Orca's can mimic dolphin 'speech'

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Orca's can mimic dolphin 'speech'

Killer whales learn to communicate like dolphins

October 7, 2014

Acoustical Society of America (ASA)

The sounds that most animals use to communicate are innate, not learned. However, a few species, including humans, can imitate new sounds and use them in appropriate social contexts. This ability, known as vocal learning, is one of the underpinnings of language. Now, researchers have found that killer whales can engage in cross-species vocal learning: when socialized with bottlenose dolphins, they shifted the sounds they made to more closely match their social partners.

All three killer whales that had been housed with dolphins for several years shifted the proportions of different call types in their repertoire to more closely match the distribution found in dolphins -- they produced more clicks and whistles and fewer pulsed calls. The researchers also found evidence that killer whales can learn completely new sounds: one killer whale that was living with dolphins at the time of the experiment learned to produce a chirp sequence that human caretakers had taught to her dolphin pool-mates before she was introduced to them.
Vocal learning skills alone don't necessarily mean that killer whales have language in the same way that humans do. However, they do indicate a high level of neural plasticity, the ability to change circuits in the brain to incorporate new information. "Killer whales seem to be really motivated to match the features of their social partners," said Bowles, though the adaptive significance of the behavior is not yet known.

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 I had heard of this

 I had heard of this previously. Very interesting subject.

Beyond Saving
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 I wonder if that happens

 I wonder if that happens with any kind of regularity in the wild? It is amazing how utterly clueless we are when it comes to marine life due to the difficulty of studying it compared to land life. Maybe someday we will find out what has been happening on most of the world. 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote: I

Beyond Saving wrote:

 I wonder if that happens with any kind of regularity in the wild? It is amazing how utterly clueless we are when it comes to marine life due to the difficulty of studying it compared to land life. Maybe someday we will find out what has been happening on most of the world. 

I remember a cartoon where they have dolphins and whales talking to the aliens in their UFO, holding a conversation about time travel, etc.

In the screen next to it there was a fishing troller pulling in nets and there was a dolphin in the net. The fisherman says to his boss, what do we do with this dolphin and the boss says, "kill the dumb thing, I don't want to ruin my nets".


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 Interesting but not that

 Interesting but not that surprising considering you can train a parrot to talk. Everything humans do really does stem from prior life including communication. Just like evolution produces incects that can look like plant leafs or stems.

The new COSMOS series took on the evolution of sight. 


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