Religious Tourette's Syndrome?

I've noticed now four times on four separate forums where Christians debate Atheists that you'll get a post like a banned member here called "Bismillah" wrote a while back in response to one of Dana's posts.
I want to jerk off and cum in your mouth.
This was after he had written a somewhat literal reply to the thread topic and Dana had rebutted it. In another debate forum there was this post from a guy who was fond of posting apocalyptic conspiracy theories.
I want to fuck you in the ass.
These always come after a female has made a reply to their post and they get repetitious until, if the mods are doing their jobs,they get blocked and banned. What's going on here? I've seen this as a regular thing now on several atheist vs. theist debate forums, it always comes from someone claiming to represent the Christian side of the argument. Is it some misguided atheist or some other anti Christian worldview wanting to "sabotage" the Christian side or are we seeing a pattern of mental illness here? Could it be a combination of ill theistic thought combined with years of sexual repression coming out through the impersonal buffer of the internet?
Whatever it is, I've noticed it to be a pattern coming from what appears to be four separate and independent sources and it seems to have cropped up fairly recently. Thouhgts?
"Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings."
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Mentally handicapped persons are especially vulnerable to religious influence, and especially targeted by religious institutions for indoctrination. As a result, most of them are sucked into the black hole of theism, and it is much harder for someone with pre-existing mental issues to break free. Thus, you end up with a higher percentage of mentally handicapped people in theist populations than atheist populations. Much higher. It's sad, but it will be quite awhile before things change I think.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I'm not sure it is really a religious thing, I have seen similar comments occur at political forums and even a philosophy forum. I think it is just immature teenagers who feel secure behind the relative anonymity of the internet and think it is funny.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
Why don't I get comments like that?
I want to fuck you in the ass and cum on your face.
Damn I feel slimy even saying that in jest.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
The basic answer is (and this applies to any debate with someone who is, at their core, petty, or just occasionally emotionally involved and at a loss for words at any moment), when there's nothing else, people resort to insults.
When you see religious people doing it (especially any of the more fundamentalist mono-theists), misogyny is part of their way of thinking, so it takes the form of something like that. The funny part is, the people that say such phrases out of vitriol, probably would never utter it in a positive light (as in during a good old fashioned romp full of dirty talk everywhere), so to them, these are phrases seen only as degrading.
When I say things like that, I'm usually just about to follow through with it, and that's just...WAY more fun!!
Theists - If your god is omnipotent, remember the following: He (or she) has the cure for cancer, but won't tell us what it is.