Fake Martial Arts

When I went to China for three weeks to study Martial Arts, I met a lot of "masters" who claimed to do special things with their Chi.
I saw bending of metal swords, smashing bricks on their heads, laying down on a bed of nails.
I know that the tricks in Martial Arts is no different than the con-artist who tricks people with magic tricks.
This video is interesting. One scene is a "master" who claims he can knock people over with out touching them. He gets in to a fight with an MMA fighter who quickly knocks the shithead down on the ground and makes his mouth bleed.
Another guy claims he can turn his skin in to armor, but he ends up slicing up his arm and bleeds.
Believing in religion is no different. People go to faith healers and claim they were healed, but many times they die, being told they didn't have enough faith.
Others were never really sick or they were sick but recovered naturally.
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I also dabbled in hand to hand whilst at 29 Plams ca. Example that they're phony. Consider the foot punch that you see in the movies and on TV. Very impressive right. But, that move leaves one open to getting their nuts relocated to under their chin. Anyone (as you know) can see from the time the skip and or the jump is made to bring the foot around (while in mid air mind you) is more then enough time for an opponent to see it coming. The opponent would have to be at the shopping mall to have his attention diverted to buying something---and---- looking the other way at that, for that move to work on an expeienced HH combatsman. Ok for the movies but not in real situations. And, the physics of it don't work either.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
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It isn't martial arts which are fake. It's the people who are trying to sell something with out having actual knowledge of it.
These guys, the ones in the video, their are fake because they are trying to prove something supernatural exists.
There is nothing supernatural about Martial Arts. Bruce Lee is a good example of what I mean. It trained and trained and not just his body. He trianed his mind.
This is why he had the one inch punch the packed a nice wallop on whom ever he hit.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
no deadly force was applied.
BERKELEY, California (Reuters) U.S. Army Special Forces Master Sergeant John Martin was arrested in connection with an altercation involving an estimated 100 anti-fascist protesters.
Aerial footage shows Master Sergeant Martin involved in a violent melee which ended in 53 anti-fascist protesters in the hospitals with 24 of them listed in critical condition.
The injured personnel were brought to Alta Bates Summit Medical Center Berkeley Campus.
According to Berkeley authorities, the incident started when Master Sergeant Martin was visiting the Berkeley campus to speak at a rally for wounded warriors. According to several eyewitnesses, as Master Sergeant Martin was exiting the vehicle he was immediately assaulted by an estimated 100 demonstrators who were there to protest the involvement of the United States military in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Campus police were unable to quell the violent skirmish due to the amount of demonstrators assaulting the Special Forces Soldier. One campus officer, speaking on the condition of anonymity, was shocked by the number of people who were injured by Master Sergeant’s ability to defend himself. The officer was more involved with extracting the numerous injured demonstrators out of the destructive path of Master Sergeant Martin.
“The City of Berkeley Police Department is a small to medium-size department,” he said. “Our police department total is 176. I can tell you most of that 176 responded here today.”
According to the Berkeley campus police report 26 of the 100 estimated demonstrators were arrested. Their charges ranged from battery on a law enforcement officer to inciting a riot to resisting police with violence, according to their arrest reports. One was charged with marijuana possession.
Master Sergeant Martin was part of the 26 arrested and was segregated at the Berkeley Police Department.
The Berkeley Progressive Coalition, which organized the protest, has scheduled a second demonstration beginning at noon Saturday outside the Superior Court of CA, County of Alameda – Berkeley Courthouse. There protesters will call for the release of those jailed Friday.
The Chief of the Berkeley Police Department spoke to reporters and stated Master Sergeant Martin will not be charged with any offenses related to today’s incident. He states, “Master Sergeant Martin was simply defending himself against a group of demonstrators who thought he was an easy target.” As other news agencies pressed and asked the Chief of Police if he would consider, and classify Master Sergeant Martin’s Special Forces training as the use of “deadly force?” The Chief eloquently replied, “We have high hopes that Master Sergeant Martin would consider our proposition of being the lead hand-to-hand instructor for our police department when he retires next year.”
Master Sergeant Martin was observed leaving the police station from a side entrance in an unmarked police car and was taken out the back gate of the police department.
The Department of the Army Special Forces spokesman from the Pentagon, LTC Richard Cabeza, said they were looking into the incident as a teaching point to other Special Forces Soldiers on how to defend themselves in similar situations and he will be consider for a soldiers medal due to being in harms way and potentially saving the lives of several demonstrators from getting killed by his own hands.
