Funny emails from the parents
I now believe my mother is worried about my soul. Several days ago, she sends me an email with the subject line "interesting film", followed by a Polish dubbed version of the following:
Just in case I get quizzed on it, I watched it (well, gave up after an hour and give minutes, but if that's not an honest effort, I don't know what is). Do not watch this film unless you want your senses bombarded with pure stupid. Funny enough, they agreed with me at a family dinner when I mentioned during Jindal's attempt to back-door creationism into science classes, that it is terrible how these groups are trying to destroy science education. Then they send me this. It's even got Ken Ham in it FFS. The godfather of this mafia of stupidity.
Theists - If your god is omnipotent, remember the following: He (or she) has the cure for cancer, but won't tell us what it is.
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I read the comments below and ignored the video. Glad I did. The comments pretty much summed up the entire video.
I'd say an hour and some minutes is a heroic effort. I randomly clicked on a time and watched about 2 minutes on how the babble suggested that the universe was expanding long before the stupid scientists figured it out... and then I couldn't take the stupidity anymore.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
re :: Sometimes it's hard ...
Quote (from the video link) :
As one God is the creator and source of all life; Nature itself energizes, and guided by His hand. Who hasn't felt the rumble of the approaching storm and not felt the might? Thunderstorms, are an amazing display of atmospheric phenomena. On average, thunderstorms produce several hundred million gallons per second; an equivalent to the amount of water that falls over Niagara Falls every six minutes. These same-storms release over 10,000,000 kila-Watts of energy; the equivalent to 20-ton nuclear weapon. Many major severe storms can reach ten or even 100 times more energy. Hundreds of storms are occurring around the world each day, this amounts to about 16 million thunderstorms each year. The accompanying lightning illuminates the entire skyline. A bolt can reach over 5 miles in length and contain over 100 million electrical Volts (of energy); soar to temperatures approaching 50,000°F in a split second. Hotter than the surface of the sun. On average, lightning strikes the earth 100 times every second ..several hundred bolts reached Earth each day. With the incredible speed and the glaring thunderous flash are clear manifestations of our creator's majestic power, power of god's awesome might. Thunderstorms are an incredible phenomenon, in an atmosphere: awesome, powerful, frightening have all kinds of energy releases; thunderstorms are releasing large quantities of energy in our atmosphere. Thunderstorms contributor major amount in the water-cycle, the hydrologic cycle. Thunderstorms are a major part of that cycle it converts liquid water vapor drifts over the continents, as it falls as rain falls back to the good earth, (into the sea),. Lightning and thunderstorms are often used as God's wrath towards rebellious people. But everyone has been struck by lightning and storm and the smell the fresh air afterwards. Lightning puts together two gases in the air as hydrogen and nitrogen. In an average lightning stroke, goes through the air, it releases the nitrogen within vapor form that fertilizes our crops as it falls to the ground, [thus] they (the crops) are fertilized by the nitrogen produced by thunderstorms. (end quote).
I agree I didn't make anywhere near the whole hour. Where I disagree, is with all the lofty and majestic scenery, Strange stirrings of the inner-Psalter swept over me like the churnings of the great sea; so I made a poem, in the form of a Psalm (albeit of a rather common One). See Image.
p.s. -- Shout-outs to the Fonz, Aaaaa!