Asthma: Vehicular pollution as bad as 2nd hand smoke

Mar. 21, 2013 — New research conducted in 10 European cities has estimated that 14% of chronic childhood asthma is due to exposure to traffic pollution near busy roads.
The results are comparable to the burden associated with passive smoking: the World Health Organization estimates that between 4% and 18% of asthma cases in children are linked to passive smoking.
I've been telling anti-smoker nazi's that I'll quit smoking when they quit driving for years. It's about time the science community started proving the pollution from drivers is just as bad.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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I'm surprised no one has commented on this yet. It seems that more and more of these studies are cropping up and I agree with you on the smoking issue. Smokers have been persecuted for way too many years now. No one is going to successfully argue that smoking is healthy, but there are so many unhealthy elements to our environment today that it seems ludicrous to single out smoking. Quite frankly, our overall diet does far more harm to a greater number of people than smoking...but I digress.
There were some other studies recently released indicating that autoimmune diseases were on the rise. The media broadcast it as being linked to salt in our diets, but I'm not terribly trustful of the media and I haven't read all of the studies. Mostly I found it interesting because I do think the pollutants in our environment (including, but not limited to the food we buy) has a significant effect on our health and I find it unlikely that the major food companies or auto manufacturers or any large company has our best interests at heart. The chemicals that are being added to seeds to ensure a prolific crop would be enough to frighten anyone.
I agree.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.