Atheists donate to help victims of sexual abuse

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Atheists donate to help victims of sexual abuse

Please donate to help end sexual abuse and assist victims of sexual assault.

1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men will become a victim of sexual assault. Recent developments in the 2016 election have rekindled the problem of sexual abuse in a National conversation. We've seen the video of Trump bragging about sexually abusing women, and we've since heard from many of the women he's sexually abused. Donald Trump has referred to his sex crimes as "locker room talk." Sadly this has added insult to injury to men that were already disgusted by Trump.

Trump has now led women to believe that other men actually talk like this in the "locker room." This bothers me and all the good men in America. I've been in locker rooms all my life and I've never heard another man brag about sexually assaulting a woman. I've played well over a thousand rounds of golf, and visited the locker room. I've played basketball and soccer and have been in the locker room another 100 times with athletes playing those sports, and I've never heard a man brag about kissing a woman when he sees her, and not waiting for her consent. I've been in a health club locker room over 300 times and I've never heard a man talk about grabbing a woman in a way that would put him in jail if he was recorded doing what he was saying (grab her by the p***y).

To add insult to injury, there was even an article from another man that claimed "many men talk like Donald Trump in private. And only other men can stop them." There is so much wrong with this statement. Absolutely not! Many men don't talk like Trump. As we've heard from a great many professional athletes this week, none of them relate to the notion that locker rooms sound like this. And let's just get this straight... locker room is code for "men in private." "Many men" don't brag about sexually abusing women in private, locker room or not. The author of this piece believes that only other men can stop "it." And that's just not the case, everyone in society plays a role. In fact, women play just as much of a role if not even more of a role.

I believe the author of the above piece may have unfortunately conflated objectification of women and sexual predation. Objectification of women is rampant, that is certain. However objectification of women is nothing like rape. Both issues should be addressed, but Trump's actions are criminal and objectification of the opposite sex isn't. Yes, we should all work to value people for more than just sex, but that's not anywhere in the realm of using your power to sexually abuse someone else. And let's leave objectifying others there for now.

Back to the issue that Donald Trump brings up (sexual assault and evil towards women). Trump is a misogynist, he calls women names simply because she exposes his disgusting views(Alicia Machado) or his moronic thoughts(Rosie O'Donnell). He thinks he can do whatever he wants to women and get away with it.

Thankfully almost none of you have ever heard a man talk like Donald Trump did on that tape when he admitted to sexual crimes. But we can all do something about this. Let's agree to speak out much like this, let's agree to make statements against his form of megalomaniac abuse. Let's agree that on that first day of your life that you're unlucky enough to be in the presence of an asshole that admits to sexual abuse, you say something to that jackass and make sure he/she knows just how strongly you feel about how small of a person they are.

How else can you send a message?

Please donate to help women affected by sexual violence: DONATE TO RAINN.

Now for a moment, let's go back to objectification of the opposing sex. Both women and men are guilty of it, and although I don't have a poll I would assume that men are guilty of it more than women. The article I referenced above incorrectly posited that only men can do something about it. It's important for women to know that while some men play a role in the reduction of objectification, most men learn about the harm of objectifying women from other women. We often learn from hearing other women speak (youtube, tv, radio, etc...) or we learn from them telling us directly. We learn from women that it hurts to be objectified and that they feel gross when we treat them like they are simply sex objects. So women... keep it up. Let men know how it makes you feel, we're listening and learning.

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It definitely wasn't typical

It definitely wasn't typical locker room talk, I've never heard anyone talk like that which I can recall either. Objectification happens constantly (and I'd say women are at least as likely to objectify men as men are women, I've seen it all my life on all sides. Indeed it was a female who introduced me to the phrase 'grower or shower'), but casual discussion of abuse or rape I've never been present for.

Though I do suspect it isn't all that rare amongst the wealthy and famous. He wasn't really wrong either. Many people of either gender throw themselves at celebrities, so I can easily understand how someone like Trump could even think such a thing.

But this whole thing shows just how far out of step Trump is with society at large. I'm sure there are women who wouldn't mind him or another celebrity doing what he talked about, but those women are very rare. A celebrity is likely to encounter them a lot more often than the average person, so he's basically suffering from confirmation bias. I think he'd learn very quickly if you could put him in a situation where he had no money or fame or power.