Snowflakes .........be careful!
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I've seen the articles on this incident. Stupidity on both sides. They had one guy hitting a woman with a bike lock. Another skinhead punched a woman in the face. There were rocks and bottles being thrown.
And your "snowflake" comment works both ways.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
Doesn't change things about the situation.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
Most all man-made things in the world are a scam or partial scam. I've learned to just assume something is a scam until I see evidence to the contrary. A consequence of living in an extremely competitive world. Look at this MB, purports to be 'rational responders', but it has so many comments that are anything but that.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
As usual, EXC's lies are blatant, ridiculous, and obvious. Also pathetic and hypocritical.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
What are you calling a "foot punch" ?
In modern combat sports it's just called a front push kick. In Muay Thai where it is part of the fighter's everyday training it's called a "teep"
If you think it's easy to block then you have never been forced to defend yourself from someone who has dedicated themselves to that very devastating strike.
If you want to see what it looks like then Google the highlite videos of Muay Thai fighters like Rob Kaman, Ramon Dekkars,
Baukaw Por Pramuk, Melchor Menor or the devastating UFC straw weight fighter from Poland named Joanna Jederzjczyk.
All these professional fighters are on film lifting their foot off the mat and jamming it into the torsos and faces of their equally well trained opponents who already knew to expect it.
What are you calling a "foot punch" ?
In modern combat sports it's just called a front push kick. In Muay Thai where it is part of the fighter's everyday training it's called a "teep"
If you think it's easy to block then you have never been forced to defend yourself from someone who has dedicated themselves to that very devastating strike.
If you want to see what it looks like then Google the highlite videos of Muay Thai fighters like Rob Kaman, Ramon Dekkars,
Baukaw Por Pramuk, Melchor Menor or the devastating UFC straw weight fighter from Poland named Joanna Jederzjczyk.
All these professional fighters are on film lifting their foot off the mat and jamming it into the torsos and faces of their equally well trained opponents who already knew to expect it.
If as you say--it is done regularly by those types then someone isn't trained as they claim. People of that skill become evenly matched and those tricks can't work as both are equal in ability. Foot to face is farther then hand to face. One being kicked isn't necessairly automatically slower then the one kicking. That means that when its the kicked ones turn to kick the previous kicker he somehow became faster and the second guy can't avoid being kicked.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
If your opinion is only based upon what you have "seen" then I know that you failed to investigate any of the well known fighters that I listed for you. That's your problem not mine.
In my own defense all of the Muay Thai fighters and MMA fighters that I mentioned have all of their fights recorded on video for posterity and their audience is world wide. They are not obscure unknowns who fight in someone's garage or back ally but in stadiums filled with tens of thousand of people. They all have incontravertible evidence to support their claims while you have nothing but anecdotes from the Eisenhower era that can't be proven.
Google video of Ramon Dekkars or Joanna J. If you still think that you would prevail againt these fighters and their sense of timing and reflexes well then feel free to climb into the ring and prove it.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
If a move has the potential to end a fight, no matter how flashy it may be, it is not a show move. A show move is what you see in movies, not in a UFC ring. If a professional fighter uses a move even semi-regularly, it cannot be a show move, by definition.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
Jesus Christ you're thick. MMA fighters and kick boxers go to the hospital all the time. When they suffer concussions they are forced to undergo a medical suspension until they are cleared to fight again.
There are ringside doctors for a reason.
Please ....just stop. You clearly are not a person who has the remotest idea what you are talking about.
football guys go to the hospital to, so do Wrestlers. But--it's still sport. Sport is to beat the other guy without killing him/them, except for firearm sports where the sport incorporates hunting (or other) and the killing itself, because the killing is allowed. You're right--I don't know anything about your sport, But I do know about killing. I'm not a compeditor or sportsman, I'm akiller when needs be.
I'd say, you're not understanding me. 
Vastet is correct, (I missunderstood his post, and I'm not saying he agrees with me) any move that gets the job done is valid.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
Attack the messenger, not the message. A favorite tactic of all scam artists.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Jesus Christ, now you're babbling about what a killer you are. Who cares ?
Do you watch the news ? People kill each other every day.
I was discussing the utility of a front push kick in martial arts and now suddenly you're reliving your former glory days.
LOL, why did I even try ?
