If the God of the bible does not exist, then why debate it?
In attacking Jesus Christ , Atheism might render itself a disservice.
Do you lead an attack on a non existent being?
Atheism to the logistician seems unreasonable.
At night we see many stars in the sky. But when the sun rises, they disappear. Can we claim, therefore, that during the day there are no stars in the sky? If we fail to see God, perhaps it is because we pass through the night of ignorance in this matter. it is premature to claim He does not exist.
Richard Wurmbrand
appeal to ignorance is an argument for or against a proposition on the basis of a lack of evidence against or for it. If there is positive evidence for the conclusion, then of course we have other reasons for accepting it, but a lack of evidence by itself is no evidence for a no God.
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Try not to get bogged down in a discussion about labels. Big waste of time. You know where you stand and why. That's all that matters.
Yeah, you're right...thanks. Sorry it took me so long to respond.
To be an atheist, you are still adhering to a specific belief system. In the case of atheism; that a god or gods could not possibly have created the universe.
Of all the people I know who call themselves atheists, I don't think a single one believes "a god or gods could not possibly have created the universe". However, if you really want to stop discussing these definitions, I'll simply call myself a non-theist and we'll be done.
It's not necessarily lacking the knowledge, but rather claiming that the knowledge is unobtainable.
I think the word 'agnostic' can apply to either one. I may be wrong, however.
The only one I'm aware of is from your heart truly seeking out this God of the bible and living your life according to His Law (NT not OT). All that I'm aware of who have honestly taken the time and fully sought out this god from their heart has been united with this God.
Will you give me a rough estimate as to how many of these people you're aware of?
Also, are replicable tests the only way of finding out truth?
For discovering the truth about what exists independent of our minds, I think it is the best, but not they only, way.
If you were checking to see if I was actually human by testing whether I'd make the same choice each time you asked for it
If I were checking to see if you were actually human, I would first want to meet and interact with you while several competent witnesses are present.
a spirit by direct definition would be the same as a soul or basically the consciousness of a person. Literally it is an external consciousness that mediates between body and soul.
So, a spirit is basically a disembodied soul? A consciousness without a body?
It'd be like trying to study a peice of light from the air. In fact, that might be a place to start. Consider how you might study a peice of light or a photon and possibly we might be able to manipulate it to study external consciousness.
There's actually a really cool video about something like this; here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_9vd4HWlVA
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Whether what they find are spirits or external stimuli is up for debate.
No, same problem yet again. This is only "up for debate" in the same way that the reality of any fiction your imagination can come up with, is "up for debate".
You have to draw the line somewhere, and you do. If you didn't, you would be unable to function, stuck in an endless cycle of scratching your head at people for dismissing supernatural claim #12681, #12682, #12683, etc.
So again, what does it take for you to declare a supernatural claim complete nonsense, or do you simply believe anything anyone tells you ?
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Of all the people I know who call themselves atheists, I don't think a single one believes "a god or gods could not possibly have created the universe". However, if you really want to stop discussing these definitions, I'll simply call myself a non-theist and we'll be done.
doesn't bother me either way. I don't think it's beneficial to our ultimate goal on this thread, but if it's something you feel necessary to discuss, we can go as far as you want with it.
Just because someone calls themselves "atheist" does not mean they adhere to the true definition of it. This is seen very clearly in Christianity. I would say a good chunk of people who call themselves "Christian" haven't a clue what it means to be a Christian.
Will you give me a rough estimate as to how many of these people you're aware of?
in regards to people truly seeking out God from their heart and finding Him. I'm 'aware' of a lot of people from all over the world in all different cultures... Personally I know maybe 10 give or take a few. The latter is probably more pertinent to your question be it that I cannot defend whether the others truly follow God or are just claiming to have had a revelation that could be associated with something else. Obviously there's a discrepancy between those who 'found god' through the means of a sect that determined it for them and those who truly 'found God'.
For discovering the truth about what exists independent of our minds, I think it is the best, but not they only, way.
what other ways would you accept?
If I were checking to see if you were actually human, I would first want to meet and interact with you while several competent witnesses are present.
Granted, but the point was, to test God as originally suggested is a poor excuse for determining his existence. Your suggestion above makes a lot more sense. The thing with God is, He doesn't just appear at everyone's demand. That's where seeking him out with your whole heart comes into play.
So, a spirit is basically a disembodied soul? A consciousness without a body?
to put it simply, that's the best way we understand it.
There's actually a really cool video about something like this; here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_9vd4HWlVA
that is a really cool video. That kind of study would work if we could visually see spirits... which seems to not be consistent and is believed that only those who have the specific ability to see them can... kind of like some people can smell certain smells and others cannot. With that said, it is clear that spirits... considering light for a moment, don't reflect light in a visible way, but because they are typically understood to have properties of energy.. of some sort, it could be possible to detect, but we'd have to figure out exactly how and once we can detect it, we'd have to figure out how to get a sample of it and study it. Though that video is good, it still hasn't taken a sample of a photon and studied it, rather it studied the behavior of photons (who knows how many) when traveling through space and when interacting with objects.
Be it that a spirit exists from what we understand, outside the physical, we're going to have a hard time with this approach. Probably want to go more simplistic
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yea, I'll be around. It's how I've learned and grown in my faith
I'm also in a years long discussion on the history of scripture with pjts. We're not quite half way through yet. Still talking about kings in history.