But that's his problem in every category. He doesn't live in the real world, he lives in the world of celebrity and wealth. He has no empathy and no knowledge or experience of how most people live and behave. He thinks he's above the law, above other people. This is just another example of how completely unprepared he is to run a city, let alone a country.

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i played tennis all four

i played tennis all four years of high school. ditto here. in my experience, there isn't much talk in the locker room period, as most guys just want to shower, change, and go the fuck home already.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
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 Sorry to see the rational

 Sorry to see the rational athiest community has drunk the media's cool aid.

The undeniable fact is in USA more men are raped than women, thanks to prision rape. 80% of women illegally migrating across the Mexican border reported being raped. Rape culture exists in the migrant communities flooding Europe and soon in USA, not college campuses. But in Clinton's American it is taboo to talk about these facts.

As for Trump, he bragged that women LET him grope them because he was rich and famous. But you must repeat the media's slander that it was sexual assault. Condemn him for adultery but not a crime. Trump said many ILLEGAL immigrants were rapists, not Mexicans. How do you deny this unless youi don't believe these women reporting this?

How does a woman let someone assult them on a plane for 15 minutes and not ask for help to stop this great crime? If she was a mom and let a man do this to her child, she'd be charge with child neglect. These accusers only demonstate that women are like children, unable to defend themselves and they need a chaparone in public, or they are liars, like the Derrick Rose accuser and UVA accuser. Why didn't they go to police or file lawsuit against Trump? Because they have no evidence.

Public accusations of rape and assult are false. This is what should be a crime.

If you were all so pro-woman, shouldn't you be teaching women to scream rape when a man assults them in public? No, because in our SJW dystopia, regret is now rape. You need women to be victims. Women are helpless creatures when it comes to sexual assult, but I'm supposed to support women being police, firefighters and combat soldiers. Sorry, but I'm not drinking it, this is worse poison than any religion. If women are so weak and helpless, they shouldn't be in politics.

Why doesn't you charity teach women to scream RAPE when a man grab their genitals against their will, instead of making public acusations of rape 35 years later? Because they and Clinton need women to be victims, that is where the money and votes are.

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EXC wrote:The undeniable

EXC wrote:
The undeniable fact is in USA more men are raped than women, thanks to prision rape.

I don't suppose you have some stats to support that? I've no doubt men get raped far more often than the general public might think, but to say it approaches similar numbers as women will require substantial evidence to be believed.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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The problem will never be addressed because prision administrators and members of prision guard unions can't be fired for letting it happen. Their support for the "anti-rape" Democrat politicians is too important. The media is totally obsessed with campus rape even though it is almost non-existent. They try to find an example of it and it turns out to be a total hoax.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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Yet another reason I'm glad

Yet another reason I'm glad I'm not American.

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 Rape and molestation of

 Rape and molestation of children women or men, is an unfortunate global reality and the dark side of our species evolution. It is a psychological form of power and control for the perpitrator. China and India as well have a huge rape problem and those rapes get reported far less because of the social stigma, much like in America's past we blamed the victim much more 30 or 40 years ago than we do today. There were almost 80,000 reported sexual assaults in America in 2013 according to this FBI report.

As absurd as your comments are EXC it certainly is true that there can be falsely accused, and with cases of sexual assault and molestation, lives can be ruined by false accusations. But in cases like Trump or Cosby for that matter, courts are where guilt are decided yes. But this isn't for Sapient or me or any sane parson about treating women as weak, or unable to defend themselves. 