A frontal push kick or whatever you said is a valid move or proceedure--but --it's not considered an good or effective move in actual situations. In order (as I said and I don't know what kick boxing had to do with this) one has to be asleep for it work from an attacker. I understand it to be considered a "foot punch". So, it's called something different today, but that doesn't make it different. I accept your label, discription, or name of what you call it, I've had nothing against that. To me, hand to hand combat is not a sport. Its initial design and intent is self defence, not attack. I'm not reliving my former days, I'm showing I have a knowing from experience.
If the kick boxers etc (I'm not familiar with--I've heard of it and seen a little of it---I'm not impressed so I don't care to watch it ) aren't diabling or killing their attackers and on we go---then it's not being used for the purpose it's originally intended for--as far as I know. Then, it has to be for show.
a 5/8 in X 14in X 5 in of reasonable quality pine board is stronger then any bone in anyone's body accept the femur, on ocassion. There is no one that can take a comparable punch to break it, in the face, head or sternum, and suvive it. In kick boxing--they cannot possibly be applying such force without killing each other. That then--religates to the OP, is kick boxing and other martial arts as you describe --fake or real. All my bragging --if that's what you want to rate it as is let you know --I know, from experiance that the sport of kick boxing and other, is either fake or not. In this case I served the mandates of the OP.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
When I've already destroyed the message, attacking the lying scam artist is all that remains.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I was willing to do what you were not, which was use the internet to investigate you claim.
All that can be confirmed about Mr. Pansoy is that he is now deceased. Also, he broke apple crates and bricks which means.... he broke apple crates and bricks.
That's very impressive.
Melchor Menor is a Filipino American who competes as a Muay Thai fighter. He breaks baseball bats with his shins.
It's on Youtube.
It still remains, that if the sport you support were as intended as battlefield hand to hand is, someone would be dead or an invalid for life. While I agree that kick boxing can be used as a defence or attack method it can be effective, and produce appropreate damage on a body to disable. But as I see and understand it, it is a sport no different then boxing, football, or basketball. Actual hand to hand is not for sport. Consider, military hand to hand is not for sport, it's the real deal.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
Muay Boran is the "non-sport" hand to hand martial art that was employed by the Thai military. Muay Thai is the "sport"
Strange that you still consider Muay Thai such a pussified activity. When I took Muay Thai here in Texas ( my teacher was a Laotian ) no one could compete in a sanctioned fight using Thai rules because the use of elbows to the face and head is not permitted by the sanctioning bodies in Texas. Any use of elbows to an opponents unprotected head and the fight would be unofficial and the results not recognized.
If one of our students wanted to officially compete according to Thai rules ( elbows) the nearest state that would recognize the fight as legitimate was Oklahoma.
Funny thing, a married couple had both just begun training with us and were obviously newbies. The wife asked my instructor "Do people get hurt in Muay Thai ?" He laughed "People die in Muay Thai."
BTW, my former instructor was a CIDG fighter during the war in Vietnam.
Looking at images on line I cannot see how a kick boxer could ever outdo a competent hand to hander. The Kickers foot would never get back to the deck. apparently in Kick boxing the contestants aren't allowed to grab the opponent. But that's not how it works in Hand to hand. So, If a kick boxers foot cannot be grabbed, and I can plainly see that it can be blocked, and if a hand to hander were allowed to secure the foot--which is the object of hand to hand, then, How does a kick boxer win. He's on the mat on his abdomin, face down.
The kick boxer would have to be so fast that the hander is unable to see it coming---but that what hand to hand is all about--to defeat such moves and dispacth the attaker. That means that hand to hand and kick boxing are two very different things. And no, I don't mean to pussify it becasue I don't pussify regular boxing or football etc. These are contact sports and winning is done by points I assume. Hand to hands has no points, unless done for sport.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
I'm not impressed, well sort of, but I'm not in awe.
The bats do not look to be "MLB" material. MLB bats are made from woods which are at least 1,450 lbf
Cheap bats are made from Eastern Yellow Pine (380 lbf) or some other soft wood.
Also, I learned from martial artists in China that to prepare for a "demo" they do things like heat up metal, steam wood, make bricks from brittle material or with no straw.
I'm never impressed with those types of demostrations. They are gimmicks.
Show me a Bruce Lee demo or show me an Morihei Ueshiba demo. That's the shit.
In Muay Thai the fighters are allowed to
1) trap their opponent's kicking legs to gain control and neutralize the attack. ...which means "the attacker's foot" can "grabbed".
2) they also clinch where they clasp their hands behind the neck of their opponent and pull them in close so that knee strikes can be administered to the torso, or they can pull the other fighter off balance and throw them down to the floor of the ring.
