here, except of course the pipe dreams EXC has regarding the meaning s of socialism and 'green' technology. Pipe dreams that are lies.
No. Colonization of space is difficult because everything about space is inhospitable to all known forms of life, and it's extremely expensive to colonize space, as well as quite pointless.
Absolutely none of which is evidence of anything except poor management. Housing crisis are manufactured crisis not real crisis. There's enough land to house and food to feed 5x the current global population without causing any additional environmental impacts, and most current environmental impacts would be fairly easy to solve if not for a lack of willingness to make changes.
Pandemics looool if pandemics are such a problem why have we had 1 exceptionally mild pandemic in the last 100 years despite doubling the population twice over in that time frame? Pandemics were more common when there was fewer people.
Because that's what capitalists want. If land is more expensive then they control more of it.
If it was that simple then Stalin Mao and Mugabe wouldn't have caused famines that killed millions of people. Clearly you're as stupid as they were.
There's no shortage of farmable land, all land shortages are due to government regulation. Fake, empty lies.
Literally everywhere.
How do you do that with any population of any size? And what does that have to do with population size anyway?
Racism and sexism in one sentence with no justification and absolutely no link to population numbers at all. Everything EXC says is a lie.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
'One must always believe that only one race is capable of being racist. Only one sex is capable of being sexist. And that race and gender is morally inferior and therefore discrimination against them is justified.'
Your political indocrination by the Canadian education system and media have made you into a complete idiot.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
BTW. Happy endless war anniversay.
Well, one war may be winding down as Ukraine is circling the drain in the military sense. Zelensky has emptied the NATO coffers dry and all the Leopard 2s, Challenger 2s and soon to become active M1A1 Abrams main battle tanks will continue to be easy targets as there is little to no air cover to protect them from Russian helicopters and Lancet drones.
Ukraine has a serious problem replacing their casual ties while Russia's losses are quite sustainable. Also the New York Times and Washington Post have reported that after the fall of Avdivka that Russia had captured almost 1000 Ukrainian soldiers. The NYT on 2-21-24 byline stated "The fall of Avdivka to Russia may be more significant than it initially seemed as Ukraine struggles with morale and recruitment.".
Edit: First Abrams MBT in Ukraine destroyed by "loitering munition" according to Forbes on 2-26-24.
Your stupidity and lies are beyond words.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Yes, I know your political indoctrination doesn't teach you how to respond to people that speak the truth except to call the racist and sexist. Which is actually just projecting.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Broken record of unsupported lies keeps lying. EXC the retard can't even try to argue any points he just defaults to making shit up. Next!
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
As I predicted: endless war in Ukraine with endless tax dollars spent. The real war is being waged against US taxpayers by the political donors and politicians they own.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
All in favour of unregulated capitalism, exactly what your wet dream is.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
No. As I have stated many times I am not in full agreement with libertarians. I want strict limits on exploitation and ownership of natural resourse by the wealthy. Strict limits on immigration, population growth so you don't have a population of poor that can be exploited by employers and landlords. You only support massive transfers of wealth from people that work and learn valuable job skills to those that don't.
What government must regulate are behaviors that are actually damaging to the enviroment and human society. The leftist socialists on the other hand will punish people just for working hard and smart with extremely high taxes and unnecessary regulation. They encourage laziness and non-work through welfare. They encourage exploitation of the poor through limitless immigration.
The areas I disagree with mainstream libertarianism:
1. Limiting family size, mandatory birth control for people that can't or won't take care of children without government assistance. Sterilization of anyone that abuses or neglects a child. Strict limits on immigration.
2. Strict limits on the amount of land someone can own. So for example, Bill Gates, China, Saudi Arabia, etc... can't buy up tons of US farmland and make it impossible for the working class to find affordable land or housing.
3. Regulating monopolistic practices of big business such as buying out small business competitors.
As rational person would say government should regulate harmful behaviors by preventing them from happening in the first place and not punish good behavior. WTF is income tax and welfare/entitiements? A punishment for good behavior and a reward for bad behaviors. That is why places like socialist Canada are going to hell.
You on the other hand support exploitation with unregulated borders, immigration and support for a failed education system that only succeeds in producing another generation dependent on government welfare.
Please stop making up a strawman that I am a laissez faire capitalism supporter. You can't understand my rational position because you've obviously been fully indoctrinated by the Canadian education system and media to only beleve their Socialist BS. That is how they get away with theft via taxation.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Libertarians aren't part of the discussion liar.
Liar. What you want is to subjugate the poor and grant absolute freedom to the rich.
Things that primarily impact the poor, proving you're a liar who supports the rich.
Liar. Your delusions of what socialism is have no bearing on reality.
Your opinions on what are harmful are nothing but lies. And you seek the end of government, so you're packing multiple lies into one sentence.
Lies from a liar.
More lies from a liar.
Irrelevant libertarianism isn't part of the discussion. Deflection is just another type of lying.
Your views on harmful behaviour are irrevocably corrupted by your lies.
Fundamental building blocks of society that society absolutely cannot exist without, regardless of your lies.
Says the king of strawmen who absolutely supports unregulated capitalism and has proved as much repeatedly.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Putin is the product of Soviet Communism and a former KGB spy. Putin has had his political rivals murdered multiple times. His desires for bringing back the glory days of the old Soviety Union are not just about Ukraine, it is about reuniting all the former eastern block countries that went all the way west to half of Berlin after the end of WW2.
I realy could give a shit less what someone thinks of Ukraine's government at this point. I do think the right wing will sell any bullshit consipracy about Ukraine because they don't want Biden getting credit for anything. Those fuckers constantly obstruct everything just out of spite because like schoolyard bullies, they throw a fit when they don't get everthing they want. The did the same fucking thing with border security. Last year the GOP wrote a bi partisan billl that they immediatly turned around wouldn't let it get to a vote, because they needed the fear of migrants for election campaign raising.
Biden is doing the right thing, he in infact got NATO expanded and the new funding will cause Putin drain more of his own dwindling resources. America's GDP is 29trillion and Russia's is only 1 trillion. But somehow the GOP wants everyone to believe we don't have the money to multitask? We don't have the money for health care or social security, but yet we have plenty of money we can give billionaires in the form of tax breaks they don't need.
I have been paying attention to the GOP's bullshit trickle up Reaganomics for 25 years. We are not going to become Stalin's Russia or Castro's cuba if billionaires here pay more in taxes. We won't become a fascist state if we move away from burning fossil fuels. Just like the auto industry didn't die because Nadar told them their products sucked and need to be improved.
Most Liberals I know want FDR's "New Deal", not an end to the private sector.
The GOP doesn't want to govern, they merely want control out of spite. They cannot stand that more and more people are wise to their bullshit. In healty politics instead of clinging to failed policy you come up with new ideas. All the GOP has is hate and fear and conspiracy.
Putin is our enemy not Ukraine. Isreal is our ally, but Bibi is their version of Trump. I support Israel beccause Iran and the Islamic zealots who run it, and other parts of far too much of the middle east, are not just out to get Jews, they have the same dominionist spread by the sword mentality that the Church had during the dark ages, and inquisitions.
They screamed when Obama passed the Affordable Health Care act, knowing he modeled it after Mitt Romney's plan. That is the type of bullshit they pull.
I value political pluralism. But it is hard to be bipartisan with a party that is like a bunch of brats in chess game who knock the board over when they don't win.
Now if you think you have a better solution to deal with Russia, offer it up, but it won't be sacrificing our ally to a product of Stalin's Communism. FYI Russia's allies are Iran and China. Our enemeis.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
All Americans are a product of McCarthyism dating from the cold war, imperialism dating from the birth of the nation, and extremist capitalism that doesn't actually work and is physically incapable of working.
America was doing that before Putin was born. Obama assassinated more people in 8 years than Putin has his entire career.
All lies. Putin has no interest in rebuilding the Soviet Union. If he had interest he wouldn't have annexed Crimea in 2014 he'd have annexed Ukraine, and a few other countries as well.
Your ignorant and hypocritical opinion matters to absolutely noone.
Both your parties are right wing. Biden doesn't deserve credit for anything more than escalating tensions and committing or financially supporting war crimes.
Yes, both your right wing parties do that.
Biden is a war criminal pushing the world to WW3 on multiple fronts. He should be tried and executed as should anyone who supports him. He likely would be if it was any nation except a nuclear power that he was in charge of.
Also, the US and NATO's coffers are drying up a lot faster than Russia's. Even if I pretend that America didn't start Ukraine and is actually the good guy, it's still an evil fuck because you haven't done anything to help Ukraine.
Worse, Ukraine is running out of people despite running conscription while Russia still has like 80% of it's forces available. Before any possibility of conscription is raised.
You are not doing Ukraine any favours no matter what position you take in the ethical standing of the combatants.