Both India and China have much bigger populations over 1 billion as compared to America which is only just over 300 million. And as with any crime, outside rape, the prison population will always be a majority reflecting the societies those prisoners come from. Conservatism exists in all societies and all religions with different sects and individual families that see gender roles as set and much of that is rooted in our species ignorance of antiquity where men are taught they are nothing if they don't lead the family, or girls or women are sluts if they dress certain ways or get blamed for their own rape. None of what Brian Sapient said in his OP is about saying women are weak and I fail to see how you jump to that conclusion. Men in our collective species history are still ignorant of evolutionary reality that men are only one aspect of our evolution but no more important than women. Trump is simply wrong and ignorant making comments like "Look at her, she wouldn't be my first choice". Just on that alone it shows his ignorance on what rape is and why it happens. It has NOTHING to do with looks,and for a politician to say ignorant shit like that makes him unfit and not just all the other crap he has said. Both my adoptive mother and my biological sisters were raped. And with child molestation of either boys or girls the cause is rooted in the same causes. They are not crimes based on looks or gender, which is why you are right to bring up prison rape. All those types of sexual assault are about one thing and one thing only. POWER AND CONTROL. Our species worldwide is still ignorant of this reality and when it makes justifications as to looks or blaming the victim those roots of ignorance are rooted in antiquity. Girls and women certainly ARE capable of being strong, but that also depends on men giving up GLOBALLY on the bullshit idea that gender roles matter or that "she deserved it". I also think it is bullshit for men to fight at bars or boys to fight on playgrounds over mere words. Humans in general should be taught at a young age that it is wrong to assault anyone sexually or otherwise. Male or female, or male to male, if you beat up or sexually assault someone smaller than you, it is the size that matters not the gender and if you beat up or rape anyone you are doing it to assert your dominance over that person. We see this behavior in other primates and mammals too. And it isn't always the male in that group that is the abuser no. But it is the ignorance in Trump's language and not just one time, but repeatedly. Trump's comments are simply not only insulting to victims of sexual assault, including male victims, but simply flat out scientifically ignorant and for a politician to promote that ignorance running for our highest office is dangerous for all.

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EXC wrote: The undeniable

EXC wrote:

The undeniable fact is in USA more men are raped than women, thanks to prision rape. 80% of women illegally migrating across the Mexican border reported being raped. Rape culture exists in the migrant communities flooding Europe and soon in USA, not college campuses. But in Clinton's American it is taboo to talk about these facts.

And are you not counting women in prison? I'd like to see your sources.

(edit) see my post below. That is what you get for reading information from a shit hole source like the Daily Mail. They deliberately posted that in such a way as to manipulate the reader. It didn't make sense to me as I read it because you could see they were being vauge and manipulating the original report.


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EXC wrote:

EXC wrote:


The problem will never be addressed because prison administrators and members of prision guard unions can't be fired for letting it happen. Their support for the "anti-rape" Democrat politicians is too important. The media is totally obsessed with campus rape even though it is almost non-existent. They try to find an example of it and it turns out to be a total hoax.

You must be kidding me. The Daily Mail is a fucking rag. It's shit. It's like reading the National Inquirer.

I dug deeper and actually read the fucking report.

As in previous studies, the rates of inmate-on-inmate sexual abuse reported by women were dramatically higher than the corresponding rates reported by men: among prisoners, 6.9 percent versus 1.7 percent. Men, on the other hand, reported higher rates than women of sexual misconduct by staff members (most of which is committed by staff of the opposite sex),3 and in juvenile detention, boys reported much higher rates of abuse by staff than girls did—most, again, committed by women.

In our experience, many people do not take sexual abuse committed by women as seriously as abuse committed by men. That includes many corrections officers. We have often heard staff members in women’s facilities refer dismissively to “cat fights” among the inmates and to the tendency of female inmates to replicate “family structures” inside prison. (In one such structure, for example, a woman assumes the role of “protective husband” in return for sexual favors.) But if such family structures involve sexual abuse, then this is a serious human rights issue. Rape by women is just as much of a violation as rape by men, and corrections authorities must start treating it accordingly.

And to think this is a Democratic only issue, please, you hate Democrats because you think they are liberal? Ha.


And another thing. The article in the Daily Mail manipulated it so that it seemed like more men are raped than women but in reality more women are raped in prison and more women are raped outside of prison. However, if you compare men only inside prison vs women outside prison, then they would be correct.

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That's still disgusting.

That's still disgusting. This whole subject is disgusting.

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Vastet wrote:That's still

Vastet wrote:
That's still disgusting. This whole subject is disgusting.

All rape, all abuse and all manipulation is disgusting. It's laughable that people call themselves civilized yes do the things they do to satisfy their egos.

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digitalbeachbum wrote:Vastet

digitalbeachbum wrote:

Vastet wrote:
That's still disgusting. This whole subject is disgusting.

All rape, all abuse and all manipulation is disgusting. It's laughable that people call themselves civilized yes do the things they do to satisfy their egos.

Here is from a leftist rag.

If one if 4 college women are raped, then feminism is to blame. Why aren't supposedly strong women taught to scream rape or fight back? Why don't women like Trump's accusers go to police and instead go public decades later? All these women were supposedly assusted within earshot of people that could help them. But Feminism like all leftist SJW causes need victims to feed the beast, so they don't want to fix any real problems.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen