Explaination of fallacies by AronRa

I enjoy these videos by AronRa concerning the various fallacies used during debates.
His videos are short and simple. He goes right to the point and gives examples of how people use the fallacies. Then he defends his explaination with evidence and definition.
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Too bad the real idiots would still not understand. For example, exc.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Have you explained to those people who you find stupid, the problems in their logic?
Nevermind. I see your reply in the other thread.
I have tried. People are too stupid to take 2 seconds to read and comprehend. Or worse, so stupid comprehension is impossible. People are idiots. EXC is an example of the extremely stupid. I've explained things to him literally dozens of times just to have him come back a couple months later and yet again strawman the exact same argument the exact same way. I suspect he had a head injury and is no longer capable of learning anything.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I ignore most of the posts here unless it is something important, like a science discovery or a form of news concerning a subject which affects me.
When I see posts which are fallacies I take note and then watch for a little bit, but I get bored easily and move along.