3) Muay Thai matches are not won on points. Most fights are won by KO.
Please continue with your uninformed objections.
Kick boxing is not the same as hand to hand, one is sport, one is not. Moreover, why do you think I should care about kickboxing be it fake or no. Boxing is a sport for show. Hand to hand is not. Hand to hand can be for sport if one wants it that, but that's not it's purpose. Well, I have to admit that I was uninformed, but where did I degrade your sport. In my opinion it's sport and it looks to be, no different then boxing or foodball. I don't understand how show anything can be real compared to Hand to hand which is necessary for one's survival. No one has to be in a ring getting beat up unless they prefer. Hand to hand is a no choice situation perpetrated by an attaker for harm of an individual. If someone want to voluteer to get beat up--so they do. An Hand to hander is in no mood to get beat up, so its proceedures to handle the situation. Football, basebal boxing and sports in general are minics of warfare, Hand to hand isn't. I find no practical use for kickboxing so I doesn't interest me and it's not something I would need for self defence.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
OFWG not impressed with Melchor Menor's bat breaking demo, claims he's cheating. Melchor goes into hiding !
Brian, you need to go back on your meds. No, I'm not impressed, well sort of, but I'm not in awe.
Personally I think it is only feeding his ego when he kicks cheap WalMart bats.
Trolling aside, Melchor ( 5'7", 140 lbs ) breaks bats all the time as a display of his sheer power.
The program "Fight Science" identifies the base ball bat as ash, which according to your wiki is rated at 1320.
If you click on the wiki entry for ash it is described as a hard wood and one of its many applications is baseball bats.
Well, I went through a dozen or more "fight science" videos and I'm not impressed by the science of it all.
On the surface things look to be legit, but I have videos of your guy doing only 770 lbs of force on his kicks, but I have videos of other fighters doing (different styles) up to 2300lbs of force.
I even found a video of a muy thai fighter kicking over 1300lbs of force on his kick dwarfing your martial artist.
So this doesn't add up and I suspect there is a problem with the people who executed the science of it all. I believe that there is a problem with the bags they used and the springs used to hold the bag.
There seems to be a big issue with allowing the kick to follow through. Some of the tests had a bag on a giant spring and I watched the legs go all the way through the motion.
Other kicks were restricted because the back was hanging from a chain. then another video showed a bag being held from the top and the bottom by a thick rubber strand.
As for the kicking of the bat, nope, totally un-scientific even thought I still think kicking a baseball bat is no different than breaking bricks.
The way the bat is held, the manuefacture of the bat, the wood used or is it MLB certified?
You ever wonder what kind of bricks they break? Where they get them from? How those bricks are created? They aren't building bricks. They are demo bricks specifically made for breaking in a demonstration.
As for the bats, the one show I saw said they were using an ash bat but when I watched them set up I saw they specifically placed the bat in a specific manner, grain in favor of the kicker. This includes your fighter.
Baseball bats are designed to be held in a very specific way in order to optimize their stregth of the wood grain.
Most idiots who play baseball don't know that you can increase your strength of your swing by holding the bat so that the label of the bat is either facing down or out to the pitch when you strike the ball.
This allows for maximum strength and gives more power transfer to the baseball when you strike it. (when i say 'swing' I mean the finished product, not the actual motion of the swing)
So based on the video I saw, they specifically put the labesl AWAY from the martial artist, which weakens the bat considerably.
You also then need to consider the thickness of the handle of the bat. Not all bats are created equal.
MLB does not have a standard for the thickness of bats at the handle. They vary from 15/16, 31/32, 1 and 29/32.
Some bats are less than 15/16.
So, no... I'm not impressed by people who break bricks, break bats or do demonstrations on a television show with scientists who haven't considered all the variables.
I'm interested in the MT fighter who registered the 1300 ft/lbs of kicking force. Can you post a link or at least name the web site ? I want to know more about this fighter.
It says 1400 lbs of force
There was another one... I'll need to dig, but they had 1300+
All Muy Thai... but that is my problem... the science is not exact. You must use the same exact conditions to get a fair comparison
Okay, thanks for the link.
I'm kind of looking forward to the McGregor vs Mayweather fight. TONS of hype, I'm sure who ever loses will be full of excuses, due to age differences, pure boxer vs MMA who is crossing over, etc.
Still sounds like fun though ( unless one guy gets immediately KO'd and everyone goes home early, which sucks for the fans .)
I have heard of the fight and won't be watching it. Two egos clashing together in a fight square isn't my cup of tea.