You don't. Your entire nation exists on deficit. You ran out of cash decades ago.
You certainly do have the ability to use your deficit strategy in health care or social security, your right wing parties simply refuse to. You could even do it without increasing the deficit, but bullying 8 billion people has always been more important to America than it's own people.
None of this is applicable in any way to the topic or to my arguments so take your ignorant ranting to someone who cares.
You're American, you don't know what a liberal is.
This describes both your parties equally.
Something America hasn't done in 300 years.
Ukraine is noones enemy. Ukraine doesn't matter enough or have power enough to be anyones enemy.
Putin is your enemy because you made him your enemy.
Netanyahu is no different than any Israeli nazi. The fact you're allied with nazis makes you nazis by proxy.
Because you're a nazi who supports genocide.
Iran has nothing to do with this, Iran hates Hamas. Also, Iran exists as it does because of America. Iran is your fault.
Seeking the destruction of Israel is not seeking the destruction of jews. It's seeking the destruction of nazis who happen to also be jews. Most jews aren't nazis. Much like most Germans weren't nazis. But all adult Israelis are nazis.
And your right wing party spent 4 years in a panic attack after Trump got elected. You're a hypocrite who fails to see your parties are 95% identical.
ROFL another thing you have absolutely no concept of. You certainly do not value it.
Both parties act the exact same way so you don't actually have the excuse you pretend to.
I already did.
You don't have an ally to sacrifice Ukraine was never your ally and never will be. Not the way NATO would prefer anyway. I have little doubt that most of Ukraine will have a certain independence after the conflict is over. It will be a bit smaller though.
Enemies of your own design and efforts.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
One can't have a rational debate with someone when one can not clarify their position. You simply don't want to have a rational debate on anything because you've already made up your mind and can not listen to anything else. Just like arguing with a religious nut that automatically says everything an athiest says is a lie and has already made up their mind on what athiests believe.
BTW, Canada's NHL hockey teams suck because of your high taxes:
Why the Fuck does Florida have so many good teams, but Canada can't win a cup in over 30 years? Canada is going to suck at everything else because of their fucking Socialism. You might want to consider a border wall with USA no income tax states, to keep tax paying Canadians from escaping your Socialist paradise.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
So why does the USA need to be involved? You tell me how Europe saves tons of money because they have Socialist medicine. So why can't they use that savings to buy their own weapons to defend their Socialist paradises? Why do they need a dumb rube like me that doesn't get how wonderful it is to get free everything from the government to fund their defense?
Majorakass and Biden don't follow the law, so why give them money? The bill will say money for border security. But Majorkass will spend it on diapers, hotel rooms, plane tickets and free meals to encourage more migrants to come and be dependant on government.
So then they'll take their money to countries where the government doesn't take most of it from them. The rich are not sentimental or patriotic people, they'll move their money to Russia before they'll pay the taxes you propose.
Brian37 wrote:
Yes, everyone just wants free and easy money. You don't have to work for it or make a risky investment. We can always agree on that one.
You want the rich to make risky investments so we'll have nice things and a booming economy. But if they win their bets, you get to share the reward. But if they loose, they pay.
Heads I win, tails you loose. But you don't see why they might not want to play your game with these rules?
Brian37 wrote:
Volunteer society is always the solution. If you support Ukraine, put your money where your mouth is and send you own damn money, not mine. Forcing your fellow citizens to pay for your political beliefs is like forcing them to pay for your church. It can only lead to civil war and destruction of govenrment and society.
But your political indoctrination means we must always live under the tyranny of taxation.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
I've clarified my position more times than you can count. You ignore every single clarification and return to your default lies every single time. It is impossible to have a rational discussion with you because you don't have a rational partical in your body and you never have. You're the quintessential example of a delusional moron incapable of learning.
A perfect description of yourself, well done.
Yes you're exactly like that. Again, well done.
lol maximum level delusions. If Canada's hockey teams suck why do more Canadian teams make the playoffs on average and by ratio than American teams? You should stop reading that tabloid of lies. Every NHL team has exactly the same amount of $ to work with.
Florida? Good teams? lol. No. Top 6 cup winners in history, half are Canadian. Despite America having twice as many teams.
Keep deluding yourself retard.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
This is why Canada hasn't won a cup in 30 years.
Also, Canada was a leader in AI, but of course they are going to loose all that as the investors and workers leave for lower taxes. Canada and welfare US states will be third world until they dump Socialism.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Everything exc says is a lie.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.